《Security over corporeal movables》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Sauverplanne
  • 出 版 社:A. W. Sijthoff
  • 出版年份:1974
  • ISBN:9028600744
  • 页数:308 页

Introduction&the Editor 1

1.Title to Goods&the Editor 7

2.England and Wales&Aubrey L.Diamond Former Professor of Law Member of the Law CommissionLondon 23

3.Scotland&W.A.Wilson Professor of Law University of Edinburgh 43

4.United States of America&Morris G.Shanker Professor of Law Case Western University Cleveland, Ohio 49

5.Canada&Jacob S.Ziegel Professor of Law Osgood Law School York University Toronto, Ontario 71

6.France&Georges Briere de I’Isle Professor of Law University of Paris 115

7.Italy&Brunetto Carpino Professor of Law University of Catania 133

8.The Netherlands&the Editor 163

9.Germany&Ulrich Drobnig Member of the Staff Max Planck Institut fur auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg 181

10.Suisse, with English Summary&Pierre Tercier Professeur en droit Universite de Fribourg 207

11.Sweden&Bo Helander Assistant Professor University of Stockholm 249

12.Asia&Dereck Roebuck Professor of Law University of Tasmania 271

13.Conclusion&the Editor 293

Index 305