PART Ⅰ The Syndrome Society 3
1. The Syndrome Society: Justice or Illegitimate Excuse? 3
2. The Rise of the Syndrome Society: A New Perspective on Criminal Culpability 17
PART Ⅱ Domestic Violence and Battered Woman Syndrome (BWS) 53
3. The Nature of Domestic Abuse 53
4. Theories of Battering Relationships 76
PART Ⅲ BWS Reconsidered: Weighing Positive and Negative Consequences 103
5. Positive Aspects: BWS and the Narrative of Abuse in Law and Society 103
6. Legal Critiques of Battered Woman Syndrome 138
7. Syndromes and Political Theory: The Twilight of Considered Judgment and Citizenship 182
PART Ⅳ Conclusion 223
8. A New Framework for Battered Women: Self-Defense and the Necessity of the Situation By Donald A. Downs and Evan Gerstmann 223
Notes 251
Index 301