
  • 购买积分:33 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:黄如训,张季平主编
  • 出 版 社:广州:广东科技出版社
  • 出版年份:1988
  • ISBN:7535902537
  • 页数:1366 页

Aarskog s syndrome 1

1 How information is communicated 1

Aase-Smith syndrome 1

Abderhalden-Kaufman-Lignae syndrome 2

Abdominal Angina syndrome 2

Abdominal Apoplexy syndrome 2

Abdominal Migraine syndrome 3

Abdominal Postoperative Dehiscence syndrome 3

Abererombie s syndrome 4

Abnormal Hemoglobin syndrome 5

Abrikossoff s Myoblastoma syndrome 5

Abeshouse s Triad syndrome 5

Acanthosis Nigricans syndromes 6

Accident-Prone syndrome 6

Accommodative Effort syndrome 6

Achard s syndrome 7

Achard-Their syndrome 7

Achenbach s syndrome 7

Achondroplasia Regional-Dysplasia Abdominal Muscle syndrome 8

Achondroplasia syndrome 8

Achromic Nevi syndrome 9

Ackerman s (J.L.) syndrome 9

Acquired Achromatopia syndrome 9

Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome 10

2 Beginning a search 11

Acrocephalopolysyndactyly Ⅲsyndrome 11

Acral Fibrokeratoma syndrome 11

Acromelia syndromes 12

Acute Brain syndrome 12

Acute Dissemiated Encephalomyelitis syndrome 12

Acute Encephalopathy-Fatty Hepatomegaly syndrome 13

Acute Fatty Liver syndrome in pregnancy 14

Acute Radiation syndrome 14

Acute Renal Failure syndrome 15

Acute Respiratory Disease syndrome 16

Acute Tubular Insufficiency syndrome 16

Adamantiades-Behcet syndrome 17

Adams-Victor-Mancall syndrome 18

Addison s syndrome 18

Addison-Schilder syndrome 19

Addison-Scholz syndrome 20

ADH-Resistant Diabetes Insipidus syndrome 21

Adie s syndrome 21

Addison-Biermer syndrome 21

Adie-Critchley syndrome 22

Adipose Gynism syndrome 22

Adler-Nyhan syndrome 23

Adrenogenital syndromes 23

Adrenogenita syndrome with Hirsutism,Nontumor Form 25

Adult Castrate syndrome 26

Adult Fanconi s Anemia syndrome 26

Adult Respiratory Distress syndrome 27

Adversive syndrome 28

Afzelius syndrome 28

Agammaglobulinemia syndrome 29

Agammaglobulinemia-X-Linked Dermatomiositislik syndrome 29

Ahumada-del Castillo syndrome 30

Aicardi s syndrome 30

Ainhum syndrome 31

3 Using abstracts and indexes 31

Darier-Roussy syndrome 31

Akinetic syndrome 32

Akureyri s syndrome 32

Alacrima syndrome 33

Alactasia syndrome 33

Alajouanine s syndrome 34

Albatross syndrome 34

Albers-Sch?nberg s Ⅰ syndrome 34

Albers- Sch?nberg s Ⅱ syndrome 36

Albert s syndrome 36

Albinism Ⅱ syndrome 36

Albinism Yellow Mutant syndrome 37

Albright s Ⅱ syndrome 37

Alcoholic Muscular Cramps syndrome 38

Alcoholic Cardiomegaly-Emphysema syndrome 38

Albright-Hadorn syndrome 38

Alcoholic Neuropathy syndrome 39

Alcoholic Paranoia syndrome 39

Alcohol Withdrawal syndrome 40

Alcoholic Rose Cardener syndrome 40

Alexander s(W.S.) syndrome 41

Alder s syndrome 41

Aldosteronism syndromes 41

Alezzandrini s syndrome 42

Alibert s Ⅰsyndrome 42

Alibert s Ⅱsyndrome 43

Alibert s Ⅲ syndrome 43

Alibert-Bazin syndrome 44

Aliquorrhea syndrome 45

Allan s syndrome 45

Allemann s syndrome 46

Allen-Hines syndrome 46

Allensworth s syndrome 47

Allergic Cystitis syndrome 47

Allen-Masters syndrome 47

Allergic Epigastric syndrome 48

Allergic Extrinsic Alveolitis syndrome 48

Allergic Gastroenteritis syndrome 50

4 Computerized information searching 51

Allison s syndrome 51

Alpers syndrome 51

Alpha Antitrypsin Deficience syndrome 51

Alstrom s syndrome 52

Alport s syndrome 52

Alstroem-Olsen syndrome 53

Altamira syndrome 53

Alveolar Capillary Block syndrome 54

Alveolar Hypoventilation syndrome 54

Alzheimer s syndrome 55

Amaurosis Fugax syndrome 55

Amendola s syndrome 56

Amenorrhea-Galactorrhea-Hypothyroidism syndrome 56

Amok syndrome 57

Amniotic Fluid syndrome 57

Aminopterin syndrome 57

Amorphosynthesis syndrome 58

Amyloidosis syndromes 58

Analbuminemia syndrome 59

Ancell s syndrome 59

Andersen s Ⅱ syndrome 60

Anderson s syndrome 60

Andogsky s syndrome 61

Andrade s syndrome 61

Anemic-Hematuric syndrome 62

Andrew s syndrome 62

Angelucci s syndrome 63

Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy syndrome 63

Aniridia syndrome 64

Ankyloblepharon syndrome 64

Anorectal syndrome 65

Anorexia Nervosa syndrome 65

Anosognosia syndrome 66

Anterior Abdominal Wall syndrome 66

Anterior Chest Wall syndrome 66

Anterior Cornual syndrome 67

Anterior Ethmoidal Nerve syndrome 68

Anterior Cruciate Ligment Tear syndrome 68

Anterior Tibial syndrome 69

Antimongolism syndrome 69

Anton s syndrome 70

Anton-Vogt syndrome 70

Anxiety-Tension syndrome 71

Aorta Aneurysm syndrome 71

Aorta Aneurysm-ìnferior Vena Cava Fistula syndrome 72

5 Obtaining and organizing information 73

Aorta Coarctation syndrome 73

Aortic Arch syndromes 73

Aortic Arch Hypoplasia syndrome 75

Aortic Atresia syndrome 75

Apert-Crouzon syndrome 76

Apert s syndrome 76

Aortitis-Rheumatoid Spondylitis syndrome 76

Apoplexia Uteri syndrome 77

Apractognosia syndrome 77

Apert-Gallais syndrome 77

Arakawa s Ⅰ syndrome 78

Arakawa s Ⅱ syndrome 78

Aran-Duchenne syndrome 79

Arakawa-Higachi syndrome 79

Archer s syndrome 80

Argyll-Robertson s syndrome 80

Arhinencephalia syndrome 81

Arkless-Graham syndrome 81

Arias syndrome 81

Arlt-Davidsen syndrome 82

Arlt s syndrome 82

Arndt-Gottron syndrome 83

