一、概述篇Introduction 1
二、中草药篇Chinese herbal medicines 7
1.一枝黄花Common Goldenrod 9
2.七叶莲Scandent Schefflera 10
3.七叶一枝花Paris Root 11
4.了哥王Indian Stringbush 12
5.八角莲Sixangular Dysosma 13
6.三白草Chinese Lizardtail Rhizome or Herb 14
7.三棱Common Burreed Tuber 15
8.千斤拔Philippine Flemingia 16
9.土茯苓Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome 17
10.大黄Rhubarb 18
11.大蓟草Japanese Thistle Herb and Root 20
12.女贞子Glossy Privet Fruit 21
13.小青草Creeping Rostellularia 22
14.小蓟草Field Thistle Herb 23
15.山慈姑Appendiculate Cremastra Pseudobulb 24
16.川楝子Szechwan Chinaberry Fruit 25
17.川蓼子 Frince's-feather Fruit 26
18.干蟾Toad Venom 27
19.马?儿Indian Melothria 28
20.马兰根Indian Kalimeris 29
21.马兜铃Dutohmanspipe Fruit 30
22.马蹄金Creeping Dichondra 31
23.马鞭草EuropeanVerbena Herb 32
24.丹参Danshen Root 33
25.乌药Combined Spicebush Root 34
26.乌韭Common Wedgelet Fem 35
27.乌骨藤Stem of Tenacious Condorvine 36
28.乌梢蛇Black Snake 37
29.乌梅Smoked Plum 38
30.乌蔹莓Japanese Cayratia 39
31.五倍子Chinese Gall 40
32.凤尾草Chinese Brake 41
33.及已Serrate Chloranthus 42
34.天冬Cochinchinenese Asparagus Root 43
35.天龙Gecko 44
36.天花粉Snakegourd Root 45
37.天胡荽Lawn Pennywort 47
38.天葵子Muskroot-like Semiaquilegia Root 48
39.开金锁Wild Buckwheat Rhizome 49
40.毛冬青Pubesoent Holly Root 50
41.毛茛Japanese Buttercup 51
42.水杨梅Thinleaf Adina 52
43.水线草Corymbose Hedyotis Herb 53
44.水苦荬Watery Speedwell 54
45.牛筋草Goosegrass 55
46.牛膝草Twotooth Achyranthes Herb 56
47.瓦松Fimbriate Orostachys 57
48.车前草Plantain Herb 58
49.仙鹤草Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb 59
50.兰香草Common Bluebeard 60
51.冬瓜子Chinese Waxgourd Seed 61
52.冬凌草Blushred Rabdosia 62
53.冬葵子Chingma Abutilon Seed 63
54.半边莲Chinese Lobelia Herb 64
55.半枝莲Barbated Skullcup Herb 65
56.叶下珠Common Leafflower 66
57.对坐草Christina Loosestrife 67
58.平地木Japanese Ardisia 68
59.瓜蒌Snakegourd Fruit 69
60.甘草Liquorice Root 70
61.甘遂Gansui Root 72
62.田字草Pepper Wort 73
63.田基黄Japanese St.Johnswort 74
64.白及Common Bletilla Tuber 75
65.白毛夏枯草Decumbent Bugle 76
66.白头翁Chinese Pulsatilla Root 77
67.白术Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome 78
68.白花蛇舌草Spreading Hedyotis 79
69.白蔹Japanese Ampelopsis Root 81
70.石见穿Chinese Sage 82
71.石韦Shearer's Pyrrosia Leaf 83
72.石斛Dendrobium 84
73.石菖蒲Grassleaf Sweetflag Rhizome 86
74.鸟不宿Chinese Aralia 87
75.龙葵Black Nightshade 88
76.全蝎Scorpion 89
77.农吉利Purpleflower Crotalaria 90
78.冰球子Rhizome of Bulbocodioides Pleione 91
79.地龙Ground Dragon 92
80.地黄Rehmannia Root 93
81.地瞥虫Ground Beetle 95
82.延胡索Yanhusuo 96
83.扦扦活Williams Elder 97
84.灯笼草Downy Groundcherry Herb 98
85.百部Stemona Root 99
86.红藤Sargentgloryvine Stem 101
87.羊乳根Lance Asiabell 102
88.羊蹄根Japanese Dock 103
89.两面针Shinyleaf Pricklyash 104
90.伸筋草Common Clubmoss Herb 105
91.灵芝Lucid Ganoderma 106
92.牡蛎Oyster Shell 107
93.皂角刺Chinese Honeylocust 109
94.芙蓉叶Cottonrose Hibiscus 110
95.苍耳草Siberian Cocklebur Herb 111
96.补骨脂Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit 112
97.陆英Chinese Elder 113
98.鸡内金Chicken's Gizzard-skin 114
99.鸡血藤Suberect Spatholobus Stem 115
100.垂盆草Stringy Stonecrop Herb 116
