1 Each Day Is an Opportunity 1
2 Managing Drink and Drugs in General Settings 13
3 For Your Amusement:Managing Waste of Amusement Parks 26
4 Keiko the Killer Whale Is Finally Coming Home 40
5 In India,Men Challenge a Matrilineal Society 54
6 Out of the Darkness,Sound of Disaster 67
7 Keeping Kids Out of Court 79
8 Alternative Centers 89
9 Russia s Iron Road 103
10 A Purée Genius at His Work 116
11 Living Longer 129
12 The Japanese Challenge 140
13 Untangling the Science of Climate 152
14 Biology,Society and Machines 168
15 The Partner 183
16 America Is Becoming a Third World Country 199
附录一 练习答案 215
附录二 词汇表 222