Arnason s syndrome 83

Armendares syndrome 83

Arenth s syndrome 84

Arnold-Chiari syndrome 84

Arnold s Neuralgia syndrome 84

Arsenic Polyneuropathy syndrome 85

Arterial Insufficiency of Common Iliac Artery Atheroseclerosis syndrome 86

Arterial Varices syndrome 86

Arteriosclerosis of Spinal Vessels syndrome 87

Arteriovenous Fistula of Cornary syndrome 87

Arteriopathic Dementia syndrome 87

Arthro-Ophthamopathy syndrome 88

Arteriovenous Fistula of Kidney syndrome 88

Artificial Dermatitis syndrome 89

6 Keeping up to date 89

Articular Facets syndrome 89

Asboe-Hansen s syndrome 90

Aseptic Meningitis syndrome 90

Ascher s syndrome 90

Asherson s syndrome 91

Asherman s syndrome 91

Astr?m-Mancall-Richardson syndrome 92

Astr?m s syndrome 92

Atheromatous Embolism syndrome 93

Athrombia syndrome 93

Athyrotic Hypothroidism syndrome 94

Atlantoaxial Spine Dislocation syndrome 94

Atrial Septal DefectAtrioventricular Prolonged Conduction syndrome 95

Atrial Septal DefectPersistent Ostium Primum syndrome 95

Atrial septal DefectPersistent ostium Secundum syndrome 95

Atrioventricular Congenital Heart Block syndrome 96

Autoimmune Granulocytopenia syndrome 97

Auscultatory-Electrocardiographic syndrome 97

Atypical Facial Neuralgia syndrome 97

Autonomic Spinal syndrome 98

Autosomal Recessive Ocular Albinism syndrome 99

Autosensitization Purpura syndromes 99

Avellis syndrome 100

7 Future developments in scientific and technical information 101

Ayerza s syndrome 101

Axenfeld-Schürenberg syndrome 101

Ayerza-Arrilaga syndrome 101

Baastrup s syndrome 102

Babinski-Nageotte syndrome 102

Baelz s syndrome 102

Bagasse Worker s syndrome 103

Bailey-Cushing syndrome 103

Baker-Winegrad syndrome 104

Baker s Cysts syndrome 104

Index 105

Balkan Nephritis syndrome 105

Balint s syndrome 105

Ballard s syndrome 106

Ballantyne s syndrome 106

Balser-Fitz syndrome 107

Balo s syndrome 107

Baller-Gerold syndrome 107

Bamatter s syndrome 108

Bamberg s Ⅱsyndrome 109

Bannwart s syndrome 109

Banti s syndrome 109

Bamberg s Ⅰsyndrome 109

Bar s syndrome 110

Barber s (H.W.) syndrome 111

Bard-Pic(Pick) syndrome 111

Bárány s syndrome 111

Bard s syndrome 111

Barlow s syndrome 112

Barnard-Scholz syndrome 113

Barlow s (L.B.) syndrome 113

Barr-Shaver-Carr syndrome 114

Barré-Liéou syndrome 114

Basony-Polgar syndrome 115

Barrett s syndrome 115

Barré-Masson syndrome 115

B?rtschi Rochain s syndrome 116

Bartenwerfer s syndrome 116

Barton s syndrome 116

Bartter s syndrome 116

Basilar Artery Migraine syndrome 117

Bass syndrome 118

Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome 118

Bateman s syndrome 119

Batten s I syndrome 119

Batten-Gibb s syndrome 120

Batten-Turner syndrome 121

Battered-Buttock syndrome 121

Bazin s syndrome 122

Bazelon s syndrome 122

Bayford-Autenrieth syndrome 122

Beals-Hecht syndrome 123

Beal s I syndrome 123

Bazzana s syndrome 123

Beard s syndrome 124

Bean s syndrome 124

Beat Knee syndrome 125

Bearn-Künkel-Slater syndrome 125

Trencher Collins syndrome 126

Beck-Ibrahim syndrome 126

Beck s syn?rome 126

Becker s(P.E.) syndrome 127

Becker s(B.J.P.) syndrome 127

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 128

Becker-Reuter syndrome 128

Becker s(S.W.) syndrome 128

Behr s Ⅰ syndrome 129

Beer and Cobalt syndrome 129

Behr s Ⅱ syndrome 130

Bell s syndrome 130

Benign Cystinosis syndrome 131

Benedikt s syndrome 131

Benign Familial High α-Fetoprotein syndrome 132

Benign Familial Erythrocytosis syndrome 132

Benign Orbitae Lymphadenosis syndrome 133

Benign Monoclonal Gammopathy syndrome 133

Benign Sixth Nerve Palsy syndrome 134

Benign Recurrent Hematuria syndrome 134

Berendes-Bridges-Cood syndrome 135

Benson s syndrome 135

Bennett s syndrome 135

Berger-Hinglais syndrome 136

Berger s syndrome 136

Berheim-Schmincke syndrome 137

Bergstrand s syndrome 137

Berlin s (R.) Ⅱ syndrome 138

Berlin s (R.) Ⅰ syndrome 138

Berlin s (C.) syndrome 138

Bernard s syndrome 139

Berlocque syndrome 139

Bernard-Soulier syndrome 140

Bernard-Sergent syndrome 140

Bernhardt-Roth syndrome 141

Bernheim s syndrome 141

Bernuth s syndrome 142

Bertolotti s syndrome 142

Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann syndrome 142

Best s syndrome 143

Besnier s Prurigo syndrome 143

Bettley s syndrome 144

Beta-Methylcrotonic Aciduria syndrome 144

Biber-Haab-Dimmer syndrome 145

Bianchi s syndrome 145

Bezold s syndrome 145

Bicipital Tenosynovitis syndrome 146

Bicarbonate Deficit syndrome 146

Bielschowsky-Lutz Cogan syndrome 147

Bickers-Adams syndrome 147

Bielskowsky s syndrome 148

Biemoed s Ⅰ syndrome 148

Biemond s Ⅱ syndrome 148

Bietti s Ⅰ syndrome 149

Biglieri s syndrome 149

Bilateral Symmetric Necrosis of Corpora Striata syndrome 150

Bilateral Paraspasm syndrome 150

Bilateral Vestibular Paralysis syndrome 151

Bile Gastritis syndrome 151

Biliary Tract Dyskinesis syndrome 152

Billroth s syndrome 152

Bing-Neel syndrome 153

Binder s syndrome 153

Biorkman-Dacie syndrome 154

Binswanger s syndrome 154

Birnbaum s syndrome 155

Birch-Jensen syndrome 155

Bjornstad s syndrome 156

Biventricular Transposed Aorta and Left Ventricular Stenotic Pulmonary Artery syndrome 156

