《公司信息系统管理教程与案例 第4版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:21 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:林达·M.阿普盖特 F.沃伦·麦克法伦 詹姆斯·L.麦肯尼
  • 出 版 社:沈阳:东北财经大学出版社;McGraw-Hill出版公司
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7810444611
  • 页数:796 页

1. The Challenge of Information Systems Technology 1

Introduction to IT Management 1

Concepts of IP Management 3

Challenges in Managing IT Assimilation 4

A Young Technology 4

Technological Growth 5

IT End-User Coordination 5

Specialization 6

Questions from Senior Management 7

Preface 7

Shift in Focus 7

Issues in Information Technology 10

The IT Environment 10

IT Architecture and Organization 12

Management Processes 13

Project Management 14

IT Strategy 15

The IT Business 15

Conclusion 16

Case 1-1: Verifone: The Transaction Automation Company 17

Case 1-2: A Tale of Two Airlines in the Information Age: Or Why the Spirit of King George III Is Alive and Well! 42

2. Manageable Trends 45

Underlying Themes 45

Theme 1:Strategic Impact 46

A Contingency Approach to IT Management 50

Theme 2:Integrating Changing Technology Platforms 56

Theme 3:Assimilating Emerging Technologies 57

Phase 2. Technological Learning and Adaptation 58

Phase 1. Technology Identification and Investment 58

Phase 3. Rationalization/Management Control 59

Phase 4. Maturity/Widespread Technology Transfer 59

Theme 4: Sourcing Policies for the IT Value Chain 60

Theme 5: Applications Development Process 62

Design 64

Construction 64

Implementation 65

Maintenance 66

Operation 66

Theme 6:Partnership of Three Constituencies 68

IT Management 68

User Management 68

General Management 69

Summary 69

Case 2-1:KPMG Peat Marwick:The Shadow Partner 72

3.Effects of IT on Competition 83

Analyzing Impact 84

Forces That Shape Strategy 85

Search for Opportunity 88

Analyzing the Value Chain for IT Opportunities 93

Inbound Logistics 93

Operations and Product Definition 95

Outbound Logistics 95

Marketing and Sales 96

After-Sales Service 97

Corporate Infrastructure 97

Technology Development 98

Human Resources 98

Procurement 99

The Risks of Information Systems Sucess 99

Problems and Evaluations 99

Assessing Competitor Risk 101

The Challenge 105

A New Point of View Is Required 105

Planning Issues 106

Confidentiality and Competition 107

Evaluating Expenditures 107

The IT-Management Partnership 108

Opening Questions 108

A Final Thought 109

Case 3-1:Canadian Airlines(A):Reservations About Its Future(A) 109

Case 3-2:Burlington Northern:The Ares Decision(A) 122

Case 3-3:Burlington Northern:The Ares Decision(B) 146

4. Electronic Commerce:From Interorganizational Systems to the Interner 154

IOS Evolution at American Hospital Supply(AHSC) 156

The Evolution of Interorganizational Systems 156

IOS Evolution at American Airlines 159

Patterns of Interaction among IOS Participants 162

Levels of IOS Control 163

From Proprietary IOS to Ubiquitous Platforms for Electronic Commerce 165

Making Sense of Market Relationships 170

IOS and Producer Relationships 172

IOS and the Changing Buyer-Seller Relationship 176

Managing the Evolution of Technology 180

Maintaining a Secure Environment for Doing Business 181

Developing and Maintaining Information Partnerships 184

The Allegis Example 184

Benefits of Information Partnering 185

Types of Information Partnership 186

Summary 189

Case 4-1:Singapore Tradenet:A Tale of One City 190

Case 4-2:Singapore Leadership:A Tale of One City 206

Case 4-3:Hong Kong Tradelink:News from the Second City 208

Case 4-4:Open Market,Inc. 216

Case 4-5:Proeter Gamble:Improving Consumer Value through Process Design 240

5. Information,Organization, and Control 258

The Organization Design Challenge of the 1990s 258

From Control to Learning 262

From Autonomy to Collaboration 266

Information, Organization, and Control in a Retail Bank 271

Information, Organization, and Control in the Supermarket 272

Communicating Organizational Priorities 273

Targeted Opportunities 273

Meaningful Budgets 274

Effective Incentive Systems 275

Solutions for Production 276

Facts to Make the Sale 277

Adaptation to Change 277

Summary 278

Case 5-1:Mrs.Fields, Inc.(1977-1987) 279

Case 5-2:Frito-Lay,Inc.:A Strategic Transition(1980-1986) 292

Case 5-3:Frito-Lay,Inc.:A Strategic Transition Abridged(1987-1992) 321

6. IT Architecture:Evolution and Alternatives 350

The Evolution of IT Architecture 353

Era 1--The Mainframe(1950s to 1970s) 355

Era 2--The Microcomputer(Late 1970s and 1980s) 359

Era 3--Distributed Information Systems(Late 1980s to Present) 360

Era 4--Ubiquitous 363

Value Creation in a Distributed IT Environment 364

IT Architecture Implementation Issues in the 1990s 371

Merging the Islands of Automation 371

Managing Global Telecommunications 374

Managing the IT Legacy 375

Assimilating Emerging Information Technologies 376

Summary 380

Case 6-1:H.E.Butt Grocery Company:A Leader in ECR Implementation(Abridged) 381

Case 6-2:American Airines:The InterAACT Project(A) 398

Case 6-3:Air Products and Chemicals,Inc.:MIS Reorganization (A) and Project ICON(A)Abridged 414

