1名琴失踪Precious violin missing 2
2美人涉嫌Pretty woman is suspe 20
3重案燃情A special feeling arosed by the case 38
4深海激流Undercurrent of love 56
5惊天大劫案A shocking plundr case 76
6案中案Case hidden in case 94
7情中情Feeling hidden in feeling 118
8谜中谜Riddle hidden in riddle 128
9一个女孩名叫诗意Initial secrets about a beauty 136
10终结者,婚变与火并Divorce and fight at last 152
11北京与布拉格之恋Fall in love 176
12大诉讼,婚案与盗案The cases and feelings conflict in court 211
13真情剪不断,案情理还乱The feeling and case more complicated 236
14结婚容易离婚难Easy to marry,Hard to divorce 249
15共和国悲喜Tragedy happen in national celebration 271
16京港爱情线Special Love in Beijing and HongKong 292
17我有情人I have lover 313
18恨别鸟惊心Separate full of suffering 340
19情人的节日Lover s festival 357
20危机四伏Crisis-ridden 384
21反恐行动Anti-terrorism action 401
22爱河长流Love forever 417
后记Postface 434