Birsch-Hirschfeld syndrome 156

Black Heel syndrome 157

Black Widow Spider Bite syndrome 157

Blackfan-Diamond syndrome 157

Blackout syndrome 158

Blast syndrome 159

Bladder Neck syndrome 159

Bland-Garland-White syndrome 159

Blast Scrotum syndrome 160

Blatin s syndrome 160

Blatt s syndrome 160

Bleeding syndrome in Multiple Myeloma 161

Blegvrad-Haxthausen syndrome 161

Blind-Loop syndrome 162

Blessig-Iwanoff syndrome 162

Blencke s syndrome 162

Blind Pouch syndrome 163

Bloodgood s syndrome 164

Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome 164

Blount-Barber syndrome 165

Bloom s syndrome 165

Blum s syndrome 166

Blue Velvet syndrome 166

Bobble-Head-Doll syndrome 167

Body of Luys (Corpus Luysii)syndrome 167

Bogorad s syndrome 168

Boerjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome 168

Boerhaave s syndrome 168

Bongiovanni s syndrome 169

Bone Dysplasia-Retinal Detachmeat-Deafness syndrome 169

Bonnet-Dechaume-Blane syndrome 170

Bonnet s (P.) syndrome 170

Bonnet s (C.) syndrome 170

Bonhoeffer s syndrome 170

Bonnier s syndrome 171

Bonnevie-Ullrich-Turner syndrome 171

B??k s syndrome 172

Bostock s syndrome 172

Borderline syndrome 172

Bourneville s syndrome 173

Bouillaud s syndrome 173

Bouveret s syndrome 174

Bowen s (D.A.L.) syndrome 174

Bowen s (P.) syndrome 175

Bowen s (J.F.) syndrome 175

Bradbury-Eggleston syndrome 176

Bradley s syndrome 176

Brachydactyly Type E syndrome 176

Boyd-Stearns syndrome 176

Braham-Lenz syndrome 177

Brailstord s syndrome 177

Brain s syndrome 177

Brain Tumor-Neuroasthenia syndrome 178

Brandt s syndrome 178

Breast Milk-Jaundice syndrome 179

Braun-Falco s syndrome 179

Brauer s syndrome 179

Brett s syndrome 180

Brenner s syndrome 180

Brennemanns syndrome 180

Briesky s syndrome 181

Bridge Jumping syndrome 181

Bright s syndrome 181

Brill-Symmers syndrome 182

Briquet s syndrome 182

Brissaud-Marie syndrome 183

Brissaud s Ⅰsyndrome 183

Broadbent s syndrome 184

Bristowe s syndrome 184

Brissaud-Sicard syndrome 184

Brock s syndrome 185

Broca s Aphasia syndrome 185

Brocq s syndrome 186

Brock-Suckow syndrome 186

Brodie s Ⅱ syndrome 187

Brocq-Pautrier syndrome 187

Brodie s Ⅰ syndrome 187

Bronchiolitis Obliterans-Diffuse Interstitial Pneumonia syndrome 188

Bromhidrosis syndrome 188

Brodin s syndrome 188

Brown Recluse(spider Bite) syndrome 189

Brown s syndrome 189

Brown-Podosin syndrome 189

Bruce s syndrome 190

Brown-Sequard s syndrome 190

Bruck-De Lange syndrome 191

Brueghel s syndrome 191

Brugsch s syndrome 192

Bruenauer s syndrome 192

Brusa-Torricelli syndrome 193

Bruns syndrome 193

Bruton s syndrome 194

Buchanan s syndrome 194

Brushfield-Wyatt syndrome 194

Buckled Innominate Artery syndrome 195

Budd-Chiari syndrome 195

Buerger s syndrome 196

Burger-Grutz syndrome 197

Bureau-Barriere syndrome 197

Burkitt s syndrome 198

Burke s (R.M.) syndrome 198

Burnett s syndrome 199

Burning Tongue syndrome 199

Buschke s Ⅰ syndrome 200

Bury s syndrome 200

Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome 201

Busquet s syndrome 201

Byler s syndrome 201

Bywaters syndrome 202

Cacchi-Ricci syndrome 203

Caffey-Silverman syndrome 203

Cairns syndrome 204

Caisson syndrome 204

Calcareous Tendonitis syndrome 205

Camera s syndrome 206

Camptomelic Dwarfism syndrome 206

Camptocormia syndrome 206

Canales-Mauer syndrome 207

Camurati-Engelmann syndrome 207

Candidiasis Endocrinopathy syndrome 208

Cancer Family syndrome 208

Canavan s syndrome 208

Cannon-De la Paz syndrome 209

Cannon s (A.B.) syndrome 209

Capgra s syndrome 210

Capdepont s syndrome 210

Capsular Exfoliation syndrome 211

Caplan s syndrome 211

Capsular Thrombosis syndrome 212

Capsulothalamic syndrome 212

Carbamyl Phosphate syndrome 212

Cardiac Radiation syndrome 213

Cardio-Cerebral syndrome 213

Carini s syndrome 214

Carnosinemia syndrome 214

Caroli s syndrome 215

Carotid Artery-Cavernous Sinus Fistula syndrome 215

Carotid Body Tumor syndrome 216

Carotid Steal syndrome 216

Carotid System Ischemia syndrome 217

Carpal Tunnel syndrome 218

Carrington-Liebow syndrome 219

Carr-Barr-Plunknett syndrome 219

Carpenter s syndrome 219

Cartilage-Hair Hypo-Plasia-Dwarfism syndrome 220

Carson-Neill syndrome 220

Cassidy s syndrome 221

Cassirer s syndrome 222

Cataplexy syndrome 223

Caubepe-Fieux syndrome 223

Catalepsy syndrome 223

Causalgia syndrome 224

Cayler s syndrome 224

Ceelen-Gellerstedt syndrome 225

Cebalocephaly syndrome 225

Cerebellar Catalepsy syndrome 226

Central Metaphyseal Dysostosis syndrome 226

Cerebellar Ataxia-Hypogonadism syndrome 226

Cerebellar Superior Peduncle syndrome 227

Cerebellar Myxedema-tous syndrome 227

Cerebral Contusion syndrome 228

Cerebral Concussion syndrome 228