7. Organizing and Leading the Information Technology Function 433

Organization Issues in IT Development 433

Some Examples 435

Pent-Up User Demand 437

Implications 437

Pressures toward User Dominance 437

Competitive and Service Growth in the IT Market 438

User Control 439

Fit with the Organization 439

User Learning 440

Summary 440

Pressures toward IT Control 440

Staff Professionalism 440

Feasibility Study Concerns 442

Corporate Database System 443

Fit with the Corporate Structure and Strategy 444

Cost Analysis 444

Summary 445

Coordination and Location of IT Policy 445

IT Responsibilities 446

User Responsibilities 447

General Management Support and Policy Overview 448

Summary 449

Case 7-1:Air Products and Chemicals,Inc.:Project ICON(D) 451

8. Information Technology Operations 461

Changing Operations Environment 462

A Focused Service Organization Alternative-An Example 463

Alternative Organizations 464

Developing an Operations Strategy 465

Technology Planning 466

Measuring and Managing Capacity 472

Managing the IT Operations Workforce 474

Selection Factors for Operations Manager and Staff 476

Human Issues in Managing the Workforce 477

Production Planning and Control 478

Setting Goals 478

Establishing Priorities 478

Strategic Impact of IT OPerations 479

Implementing Production Control and Measurement 480

Security 481

Privacy 482

The Roots of the Privacy Issue 483

The Implications 484

Summary 487

Case 8-1:Aerospace Technology Manufacturing,Inc.:Industry,Company,and I/S Transitions 488

9. Information Technology Management Processes 507

Management Control 507

IT Evolution and Management Control 509

Software Issues 509

Operations Issues 509

Corporate Control Process 511

Strategic Impact of IT on the Corporation 512

Looking Ahead:Other Aspects of Control 513

Results Control Architecture 514

Unallocated Cost Center 514

Allocated Cost Center and Charge-Out 515

Profit Center 520

Financial Reporting Process 521

Nonfinancial Reporting Process 523

IT Audit Function 524

Planning--A Contingent Focus 525

Summary 525

Pressures toward IT Planning 526

External (Corporate) Pressures 526

Internal (IT Process) Pressures 528

Limitations on IT Planning Results 530

Planning as a Resource Drain 530

Strategic Impact of IT Activities 531

Mismatches:Using the Strategic Grid 531

Fit to Corporate Culture 531

Corporate Environmental Factors That Influence Planning 535

Summary 537

Case 9-1:Toyworld:Information Technology Planning 539

10. Managing the Information Technology Resource through Strategic Partnerships 553

Why Outsourcing Alliances Are So Difficult 554

Outsourcing in Retrospect 555

Outsourcing in the 1990s 556

What Drives Outsourcing? 557

Position on the Strategic Grid 562

When to Outsource IT 562

Development Portfolio 563

Organizational Learning 565

A Firm s Position in the Market 566

Current IT Organization 566

Structuring the Alliance 566

Contract Flexibility 567

Standards and Control 567

Areas to Outsource 568

Supplier Stability and Quality 569

Cost Savings 569

Management Fit 570

Conversion Problems 570

Managing the Alliance 571

The CIO Function 571

Performance Measurements 572

Mix and Coordination of Tasks 572

Customer-Outsourcer Interface 573

Case 10-1:Xerox:Outsourcing Global Information Technology Resources 574

Case 10-2:General Dynamics and Computer Sciences Corporation:Outsourcing the IS Function(A+B,Abridged) 600

11. A Portfolio Approach to Information Technology Development 624

Project Risk 625

Elements of Project Implementation Risk 625

Project Categories and Degree of Risk 627

Assessing Risk of Individual Projects 628

Portfolio Risk 631

Summary 631

Project Management:A Contingency Approach 632

Management Tools 632

Influences on Tool Selection 633

Relative Contribution of Management Tools 638

Summary 638

Case 11-1:Profiling at National Mutual(A) 640

Case 11-2:Profiling at National Mutual(B) 658

Case 11-3:Chemical Bank:Technology Support for Cooperative Work 661

12 Transnational IT Issues 684

Information Technology Impact on Transnational Firms 686

Geographic Transfer of Work 686

Global Service Levels 687

Global Networking and Expertise Sharing 687

Time-Based Competition 688

Cost Reduction 688

Country Diversity 689

Sociopolitical 689

Language 689

Local Constraints 689

Currency Issues 690

Autonomy 690

Economics 690

National Infrastructure 691

Summary 691

National IT Environment Issues 691

Availability of IT Professional Staff 691

Central Telecommunications 692

National IT Strategy 692

General Level of IT Sophistication 693

Size of Local Market 693

Data Export Control 693

corporate Factors Affecting IT Requirements 694

Technological Awareness 694

Summary 694

Nature of the Firm s Business 695

Strategic Impact of IT 696

Corporate Organization 696

Company Technical and Control Characteristics 697

Other Considerations 698

Transnational IT Policy Issues 698

Guidance on Architecture 698

Central Approval of Software Standards and Feasibility Studies 699

Central Hardware/Software Concurrence or Approval 699

Central Software Development 700

IT Communications 701

Staff Rotation 702

Consulting Services 703

Central IT Processing Support 703

Technology Appraisal Program--An Example 704

Summary 705

Case 12-1:Colliers International Property Consultants 706

Case 12-2:Azucar,S.A.:(1973-1977) 722

13. The IT Business 738

“The IT Business”Analogy 738

The IT Marketing Mix 740

The Products 740

The IT Consumer 742

Costs 744

Channels of Distribution 746

Promotion 748

Competition 748

Price 749

The Role of the Board of Directors 751

The Role of the IT Chief Executive Officer 752

Summary 753

Case 13-1:Avalon Information Services,Inc. 754

Case 13-2:Agrico,Inc:A Software Dilemma 768

Annotated Bibliography 778

Index 783