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  • 作  者:NOELLE
  • 出 版 社:QUENIVET
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页

Introduction 3

Chapter 1: Confronting the Challenges of International Law and Armed Conflict in the 21st Century&Noelle QUENIVET and Shilan SHAH-DAVIS 3

Chapter 2: Myths of ‘Lawfare’ and ‘Legal Encirclement’&Christopher P.M.WATERS 31

Section 1: Accountability 57

Chapter 3: Issues of the Draft Convention on the Criminal Accountability of United Nations Officials and Experts on Mission&Melanie O’BRIEN 57

Chapter 4: Internationalising the Colombian Armed Conflict through Humanitarian Law and Transitional Justice&Rafael A.PRIETO SANJUAN 76

Chapter 5: Criminal Accountability or Civil Liability: Which Approach Most Effectively Redresses the Negative Environmental Consequences of Armed Conflict?&Tara SMITH 95

Commentary on: Accountability&Bill BOWRING 115

Section 2: Environment and Natural Resources 123

Chapter 6: The Impact of Armed Conflict on Sustainable Development:A Holistic Approach&Onita DAs 123

Chapter 7: A Darker Shade of Green: Is it Time to Ecocentrise the Laws of War?&Karen HULME 142

Chapter 8: Targeted Economic Measures to Curb Armed Conflict?The Kimberley Process on the Trade in ‘Conflict Diamonds’&Jan Erik WETZEL 161

Commentary on: Environment and Natural Resources&William SCHABAS 182

Section 3: Privatisation and Armed Conflict 189

Chapter 9: Business under Fire: Transnational Corporations and Human Rights in Conflict Zones&Olga MARTIN-ORTEGA 189

Chapter 10: The Influence of Non-Governmental Actors on Compliance with International Law - Compliance with United Nations Security Council Decisions on Angola’s Conflict Diamonds&Pini Pavel MIRETSKI 208

Chapter 11: Private Regulation of Private Military Companies: A Potentially Private Solution to a Commercial Problem?&Dewi WILLIAMS 227

Commentary on: Privatisation and Armed Conflict&Ademola ABASS 241

Section 4: Children and Armed Conflict 245

Chapter 12: Children and the International Criminal Court&Cynthia CHAMBERLAIN 245

Chapter 13: Child Terrorists: Why and How Should they Be Protected by International Law&Hilly MOODRICK-EVEN KHEN 262

Commentary on: Children and Armed Conflict&William SCHABAS 283

Section 5: Implementation of International Humanitarian Law 289

Chapter 14: Today’s Quest for International Criminal Justice -A Short Overview of the Present State of Criminal Prosecution of International Crimes&Sascha-Dominik BACHMANN 289

Commentary on: Implementation of International Humanitarian Law&Bill BOWRING 309

Commentary on: Implementation of International Humanitarian Law&Gerd HANKEL 313

Section 6: Reforming the Laws of War 319

Chapter 15: Bridging the Gaps in the Laws of Armed Conflict? International Criminal Tribunals and the Development of Humanitarian Law&Shane DARCY 319

Chapter 16: Devising New Rules for Regulating International Terrorism Warfare and Engaging Non-State Actors in the Negotiations&Konstantinos D.MAGLIVERAS 338

Commentary on: Reforming the Laws of War&Gerd HANKEL 356

Section 7: Peace, Security and Justice 363

Chapter 17: ‘In the Interest of Peace and in the Interest of Justice’: Security Council Deferrals as a Constructive Tool for Conflict Resolution&Yassin A.M’BOGE 363

Chapter 18: Procedural Aspects of the Relationship Between the International Criminal Court and Future Truth Commissions.Lessons Learned from the Cases of Sierra Leone and East Timor&Madalena PAMPALK 380

Chapter 19: The Impact of the Legal Right to Self-Determination on the Law of Occupation as a Framework for Post-Conflict State Reconstruction&Matthew SAUL 398

Commentary on: Peace, Security and Justice&Ademola ABASS 417

Commentary on: Peace, Security and Justice&Nigel WHITE 420

Conclusion 425

Chapter 20: Conclusion&Noelle QUENIVET and Shilan SHAH-DAVIS 425

Index 431