Cerebral Radiation syndrome 229

Cerebral Malaria syndrome 229

Cerebro-Oculo-Facio-Skeletal syndrome 230

Cerebro-Splanchnic Linkage syndrome 230

Cervical Aorta syndrome 231

Cervical Rib syndrome 231

Cervix Annular Deta-Chment syndrome 232

Cestan-Chenais syndrome 233

Chambers-Pratt syndrome 233

Chandler s(S.A.)syndrome 234

Chandler s(P.A.)syndrome 234

Chandra-Kbetarpal syndrome 234

Charcot s Ⅱ syndrome 235

Chatcot s Ⅰ syndrome 235

Charcot s Ⅲ syndrome 235

Charcot-Maric-Tooth syndrome 236

Charcot s Intermittent Biliary Fever syndrome 236

Charcot s Edema syndrome 236

Charcot s Vertigo syndrome 237

Charcot-Wilbrand syndrome 238

Charcot-Weiss-Baker syndrome 238

Chassaignac s syndrome 239

Chattle s syndrome 239

Charlin s syndrome 239

Chediak-Higasni syndrome 240

Chavany-Brunhes syndrome 240

Chikungunya syndrome 241

Chiari-Frommel syndrome 241

Chemical Diabetes syndrome 241

Chiray s syndrome 242

Chilaiditi s syndrome 242

Chloasma syndrome 243

Chloramphenicol-Hepatitis-Aplastic Anemia syndrome 243

Cholerrheic Enteropathy syndrome 244

Cholecystic Duct Partial Obstruction syndrome 244

Chorea Gravidarum syndrome 245

Cholesteryl Ester Hydolase Deficiency syndrome 245

Choriocarcinoma syndrome 246

Choreiform syndrome 246

Christian-Andrews-Conneally syndrome 247

Christ-Siemens-Touraine syndrome 247

Chrombidrosis syndrome 248

Christmas syndrome 248

Chromosome22 Partial Deietion(Long Arm)syndrome 249

Chromosome3/B Translocation syndrome 249

Chromosome Instability syndrome 249

Chronic Brain syndrome 250

Chronic Progressive Glomerular syndrome 250

Chronic Ulcerative Jejunitis syndrome 251

Citelli s syndrome 251

Citrullinemia syndrome 252

Civatte ss syndrome 252

Clarke-Hadefield syndrome 253

Clam Digger s Itch syndrome 253

Classic Hemopnilia syndrome 254

Clere-Levy-Cristesco syndrome 255

Cluneal Nerve syndrome 256

Clouston s syndrome 256

Clough-Richter syndrome 256

Clyde s syndrome 257

Clutton s syndrome 257

Coat s syndrome 258

Coal Miner Eilow syndrome 258

Cobb s syndrome 259

Cochrane s syndrome 259

Cockayne s syndrome 259

Codman s syndrome 260

Cocktail Party syndrome 260

Coffin s syndrome 261

Coffin-Lowry syndrome 261

Coffin-Siris syndrome 262

Cogan s Ⅰ syndrome 262

Cogan s Ⅱ syndrome 263

Cohen s syndrome 263

Conan-Reese syndrome 263

Cold Agglutination syndrome 264

Colcott-Fox syndrome 264

Coindet s syndrome 264

Cold Hypersensitivity syndrome 265

Colles syndrome 266

Coleman-Meredith syndrome 266

Cold Panniculitis in Children syndrome 266

Collet-Sicard syndrome 266

Colombo s syndrome 267

Combettes syndrome 267

Comfort-Steinberg syndrome 268

Comedo-Cataract syndrome 268

Combined Familial Hyperlipidemia syndrome 268

Common Cold syndrome 269

Comly s syndrome 269

Concentrated Bile syndrome 270

Congenital Achromatopia syndrome 271

Condorelli s syndrome 271

Congenital Agranulocytosis syndrome 271

Congenital Atrioventricular Heart Block syndrome 272

Congenital Deafness Otitic Meningtis syndrome 272

Congenital Miliary Hemangiomas syndrome 273

Congenital Heart Disease-Deafness-Skeletal Malformation syndrome 273

Congenital Palpebrae syndrome 274

Congenital Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia syndrome 274

Conradi s syndrome 275

Conn s syndrome 275

Contractural Arachnodactyly syndrome 276

Conus Medullaris syndrome 276

Conscious Immobility syndrome 276

Cook syndrome 277

Cooper s IA syndrome 277

Convisart s syndrome 277

Cooper s Ⅱ syndrome 278

Cor Triatriatum syndrome 278

Cords syndrome 279

Cork Worker s syndrome 279

Corpus Callosum Agenesis syndrome 280

Coronary Artery Steal syndrome 280

Corrigan s syndrome 281

Corpus Luteum Insufficiency syndrome 281

Costen s syndrome 282

Costello-Dent syndrome 282

Cossio-Berconsky syndrome 282

Cotard s syndrome 283

Costovertebral Joints syndrome 283

Cotugno s syndrome 284

Cotton-Berg syndrome 284

Cottle s Syndrome 284

Courvoisier-Terrier syndrome 285

Counter-Disaster syndrome 285

Couvade syndrome 285

Couvelaire s syndrome 286

Couvelaire s Premature Separation of Placenta syndrome 286

Crain s syndrome 287

Cowden s syndrome 287

Craniofacial-Reno-Arthro-Syndactylia syndrome 288

Craniometaphyseal Dysplasia syndrome 288

Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome 289

Creyx-Levy syndrome 289

Crigler-Naijar syndrome 290

Crohn s syndrome 290

Cronkhite-Canada syndrome 291

Crouzon s syndrome 292

Crosti s syndrome 292

Cross syndrome 292

Crow-Fukase syndrome 293

Crush syndrome 294

CRST syndrome 294

Crush Orbital Apex syndrome 295

Cryptorchidism syndrome 296

Cruveilhier-Baumgarten symdrome 296

Crystal Deposition syndromes 297

Curling s Ulcer syndrome 297

Cryptothyroidism syndrome 297

Curtius s Ⅰ syndrome 298

