
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:胡朝元等著
  • 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7502136460
  • 页数:139 页

第一章 源控论的提出与应用 1

一、源控论的提出 1

1.Proposition of Source Control Theory 1

Chapter 1 Proposition and Application of Source Control Theory 1

二、源控论是盆地控油学说的重大发展 7

2.Source Control Theory is Major Development of Basin Oil Control Theory 7

三、源控论是定凹选带区域勘探方法的指导理论 12

3.Source Control Theory is a Guiding Idea for Method of Exploration-First Reveal Oil Generation Depression,Then Selecting Zone for Exploration 12

第二章 源控论的广泛适用性——油气运移距离频率直方图的编制 16

一、油气运移距离研究现状 16

1.Current Study of Oil and Gas Migration Distance 16

Chapter 2 Extensive Suitability of Source Control Theory-Compilation of Histogram for Oil and Gas Migration Distance Frequency 16

二、油气运移距离与含油气盆地(凹陷)、成油系统频率直方图的编制 17

2.Compilation of Histogram for Migration Distance vs. Oil-bearing Basin(Depression),Petroleum System Frequency 17

三、油气运移距离实例分析 19

3.Case Analysis of Oil and Gas Migration Distance 19

Chapter 3 Petroleum System and Criterion for Division 57

第三章 成油系统及其划分原则 57

1.History of Petroleum System Research and Main Content 57

一、成油系统研究历史及内涵 57

二、成油系统划分原则 62

2.Criterion of Division of Petroleum System 62

3.Petroleum System and Oil and Gas Geological Unit Series 74

三、成油系统与含油气地质单元序列 74

1.Carrier Layer 79

Chapter 4 Basic Elements of Petroleum System 79

一、输导层 79

第四章 成油系统基本要素 79

2.Discussion about Overlying Rocks 89

二、关于上覆地层的讨论 89

3.Trap 97

三、圈闭 97

Chapter 5 Petroleum System Boundary 102

第五章 成油系统边界 102

1.Pinchout Belt of Permeable Rocks 103

一、渗透层尖灭带 103

2.Variation Zone of Cape Rock 108

二、盖层剧变带 108

3.Faulted Belt 111

三、断裂带 111

4.Division Trough 113

四、分割槽 113

5.Zonation Line of Hydrocarbon Source Rock Maturity 122

五、烃源岩成熟度分区线 122

6.Denudation Belt and Uplift Belt 127

六、剥蚀带或隆起带 127

Chapter 6 Classification of Petroleum System 133

第六章 成油系统分类 133

References 137

参考文献 137