《The formative essays of Justice Holmes》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Frederic Rogers Kellogg.
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:1984
  • ISBN:0313240159
  • 页数:291 页

Part One: The Making of an American Legal Philosophy 3

1 Antecedents 3

2 From Doubt to Insight 23

3 The Outlines of an Original Theory 42

4 Morals and the Definition of Law 58

Part Two: The Formative Essays of Justice Holmes 77

Codes, and the Arrangement of the Law 77

Book Notices. The Law Magazine and Review 91

The Arrangement of the Law. Privity 95

The Theory of Torts 117

Primitive Notions in Modern Law 129

Primitive Notions in Modern Law. No. Ⅱ 147

Possession 167

Common Carriers and the Common Law 201

Trespass and Negligence 225

Notes 261

Bibliographical Essay 277

Index 283