Curracino-Silverman syndrome 298

Cushihg s Ⅱ syndrome 299

Cushing s Ⅰ syndrome 299

Cushing s Ⅲ syndrome 300

Cutis Laxa syndromes 301

Cutis Marmorata syndrome 302

Culis Verticus Gyrata syndrome 303

Cyclic Neutropenia syndrome 303

Cyclical Edema syndrome 304

Cyclopism syndrome 304

Cyriax s syndrome 305

Cystathioninuria syndrome 305

Cystic Duct syndrome 306

Cystic Fibrosis syndromes 306

Cystinuria syndrome 308

D Acosta s syndrome 309

Dacie s Anemia synedrome 309

Da Costa s(J.M.)syndrome 310

Dandy s I syndrome 311

Dandy s syndrome 311

Dale s syndrome 311

Dandy-Walker syndrome 312

Darier-Ferrand syndrome 312

Darier-White syndrome 313

David-Stickler syndrome 314

David s(W.)syndrome 314

Davies syndrome 315

Davis (J.A.)syndrome 316

Dawson s syndrome 316

Davis (M.D.)syndrome 316

Dead Fetus syndrome 317

Deber s syndrome 318

Dean-Barnes syndrome 318

Decerebrate syndrome 319

Debre-Fittke syndrom 319

De Clerambault s syndrome 320

Decorticate syndrome 320

Defibrinating syndrome 321

De Gimard s syndrome 321

Degos Acanthoma syndrome 322

De Grouchy-Lamy-Thieffy syndrome 322

Dèjèrine-Klumpke syndrome 323

De Grouchy-Royer-Salmon-Lamy syndrome 323

Dejans syndrome 323

Déjérine-Roussy syndrome 324

Dèjèrine s Radicular syndrome 324

Déjérine s “Onion Peel Sensory Loss syndrome 324

Dèjèrine-Thomas syndrome 325

Dèjèrine-Sottas syndrome 325

De Jussieu s syndrome 326

De Lange s I syndrome 326

De Lange s Ⅲ syndrome 327

Delay-Deniker syndrome 327

Demarquay s syndrome 328

Del Castillo s syndrome 328

De Morsier s Ⅱ syndrome 329

De Morgan s syndrome 329

De Morsier s Ⅰ syndrome 329

De Myer s syndrome 330

De Morsier s Ⅲ syndrome 330

Denial syndrome 330

Dennic-Marfan syndrome 331

Denny-Brown s I syndrome 331

Dental-Ocular-Cutaneous syndrome 332

De Quervain s I syndrome 332

De Quervain s Ⅱ syndrome 332

Dermal Erythropoiesis syndrome 333

Dercum s syndrome 333

Derry s syndrome 334

De Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome 334

Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia syndrome 335

Determann s syndrome 335

Deutschlaender s syndrome 336

De Vaal s syndrome 336

Devic s syndrome 337

Devergie s syndrome 337

Devlin s Dwarfism syndrome 338

Diabetes Insipidus syndrome 338

Diabetes Insipidus with Thirst Decreased syndrome 339

Diabetic Ketoacidosis syndrome 339

Diallinas-Amalric syndrome 340

Diabetic Myeiopatby syndrome 340

Diabetic Pseudotabes syndrome 340

Dialysis Disequilibrium syndrome 341

Dialysis Encephalopathy syndrome 341

Diaphragmatic Eventration syndrome 342

Diaphragm Rupture syndrome 342

Diastrophic Dwarfism syndrome 342

Dide-Botcazo syndrome 343

Diencephalo-Hypothalamic syndrome 343

Dietl s syndrome 344

Dietlen s syndrome 344

Diffuse Esophagus Spasm syndrome 345

Dietrich s syndrome 345

Di Guglielmo s I syndrome 346

Di George s syndrome 346

Dillon s syndrome 347

Disaster syndrome 348

Di Saia s syndrome 348

Dimmer s syndrome 348

Diphasic Postcardiotomy syndrome 348

Discogenic syndrome 349

Discoid Lupus Erythematosus syndrome 349

Distiohasis-Lymphedcma syndrome 350

Divry-Van Bogaert syndrome 350

DNA Autosensitivity syndrome 351

Doan-Wiseman syndrome 351

Dobriner s syndrome 352

Doan-Wright syndrome 352

Doehle-Heller syndrome 353

Dockhorn s syndrome 353

Donohue s syndrome 354

Dominant Albinoidism syndrome 354

Dohi s syndrome 354

Double Outlet-Right Ventricle I syndrome 355

Dormandy-Porter syndrome 355

Double Outlet-Right Ventricle Ⅱ syndrome 355

Double Whammy syndrome 356

Double Outlet-Right Ventricle Ⅳ syndrome 356

Doync s syndrome 357

Dow-Van Bogaert syndrome 357

Down s syndrome 357

Dresbach s syndrome 358

Dressler s(W.)syndrome 359

Dressler s(D.R)syndrome 359

Dreuw s syndrome 360

Drey?us syndrome 360

Drugs Induced Lupoid syndrome 361

Drop Attack syndrome 361

Drummond s syndrome 362

Dubin-Jolinon syndrome 363

Duane s syndrome 363

Duchenne s Ⅱ syndrome 364

Duchenne s I syndrome 364

Dubowitz s syndrome 364

Duckert s syndrome 365

Duchenne s Dystrophy syndrome in Females 365

Duhring s syndrome 366

Dudley-Klingenstein syndrome 366

Duplay s syndrome 367

Duodenum-Colon syndrome 367

Dupuytren s syndrome 368

Dupre s syndrome 368

Dural Sinus Thrombosis syndrome 369

Durand s syndrome 369

Duvernoy s syndrome 370

Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome 371

Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen syndrome 371

Dwarfism-Immunopathy-Asthma syndrome 371

Dysacromelias syndromes 372

Dysarthria-Clumsy Hand syndrome 372

Dysbarism syndrome 373

Dyscontrol syndrome 373

Dyscrasic Purpura syndrome 373

Dzierszynsky s syndrome 374

Dystocia-Dystrophia syndrome 374

Eales Syndrome 375

Eagles syndrome 375

Eaton-Lambert syndrome 376

Early Postprandial Dumping syndrome 376

