1 Introduction&Doris Buss and Ambreena Manji 1
2 Feminist Approaches to International Law: Reflections from Another Century&Christine Chinkin, Shelley Wright and Hilary Charlesworth 17
3 International Human Rights and Feminisms: When Discourses Keep Meeting&Karen Engle 47
4 Feminism Here and Feminism There: Law, Theory and Choice&Therese Murphy 67
5 Austerlitz and International Law: A Feminist Reading at the Boundaries&Doris Buss 87
6 Disconcerting ‘Masculinities’: Reinventing the Gendered Subject(s) of International Human Rights Law&Dianne Otto 105
7 The ‘Unforgiven’ Sources of International Law: Nation-Building, Violence and Gender in the West(ern)&Ruth Buchanan and Rebecca Johnson 131
8 ‘The Beautyful Ones’ of Law and Development&Ambreena Manji 159
9 Feminist Perspectives in International Economic Law&Fiona Beveridge 173
10 Transcending the Conquest of Nature and Women: A Feminist Perspective on International Environmental Law&Annie Rochette 203
11 The United Nations and Gender Mainstreaming: Limits and Possibilities&Sari Kouvo 237
12 Women’s Rights and the Organization of African Unity and African Union: The Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa&Rachel Murray 253
13 Sexual Violence, International Law and Restorative Justice&Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic 273
Index 295