
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:朱紫超,李一等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:1987
  • ISBN:7111018680
  • 页数:344 页

前言 1

第一章 与名词连用的功能词 1

第一节 冠词 1

1-0.0不定冠词 a(an) 1

2-0.0定冠词 the 5

第二节 指示词 this,that,these,those 10

第三节 物主代词 my,your,his,her,its,our,their 14

第四节 数词 17

1-0.0 基数词 17

2-0.0序数词 18

3-0.0分数词 19

第五节 其它限定词 all,another,any,both,each,either,enough,every,few,a few, the fewest,half,last,less,little,a fewer little,many,more,most,much,next,no,one,only,other,same,several,some,such,very,what,whatever,which,whichever,whole 20

第六节 否定小品词 not 45

第七节 联系动词be,become,remain 46

第八节 介词 47

1-0.0单纯介词 aboard,about,above,acrossa,fter,against,along,amid(st),among,amongst,around,as,astride,at,athward,atop,bar,barring,before,behind,below,beneath,beside,besides,between,beyond,but,by,concerning,considering,despite,down,during,ex 48

2-0.0合成介词 alongside,inside,into,notwithstanding,onto,outside,throughout,upon,within,without 140

3-0.0 复合介词 apart from,as for,as from,as of ,as regards,as to,but for,due to ,except for,inside of,next to,out of,outside of ,regardless of,together with,up to ,up with 146

4-0.0成语介词 according to,ahead of ,because of,by means of,for the sake of,in additin to,in(the)case of,in front of,in place of,in spite of,instead of,on account of,owing to,thanks to,with regard to 157

第一节 特殊动词 164

1-0.0助动词 be,be going to,do,have,shall,will,should,would 164

第二章 与动词连用的功能词 164

2-0.0情态动词 can,could,may,might,must,need,shall,will,should,would,dare,ought,used,had better,would(had)rather 172

第二节 联系动词 appear,be,become,feel,get,look,grow,remain,seem 192

第三节 表示体貌意义的动词 keep 198

第四节 否定小品词not,never,either 198

第五节 半否定小品词 hardly,scarcely 201

第六节 构形小品词 to 202

第七节 固定词组in order to,so as to,so…as to 207

第八节 副词ever 207

第九节 疑问代词和疑问副词 who,what,which,when,where,why,how 208

第一节 表示比较等级的词 more,most 211

第三章 与形容词和副词连用的功能词 211

第二节 程度小品词 all,almost,any,awfully,barely,dead,enough,even,fairly,good,hardly,just,less,merely,most,much,no,over,pretty,quite,rather,right,scarcely,so,some,still,that,the,too,very 212

第三节 联系动词appear,be,become,feel,get,grow,look,remain,seem,smell,sound,taste,turn 225

第四节 否定小品词 not 228

第四章 用来连接词、词组或句子的功能词 229

第一节 连接词 229

1-0.0并列连接词 229

1-1.0 联系连接词 and,as well as,both…and,neither…nor,nor,not only…but(also) 229

1-2.0选择连接词 either…or,or,rather than 235

1-3.0反义连接词 but,however,nevertheless,still,yet 238

1-4.0推论连接词 otherwise,so,therefore 241

1-6.0对比连接词 whereas,while 242

1-5.0原因连接词 for 242

2-0.0从属连接词 243

2-1.0引导名词从句的连接词 243

2-1.1连接代词 what,whatever,whichever,who,whoever,whom,whomever,whose 243

2-1.2连接副词 how,when,where,why 247

2-1.3联系连接词 if,that,whether 251

2-2.0引导状语从句的连接词 254

2-2.1时间连接词 after,as,as soon as,before,directly,each time,ever since,instantly,once,no sooner…than,since,the instant,the moment,till,until,when,whenever,while 254

2-2.2地点连接词 where,wherever 262

2-2.3原因连接词 as,as long as,because,considering(that),not that…but that,now(that)Seeing(that),since 263

2-2.4结果连接词 and,so,so that,so…that,such that,such…that,that 266

2-2.5目的连接词 for fear that,in case,in order that,lest,so,so that,that 269

2-2.6条件连接词 as long as,but that,if,once,on condition(that),provided(that),so far as,so long as,suppose(that),supposing,unless 271

2-2.7比较连接词 as,as…as,like,(not)so…as,than,the…the 275

2-2.8让步连接词 although,as,even if,even,though,however,nomatter,though,whatever,whenever,wherever,whichever,whoever 277

2-2.9方式连接词 according as,as,as if,as though 281

第二节 关系词 283

1-0.0关系代词 as,that,which,who,whom,whose 283

2-0.0关系副词 when,where,why 287

第五章 用于句首的功能词 290

第一节 代词 it 290

第二节 引导小品词 there 294

1-0.0疑问代词 who,whom,whose,whoever,what,whatever,which,whichever 296

第三节 疑问词 296

2-0.0疑问副词 when,where,why,how 301

第四节 用于对话开端的功能词 yes,no,well,oh,naw why,look,say,listen,please,let,would 302

第六章 替代性功能词 309

第一节 名词性替代词 309

1-0.0代词 309

1-1.0人称代词I,me,you,he,him,she,her,it we,us,they,them 309

1-2.0物主代词 314

1-2.1形容词性的物主代词 my,your,his,her,its,our,their 314

1-2.2 名词性的物主代词 mine,yours,his,hers,ours,theirs 315

1-3.0关系代词 who,whom,whose,which,that 317

1-5.0指示代词this,that,these,those 319

1-4.0疑问代词 who,whom,whose,what,which 319

2-0.0名词所有格 323

3-0.0替代词one(s) 323

4-0.0作代词用的限定词 all,another,any,both,each,either,enough,few,less,little,many,much,neither,other(s),some 325

5-0.0其它代词 each other,one another,none,the former,the latter,the former…the latter 329

第二节 动词性替代词 do(does,did),do so 332

第三节 分句性替代词 so,not 334

第四节 状语性替代词 there,then 335

第五节 其它替代词 as,so 336

附:功能词用法索引 338

参考书目 343