PART Ⅰ: Frames 3
1 Introduction: Localizing Transitional Justice&Rosalind Shaw and Lars Waldorf 3
2 Stay the Hand of Justice: Whose Priorities Take Priority?&Harvey M.Weinstein, Laurel E.Fletcher, Patrick Vinck, and Phuong N.Pham 27
3 Transitional Justice After September 11: A New Rapport with Evil&Pierre Hazan 49
PART Ⅱ: Local Engagements 69
4 An Acknowledged Failure: Women, Voice, Violence, and the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission&Fiona C.Ross 69
5 Histories of Innocence: Postwar Stories in Peru&Kimberly Theidon 92
6 Linking Justice with Reintegration? Ex-Combatants and the Sierra Leone Experiment&Rosalind Shaw 111
PART Ⅲ: Power, Politics, and Priorities 135
7 Reconciliation Grown Bitter? War, Retribution, and Ritual Action in Northern Uganda&Sverker Finnstrom 135
8 Silence and Dialogue: Burundians’ Alternatives to Transitional Justice&Ann Nee and Peter Uvin 157
9 “Like Jews Waiting for Jesus”: Posthumous Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda&Lars Waldorf 183
PART Ⅳ: Practicing Place-Based Justice 205
10 Weaving a Braid of Histories: Local Post-Armed Conflict Initiatives in Guatemala&Laura J.Arriaza and Naomi Roht-Arriaza 205
11 Dealing with the Past when the Conflict Is Still Present: Civil Society Truth-Seeking Initiatives in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict&Ron Dudai and Hillel Cohen 228
12 Local Transitional Justice Practice in Pretransition Burma&Patrick Falvey 253
Afterword: Elevating Transitional Local Justice or Crystallizing Global Governance?&Moses Chrispus Okello 275
Notes 285
Bibliography 305
Index 337