Ear Cblosteatoma syndrome 376

Ebstein s syndrome 377

Ectopic GTH syndrome 378

Edpopic ACTH syndrome 378

Ectopic PTH syndrome 379

Ectopic Pregnancy syndrome 379

Edward s syndrome 380

Edelmann s syndrome 380

Ectopic TSH syndrome 380

Efferent Loop syndrome 381

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 382

Egg Wbite syndrcme 382

Ehret s Syndrome 383

Ehrenfried s syndrome 383

Eisenlohr s syndrome 384

Eisenmenger s syndrome 384

Eisenring-Robb-Andermann syndrome 384

Ekman-Lobstein syndrome 385

Eliakim s syndrome 386

Elbow-Knee MEDT syndrome 386

Eiliotson s syndrome 386

Eilis-Van Creveld syndrome 387

Elpenor syndrome 387

Elsbach s syndrome 388

Elsahy-Waters syndrome 388

Elschnig s I syndrome 388

Elschnig s Ⅱ syndrome 389

Emery-Nelson syndrome 389

EMO syndrome 389

Emotional Deprivation syndrome 390

Empty Sella syndrome 390

Enecphalitis Parkinson s syndrome 391

Endocardial Cushion Malformations syndrome 391

Endometriosis syndrome 392

Engel-Aring syndrome 393

Engel-Von Recklinghausen syndrome 393

Enteropathic Arthritis syndrome 394

Entrapment syndrome 394

Environmental Dwarfism syndrome 395

Enuresis syndrome 395

Epidemic Tropical Aucte Polyarthritis syndrome 396

Epidural Hematoma syndrome 396

Epileptic Automatism syndrome 396

Epiphyseal Ischemic Necrosis syndrome 397

Eppinger-Blanchi syndrome 397

Erb s Ⅲsyndrome 398

Epstein s syndrome 398

Erb-Duchenne syndrome 399

Erb-Cnarcot syndrome 399

Erdheim s Ⅱsyndrome 400

Erb-Goldflam syndrome 400

Ernster-Luftz syndrome 400

Erythema Gyratum Repens syndrome 401

Erysipeloid syndrome 401

Erythema Nodosum syndrome 402

Erythema Multiforme syndrome 402

Escheler s syndrome 403

Eseamilla-Lisser syndrome 403

Esophageal Achalasia syndrome 404

Esophageal Colic syndrome 404

Esophagus Apoplexy syndrome 405

Esophageal Dyschalasia syndrome 405

Esophagus Chalasia syndrome 406

Espildora-Luque syndrome 406

Essential Fructosuria syndrome 406

Essential Hematuria syndrome 407

Essential Hirsutism syndrome 407

Esterly-Mckusick syndrome 407

Etiocholanolone Fever syndrome 408

Ethmocephalus syndrome 408

Estren-Dameshek syndrome 408

Evans-Lloyd-Thomas syndrome 409

Evan s syndrome 409

Exertional Rhabdomyolysis syndrome 410

Ewing s syndrome 410

Faber s syndrome 411

Fabry s syndrome 411

Fahr s syndrome 412

Factitious Purpura syndrome 412

Fairbank s syndrome 413

Fahr-Volhard syndrome 413

Falconer-Weddell syndrome 414

Fallot s syndrome 414

Fallot s Tetralogy Balanced Shunt syndrome 415

Fallot s Trilogy syndrome 416

Falret s syndrome 416

Familial Discrete Polyposis syndrome 417

Familial Cutaneous Collagenoma syndrome 417

Familial Autosomal Addison s associated Juvenile Hypoparathyroidism syndrome 417

Familial Idiopathic Hypercalciuria syndrome 418

Familial Hyperparathyroidism syndrome 418

Familial Lymphohistiocytosis syndrome 419

Familial Intestinal Polyposis syndrome 419

Familial Thyrine Asynthesis syndrome 420

Familial Myeloproliferative syndrome 420

Familial Urogenital Tract and Ear Malformations syndrome 421

Fanconi s I syndrome 421

Fanconi s (adult form) syndrome 422

Fanconi s Ⅱsyndrome 422

Fanconi-Tuerler syndrome 423

Fanconi Hegglim Syndrome 423

Fanconi-de Toni syndrome 423

Farmer-Mustian syndrome 424

Farber s syndrome 424

Faulk-Epstein-Jones syndrome 425

Faver-Racouchot syndrome 425

Farmer s Lung syndrome 425

Favre s syndrome 426

Feer s syndrome 426

Fegcler s syndrome 427

Feldaker s syndrome 427

Felty s syndrome 427

Femoral HypolasiaUnusual Facies syndrome 428

Fertile Eunuch syndrome 428

Fetal Alcohol syndrome 429

Fetal Distress syndrome 430

Feto-Fetal Transfusion syndrome 430

Fibromuscular Dysplasia syndrome 431

Fibrositis syndrome 431

Fickler-Winkler syndrome 432

Fiedler s syndrome 432

Filatov s syndrome 433

Filatov-Dukes syndrome 434

First Arch syndrome 434

Fish Eye syndrome 435

Fisher s syndrome 435

Fish Odour syndrome 435

Flajani s syndrome 436

Fisher-Volavsek syndrome 436

Flecked Retina syndrome 437

Fleischner s Syndrome 437

Flexuren syndrome 438

Flint s syndrome 438

Floppy Infant syndromes 439

Fluckiger s syndrome 440

Floppy Valve syndrome 440

Foix s I syndrome 441

Foerster s syndrome 441

Foix s Ⅱsyndrome 441

Folling s syndrome 442

Foix-Alajouanine syndrome 442

Foramen Occipitale Mangum syndrome 443

Forbes syndrome 443

Forbes-Albright syndrome 444

Fordyce s syndrome 444

Forestier-Rotés-Querol syndrome 444

Forney s syndrome 445

Forsius-Eriksson syndrome 445

Forssell s syndrome 445

Forssman s syndrome 446

Fo ster Kennedy s syndrome 446

Fothergill s Syndrome 447

Foville s I syndrome 447

Fourth Ventricle syndrome 447

Fox s syndrome 448

Foville-Wilson syndrome 448

Foville s Ⅱsyndrome 448

Franceschetti s syndrome 449

