
  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李继凯著
  • 出 版 社:长沙:湖南教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7535524753
  • 页数:404 页

导言 秦地:文化与小说的厚土 1

Introduction Qin Land,the Fertile Land of Culture and Fiction 1

一 20世纪秦地小说的文化轨迹 24

1—1 并非漂亮的开端 24

1—1 Not a Good Beginning 24

1. The Cultural Evolution of the Fiction on the Qin Land in the Twentieth Century 24

1—2 延安文化与根据地小说 34

Area 34

Postscript 40

1—3 The White Poplar School in the Fiction on the Qin Land 60

1—3 秦地小说中的“白杨树派” 60

1—4 The Rich and Complex Fiction of Shaanxi Troops 82

1—4 丰富而又复杂的“陕军”小说 82

2—1 Three Planks of the Culture of Three Qin 98

2. The Cultural Pattern of the Fiction on the Qin Land in the Twentieth Century 98

二 20世纪秦地小说的文化格局 98

2—1 三个板块 98

2—2 文化范畴 113

2—2 On the Cultural Category 113

3. The Cultural Motif of the Fiction on the Qin Land in the Twentieth Century 151

三 20世纪秦地小说的文化主题 151

3—1 The Motif of Existence and Creation 153

3—1 生存·创业主题 153

3—2 The Motif of Rebellion and Revolution 162

3—2 造反·革命主题 162

3—3 The Motif of Sex and Love 170

3—3 性恋·爱情主题 170

3—4 The Motif of Extrication and conviction 179

3—4 解脱·信仰主题 179

四 20世纪秦地小说的文化心态 190

4.The Cultural Psychology of the Fiction on the Qin Land in the Twentieth Century 190

4—1 求实求变心态 192

4—1 Seek for Reality and Change 192

4—2 恋乡怀旧心态 204

4—2 Yearn for the Hometown and Think of the Past 204

4—3 About the Waste Land and the Waste City 214

4—3 废土废都心态 214

五 20世纪秦地小说与民间文化 247

5—1 民俗民风的呈现 247

5.The Fiction and the Folk Culture on the Qin Land in the Twentieth Century 247

5—1 The Presentation of the Folk Customs and the Local Traits 247

5—2 方言文化的吸纳 279

5—2 The Absorbtion of the Dialect Culture 279

5—3 The Reconstruction of the Folk Archetype 298

5—3 民间原型的重构 298

6—1 大西北文学的一支主力军 311

六 20世纪中国文学格局中的秦地小说 311

6.The Fiction on the Qin Land in the Pattern of Chinese Literature in the Twentieth Century 311

6—1 A Main Force of the Northwest Literature 311

6—2 秦地小说的三次“东征” 325

6—2 The East-Spreading of the Fiction on the Qin Land for three times 325

1 20世纪秦地小说家传略 360

附录 360

Appendix 360

1 The Biographical Notes of the Novelists on the Qin Land 360

2 新时期秦地小说的民间原型 373

2 The Folk Archetype of the Fiction on the Qin Land in the New Period of China 373

3 主要参考书目 394

Main Reference Books 394

后记 401