《财务报表解析 英文版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)LynM.Fraser,(美)AileenOrmiston著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7301054203
  • 页数:267 页

第一章 财务报表:概述 1

Map or Maze 1

CHAPTER1 Financial Statements:An Overview 1

Organization 3

Usefulness 4

The Financial Statements 5

Votume of Information 5

Notes to the Financial Statements 9

前言 13

Preface 13

Auditor s Report 13

Uses of the Sixth Edition 14

第6版 的应用 14

Other Required Information 15

Features of the Sixth Edition 15

第6版 的特色 15

Pandora(A.K.A“PR Fluff”) 16

Complexity 17

Alphabet Soup 17

Acknowledgments 17

致谢 17

A Global Marketplace 19

Mythical Mountain 19

Other Discretionary Issues 22

More Complications 22

Quality of Financial Reporting 24

Accounting Policies, Estimates-Choices and Changes 25

Timing of Revenue and Expense Recognition 26

Discretionary Items 27

Non-recurring and Non-Operating Items 28

Impact of Inflation 30

Missing and Hard-to-Find Information 31

Self-Test 33

Study Questions and Problems 36

La-Z-Boy Mini-Case 38

Chambers Development Company Mini-Case 42

CHAPTER2 The Balance Sheet 50

第二章 资产负债表 50

Financial Condition 51

Consolidation 51

Balance Sheet Date 51

Assets 53

Current Assets 53

Comparative Data 53

Cash and Marketabte Securities 54

Accounts Receivable 55

Inventories 56

Inventory Accounting Methods 57

Prepaid Expenses 60

Property,Plant,and Equipment 60

Other Assets 62

Liabilities 63

Current Liabilities 63

Notes Payable 64

Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt 64

Accrued Liabilities 64

Accounts Payable 64

Unearned Revenue or Deferred Credits 65

Deferred Federal Income Taxes 65

Long-Term Debt 68

Other Liabilities 68

Stockholders Equity 69

Common Stock 69

Additional Paid-In Capital 69

Other Equity Accounts 70

Retained Eamings 70

Other Balance Sheet Items 71

Self-Test 72

Study Questions and Problems 76

Intel Corporation Mini-Case 79

The Rival Company Mini-Case 83

第三章 损益表及所有者权益表 90

CHAPTER3 Income‘Statement and Statement of Stockholders’Equity 90

The Income Statement 91

Net Sales 93

Cost of Goods Sold 94

Gross Profit 95

Operating Expense 95

Depreciation and Amortization 96

Operating Profit 97

Earnings Before Income Taxes 98

Net Earnings 98

Other Income(Expense) 98

Comprehensive Income 99

Earnings Per Common Share 99

The Statement of Stockholders Equity 100

Self-Test 106

Earnings Quality,Inflation,Cash Flow,Segmental Accounting 106

Study Questions and Problems 110

Time Warner Mini-Case 113

Compaq Computer Corporation Mini-Case 116

第四章 现金流量表 119

CHAPTER4 Statement of Cash Flows 119

Preparing a Statement of Cash Flows 120

Calculating Cash Flow from Operating Activities 125

Direct Method 125

Indirect Method 128

Cash Flow from Investing Activities 130

Cash Flow from Financing Activities 130

Change in Cash 131

Analyzing the Statement of Cash Flows 133

Cash Flow from Operations 133

Nocash Corporation 134

Help from a Statement of Cash Flows 136

Summary Analysis of the Statement of Cash Flows 137

Self-Test 138

Study Questions and Problems 142

PETsMART Mini-Case 148

Royal Appliance Mfg.Co.and Subsidiaries Mini-Case 151

CHAPTER5 The Analysis of Financial Statements 154

Objective of Analysis 154

第五章 财务报表分析 154

Management Discussion and Analysis 156

Auditor s Report 156

Supplementary Schedules 156

Form 10-K and Form 10-Q 156

Sources of Information 156

Other Sources 157

Tools and Techniques 158

Common Size Financial Statements 158

Key Financial Ratios 161

Liquidity Ratios:Short-Term Solvency 161

Activity Ratios:Asset Liquidity,Asset Management Efficiency 164

Leverage Ratios:Debt Financing and Coverage 167

Profitability Ratios:Overall Efficiency and Performance 169

Analyzing the Data 171

Background:Economy,Industry,and Firm 172

Short-Term Liquidity 173

Net Trade Cycle 175

Capital Structure and Long-Term Solvency 176

Example of Financial Leverage 176

Operating Efficiency and Profitability 179

Relating the Ratios-The Du Pont System 180

Projections,Pro Forma Statements,and Market Ratios 182

Summary of Analysis 183

Map 184

Self-Test 185

Study Questions and Problems 190

First Team Sports Inc.Mini-Case 205

L.A.Gear Inc.Mini-Case 213

Appendixes 219

A A Guide to Earnings Quality 219

附录 219

B The Analysis of Segmental Data 234

C Understanding Bank Financial Statements 241

D Solutions to Self-Tests 251

E Summary of Financial Ratios 253

F Glossary 255

Index 263

索引 263