Fox-Fordyce syndrome 449

Franceschetti-Kaufman syndrome 449

Fraga s syndrome 449

Franceschetti-Klein syndrome 450

Francois-Haustrate syndrome 451

Francois-Evens syndrome 451

Francois I syndrome 451

Franceschetti-Thier syndrome 451

Frankl-Hochwart s syndrome 452

Francois-Neetens syndrome 452

Franser s syndrome 453

Franklin s syndrome Franz s syndrome 453

Fredericksen s (T.) syndrome 454

Freeman-Sheldon syndrome 454

Frey s (E.) syndrome 455

Frenkel s syndrome 455

Fregoli s syndrome 455

Fregdi s syndrome 455

Friedreich s syndrome 456

Frey s (L.) syndrome 456

Friedreich s Ataxia syndrome 457

Friedreich-Auerbach syndrome 457

Froehlich s syndrome 458

Frimodt-Moller syndrome 458

Frontonasal Dysplasia syndrome 459

Frontal Lobe syndrome 459

Froin s syndrome 459

Fuchs Ⅲsyndrome 460

Fuchs Ⅱsyndrome 460

Fuchs I syndrome 460

Fuchs Ⅴsyndrome 461

Fuchs Ⅳsyndrome 461

Fulminant Hepatitislike syndrome 462

Fundus Albipunctatus syndrome 463

Fulminanting Hepatitis-Recurrent Hypoglycemia syndrome 463

Gaisb?ck s syndrome 464

Galand s syndrome 464

Gamekeeper s Thumb syndrome 465

Gamble s syndrome 465

Gallavardin s syndrome 465

Garser s syndrome 466

Gamstorp s syndrome 466

G?nsslen s I syndrome 467

G?nsslen s Ⅱsyndrome 467

Gardener-Diamond syndrome 468

Garcin s syndrome 468

Gardner s syndrome 469

Garre s syndrome 469

Garrod s syndrome 470

Gas syndromes 471

Garrod s Albinism syndrome 471

Gasperini s syndrome 473

Gasser s Ⅱ syndrome 473

Gasser-Karrer syndrome 474

Gastro-Cardiac syndrome 474

Gastroduodenal Ulceration-Chronic Pulmonary Disease syndrome 475

Gastrointestinal Milk Allergy syndrome in Infants 475

Gaucher s syndrome 476

Gaustad s syndrome 477

G-Deletion syndrome 477

Gee s syndrome 478

Gelineau s syndrome 479

Gelfard-Hyman syndrome 479

Gerbasi s syndrome 480

Geographic Tongue syndrome 480

Geominne s syndrome 480

Ger?ardt s syndrome 481

Gerlier s syndrome 481

German s syndrome 481

Gerstmann s syndrome 482

Gessler s syndrome 482

Gbadimi-Woody syndrome 483

Giannotti-Crosti syndrome 483

Gibson s syndrome 484

Gibert s syndrome 484

Giant Cell Interstital Pneumonia syndrome 484

Gilbert s (J.B.) syndrome 485

Giedion s syndrome 485

Gilbert-Dreyfus syndrome 486

Gilbert s (N,A.) syndrome 486

Gilles de la Tourette s syndrome 487

Gilford-Bufneir syndrome 487

Gingival Fibromatosis-Hypertrichosis syndrome 488

Ginseng Abuse syndrome 488

Gitzelmann s syndrome 488

Glanzmann s syndrome 489

Gjessing s syndrome 489

Glanzmann-Riniker syndrome 490

Glenard s syndrome 490

Globus syndrome 491

Globus Pallidus Necrosis syndrome 491

Glomus Jugulare Tumcr syndrome 492

Glomerular Rickets syndrome 492

Glucagonoma syndrome 493

Glossopalatine Ankylosis syndrome 493

Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency syndrome 494

Glucose-Galactose Malabsorption syndrome 494

Glue Ear syndrome 495

Glutathione Deficiencies syndrome 496

Godfried-Prick-Carol Prakken syndrome 497

Godtfredsen s syndrome 497

Golderg-Maxwell syndrome 497

Goldscheider s syndrome 498

Goldmann-Favre syndrome 498

Goldenhar s syndrome 498

Goldstein-Reichmann syndrome 499

Golfer Elbow syndrome 499

Goltz s syndrome 500

Good s syndrome 500

Goodoasture s syndrome 501

Goddman s syndrome 501

Gordon s syndrome 502

Gordan-Overstreet syndrome 502

Gorham s syndrome 503

Gordon-Cooke syndrome 503

Gorlin-Chaudhry-Moss syndrome 504

Gorlin s syndrome 504

Gorlin-Cohen syndrome 504

Gorlin-Goltz syndrome 505

Gosselin s syndrome 505

Gougerot-Blum syndrome 506

Gottron s syndrome 506

Gougerot-Carteaud syndrome 506

Gougerot-Ruiter syndrome 507

Gougerot-Hailey-Hailey syndrome 507

Gout syndrome 508

Gouley s syndrome 508

Gowers s Panatrophy syndrome 509

Gowers (W.R.) syndrome 509

Graefe s syndrome 510

Gradenigo s syndrome 510

Graefe-Sj?gren syndrome 511

Granmann s syndrome 511

Gram s syndrome 511

Grant s syndrome 512

Grand Mal syndrome 512

Granulosis Rubra Nasi syndrome 513

Grauban s syndrome 513

Grawitz s syndrome 513

Gray syndrome 514

Grayout syndrome 514

Grayson-Wilbrandt syndrome 515

Great Arteries Complete Transposition syndrome 515

Grebe s syndrome 515

Greenfield s syndrome 516

Green Urine syndrome 517

Green Nail syndrome 517

Green stool syndrome 517

Gregg s syndrome 518

Gregoire s Blue syndrome 518

Greig s syndrome 519

Greither s syndrome 519

Grisel s syndrome 520

Griesinger s syndrome 520

Grierson-Gopalan syndrome 520

Groenblad-Strandberg-Touraine syndrome 521

Grob s syndrome 521

Groenouw s Ⅱ syndrome 522

Groenouw s I syndrome 522

Gross-Groh-Weippl syndrome 522

Growth Retardation-Renal Aminoaciduria-Cor Pulmonale syndrome 523

Grosshan s syndrome 523

Gsell-Erdheim syndrome 524

Guerin s syndrome 524

Gruner-Bertolotti syndrome 524