101.岩柏Moellendorf's Spikemoss 117
102.抱石莲Drymoglossoides Lepidogrammitis Herb 118
103.河白草Perfoliate Knotweed 119
104.泽漆Sun Euphorbia 120
105.苦参Lightyellow Sophora Root 121
106.茅莓根Japanese Raspberry Root 122
107.虎耳草Creeping Rockfoil 123
108.虎杖草Giant Knolweed Herb 124
109.虎刺Indian Damnacanthus 125
110.败酱草Wild Crees Herb 126
111.郁金Turmeric Root-tuber 127
112.金丝草Dodder Herb 129
113.金枪草Vulgate Adder's Tongue 130
114.金钱草Longtube Ground Ivy Herb 131
115.金樱子根Cherokee Rose Root 132
116.鱼腥草Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb 133
117.南沙参Fourleaf Ladybell Root 134
118.将军干Chinese Cricket 135
119.急性子Garden Balsam Seed 136
120.枸橘梨Trifoliateorange 137
121.柘树Tricuspid Cudrania 138
122.穿破石Cochinchina Cudrania 139
123.绒线草Horseweed Fleabane 140
124.络石藤Chinses Starjasmine 141
125.绞股蓝Fiveleaf Gynostemma 142
126.草河车Bistort Rhizome 143
127.荔枝草Common Sage 144
128.荠菜花Shepherdspurse 145
129.香茶菜Common Rabdosia 146
130.鬼箭羽Winged Euonymus 147
131.夏枯草Common Selfheal Fruit Spike 148
132.射干Blackberrylily Rhizome 149
133.海芋Alocasia rhizome 150
134.海藻Seaweed 151
135.益母草Motherwort Herb 152
136.莪术Zedoray Rhizome 153
137.铁包金Lineate Supplejack Root 154
138.铁扁担根Fringed Iris Rhizome 155
139.铁树叶Fruticose Dracaena 156
140.预知子Akebia Fruit 157
141.鸭跖草Common Dayflower Herb 158
142.剪刀草Slender Clinopodium 159
143.商陆Pokeberry Root 160
144.婆婆针Spanishneedles 161
145.淡竹叶Lophatherum Herb 162
146.猪殃殃Catchweed Bedstraw 163
147.猫人参Valvate Actinidia 164
148.猫爪草Catclaw Buttercup Root 165
149.菝葜Chinaroot Greenbrier 166
150.菱壳Singharanut 167
151.蛇莓Indian Mockstrawberry 168
152.野菊花Wild Chrysanthemum Flower 169
153.黄毛耳草Goldhair Hedyotis 170
154.黄瓜藤Cucumber Stem 171
155.黄芩Baical Skullcap Root 172
156.黄药子Airpotato Yam 173
157.喜树果Common Comptotheca Fruit 174
158.景天三七Aizoon Stonecrop 175
159.棉花根Levant Cotton Root 176
160.篇蓄草Common Knotgrass 177
161.葎草Japanese Hop 178
162.葛根Kudzuvine Root 179
163.酢浆草Creeping Woodsorrel 180
164.椿根皮Tree-of-heaven Bark 182
165.溪黄草Linearstripe Rabdosia Herb 183
166.腹水草Hairyvein Veronicastrum Herb 184
167.蒲公英Dandelion 185
168.蒲葵子Chinese Fanpalm Seed 186
169.蜂房Honeycomb 187
170.蜈蚣Centipede 188
171.蜀羊泉Bittersweet Herb 189
172.蝉蜕Cicada Slough 190
173.辣蓼Red-knees Herb 191
174.墨旱莲Yerbadetajo Herb 192
175.薏苡仁Coix Seed 193
176.薜荔果Climbing Fig Fruit 194
177.瞿麦Lilac Pink Herb 195
178.藤梨根Yangtao Actinidia Fruit 196
179.藿香Wrinkled Gianthyssop Herb 198
180.鳖甲Turtle shell 199
181.魔芋Chinese Gianyarum Rhizome 200
三、常用验方精选篇Selection of provedrecipes in common use 201
1.白血病Leukemia 203
2.肺癌Lung cancer 203
3.肝癌Liver cancer 211
4.胆囊癌Gallbladder cancer 215
5.胰腺癌Pancreatic cancer 216
6.食管癌Esophagus cancer 218
7.胃癌Gastric cancer 219
8.十二指肠癌Duodenal cancer 227
9.结肠癌Colon cancer 228
10.直肠癌Rectal cancer 229
11.肾脏肿瘤Tumor of kidney 232
12.膀胱癌Vesical cancer 232
13.淋巴癌Lymph cancer 233
14.淋巴肿瘤Lymphoma 237
15.骨癌Bone cancer 238
16.五官科癌症Cancer of eye,ear,nose and throat 239
17.妇科癌症Cancer of women 242
18.甲状腺肿瘤Thyroid tumor 244
19.其他疑难症Others 246
拉丁学名索引Index of Latin scientific names 248