《高原生物学集刊 第5集》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:中国科学院西北高原生物研究所编
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:1986
  • ISBN:13031·3212
  • 页数:176 页

高原生物学集刊 高寒草甸生态系统论文专集(1986年) 1

矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸在封育条件下群落结构和生物量变化的初步观察 周兴民、张松林 1

Change State of Community Structure and Biomass in Eenced Area of Kobresia humilis Mesdow Zhou Xingmin and Zhang Songlin 6

Acta Biologica Plateau Sinica No.5 The Special Issue of Alpine Meadow Ecosystem(1986) 6

施肥对矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸草场地上生物量的影响 张松林、周兴民 7

On the Influence of Fertilization to Aboveground Biomass in Alpine Meadow Zhang Songlin and Zhou Xingmin 12

矮嵩草草甸四种莎草、禾草种群空间分布格局的初步研究 陆国泉、杨福囤、史顺海 13

The Preliminary Study on the Patterns of Distribution of Four Sedge and Grass Species in Alpine Kobresia humilis Meadow Lu Guoquan,Yang Futun and Shi Shunhai 20

青海海北草甸草场最优放牧强度的初步研究 周兴民、皮南林、赵新全、张松林、赵多琥 21

The Preliminary Study on Optimum Stocking Rate in Alpine Meadow Zhou Xingmin,Pi Nanling,Zhao Xinquan,Zhang Songling and Zhao Duohu 34

青海海北高寒草甸生态系统降水中养分含量的初步研究 左克成、张金霞、王在模、赵宝莲、郭建华 35

Preliminary Research on the Content of Plant Nutrients of Precipitation in Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem,Qinghai Zuo Kecheng,Zhang Jinxia,Wang Zaimo,Zhao Baolian and Guo Jianhua 43

植物—高原鼠兔系统动态数学模型的研究 刘季科、魏善武、周立、沙渠、刘阳 45

A Study on the Mathematical Model for the Dynamic of Plants and Plateau Pika System Liu Jike,Wei Shanwu,Zhou Li,Sha Qu and Liu Yang 52

反刍动物气体能量代谢研究 Ⅱ.不同年龄、性别藏系绵羊基础代谢测定 皮南林、赵新全、赵多琥 55

Study the Energy Mctabolism of Ruminants Ⅱ Measurment of the Basal Metabolism of Tibetan Sheep of Different Agc and Scx Pi Nanlin,Zhao Xinquan and Zhao Duohu 62

藏系绵羊体组织的营养元素含量及季节变化 王在模、左克成、郭建华、陈伟民 63

Contents of Nutrient Elements in Tibetan Sheep Bodies and Their Seasonal Dynamics Wang Zaimo,Zuo Kecheng,Guo Jianhua and Chen weimin 71

高原鼢鼠和高原鼠兔血清中钾、钠、钙离子含量的月变化 张金霞、胡凤祖、郑生武、师治贤 73

Monthly Changes of K,Na,Ca Ionie Content in the Serum Ochotona curzonia and Myospalax baileyi Zhang Jinxia,Hu Fengzu,Zheng Shengwu and Shi Zhixian 78

高寒草甸生态系统香鼬种群能量动态的研究 梁杰荣、金菊香、叶润蓉 79

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一次大雪对鼠类数量的影响 宗浩、夏武平、孙德兴 85

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四种哺乳动物气体代谢的一些材料 梁杰荣、金菊香、黄孝龙 91

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高寒草甸赤胸林蚁(Formica sp.)生态生物学的初步研究 翟志刚 99

A Preliminary Study on the Bioccology of the Red-thorax Forest Ant(Formica sp.) in Alpine Meadow Zhai Zhigang 114

高山岭雀(Leucosticte brandti Bonaparte)的耗氧量与环境温度的关系 邓合黎、张晓爱、钱国桢 115

Relation of Oxygen Consumption to Ambient Temperature on Brandt s Mountain Finch Deng Heli,Zhang xiaoai and Qian Guozhen 122

海北高寒草甸土壤细菌世代率的研究 李家藻、朱桂如、杨涛、李玉英、程双宁、叶启智 123

Studies on Bacterial Generation Rate in Soil of Haibei Alpine Meadow Li Jiazao,Zhu Guiru,Yang Tao,Li Yuying,Cheng Shuangning and Ye Qizhi 128

高寒草甸鸟类群落能流计算机模拟模型及应用程序 周立 129

An Energy Flow Simulation Model of Bird Communitics in the Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Zhou Li 174

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