Guillain-Barré syndrome 525

Guillain-Alajouanine-Bertrand Garcin syndrome 525

Guerry-Cogan syndrome 525

Gull s syndrome 526

Guillain-Bertrand-Lereboullet syndrome 526

Günther s I syndrome 527

Gutierrez s syndrome 528

Haab s syndrome 529

Haber s syndrome 529

Haas syndrome 529

Hageman s Factor Deficiency syndrome 530

Haff syndrome 530

Haferkamp s syndrome 530

Haenel s syndrome 530

Hajdu-Cheney syndrome 531

Haglund s syndrome 531

Hall s syndrome 532

Halban s syndrome 532

Half and Half Nail syndrome 532

Hallervorden s syndrome 533

Hallermann-Streiff syndrome 533

Hallopeau s Isyndrome 534

Hallervorden-Spatzsyndrome 534

Halliday s syndrome 534

Hallopeau s Ⅱsyndrome 535

Hallopeau-Siemens syndrome 535

Hamman-Rich syndrome 536

Hamman s syndrome 536

Hand-Foot syndrome 537

Hammond s syndrome 537

Hand-Foot-Mouth syndrome 538

Hand-Schüller-Christian syndrome 538

Hand-Foot-Uterus syn-drome 538

Handigodu syndrome 539

Hanhart s syndrome 540

Haney-Falls syndrome 540

Hanot-Roessle syndrome 541

Hanot s syndrome 541

Harbitz s syndrome 542

Harada s syndrome 542

“Happy puppet” syndrome 542

Harkavy s syndrome 543

Harbiz-Mueller syndrome 543

Harlequin Fetus syndrome 544

Harnden-Stewart syndrome 544

Harlequin Color Change syndrome 544

Harris (S.)syndrome 545

Hartnup s syndrome 545

Hashimoto s syndrome 546

Haxthausen s II syndrome 547

Haverhill Fever syndrome 547

Haxthausen s I syndrome 547

Hayem-Widal-Loutit syndrome 548

Hayden-Grossman syndrome 548

Head-Riddoch syndrome 549

Heberden s syndrome 550

Heart Tamponade syndrome 550

Heberden s Nodes syndrome 551

Hebra s Prurigo syndrome 551

Hedblom s syndrome 551

Heidenhain s syndrome 552

Heerfordt s syndrome 552

Heine-Medin syndrome 553

Heller s(J.)syndrome 554

Heiner s syndrome 554

Helenia syndrome 554

Heller s(T.)syndrome 555

Heller-Nelson syndrome 555

Hellerstr?m s syndrome 555

Harrington syndrome 555

Helweg-Larsen syndrome 556

Hemifacial Microsomia syndrome 556

Hemihypertrophy syndrome 557

Hemiplegia Hemianestesia and Alternating Hypoglossal syndrome 557

Hemoglobin C syndromes 558

Hemoglobin D syndromes 559

Hemoglobin E syndromes 560

Hemoglobin H syndromes 561

Hemorrhoidal-Prostatic-Impotence syndrome 562

Hench-Rosenberg syndrome 562

Henoch s syndrome 563

Hepatic Flexure syndrome 563

Hennebert s syndrome 563

Hepatitis-Aplastic Anemia syndrome 564

Hepato-Cardiale syndrome 564

Hepato-Cutaneous syndrome 565

Hepato-Thyroid syndrome 565

Hereditary Angioneurotic Edema syndrome 566

Hereditary Adrenocortical Unresponsiveness to ACTH syndrome 566

Hereditary Dysfibrinogenemia syndrome 567

Hereditary Deafness with Optic Atrophy syndrome 567

Hereditary Hypoparathyroidism syndrome 568

Hereditary Hypofibrinogenemia syndrome 568

Hereditary Recurrent Intrahepatic Cholestasis syndrome 569

Hereditary Purpura Simplex syndrome 569

Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin syndrome 569

Hereditary Tumor syndrome 570

Hereditary Tyrosinemia-Tyrosiluria syndrome 571

Herman s syrdrome 572

Herlitz s syndrome 572

Herman s Congenital Word Blindness syndrome 573

Hermanski-Pudlak syndrome 573

Herpes Gestation syndrome 574

Herrick s syndrome 574

Herrmann s syndrome 575

Herrmann-Pallister-Opitz syndrome 576

Hers syndrome 576

Hersman s syndrome 576

Hertwig-Magendie syndrome 577

Herxheimer s syndrome 577

Hertwig-Weyers syndrome 577

Hidradenoma Eruptivum syndrome 578

Hibernoma syndrome 578

Hilding s syndrome 579

High-Output Circulatory Failure syndrome 579

Hirano s syndrome 580

Hilger s syndrome 580

Hirschproung s syndrome 581

Hodgkin s syndrome 582

Histidinemia syndrome 582

Hitzenberger s syndrome 582

Histiocytosis X syndromes 582

Hoerlein-Weber syndrome 584

Hoffa s syndrome 585

Hoffmann-Zurhelle syndrome 585

Hoffmann s(J.)II syndrome 585

Hoffmann s(E.)syndrome 585

Holmes (G.)I syndrome 586

Holmes (A.F.)syndrome 586

Hollenhorst s syndrome 586

Holtermueller-Wiedemann syndrome 587

Holems (G.)III syndrome 587

Holmes (G.)II syndrome 587

Holt-Oram syndrome 588

Holthouse-Batten syndrome 588

Holzkneckt s syndrome 589

Homologous Blood syndrome 589

Homen s syndrome 589

Homonymous Hemianoptic Scotoma syndrome 590

Honercomb Lung syndrome 590

Hooft s syndrome 591

Honeymoon Cystitis syndrome 591

Hopkins syndrome 592

Hopf s syndrome 592

Hootnick-Holmes syndrome 592

Hoppe-Thurman syndrome 593

Horton s syndrome 594

Hornová-Dluhosová syndrome 594

Horner s syndrome 594

Horton s Ⅱ isyndrome 595

Housemaid s Knee syndrome 596

Houssay s syndrome 596

Howship-Romberg syndrome 596

Hughes-Stovin syndrome 597

Huguier-Jersild syndrome 597

Huijing-Fernandes syndrome 598

Hunner s syndrome 598

Hunt s(A.D.)syndrome 598

Hunt s(J.R.)I syndrome 599

Hunt s(J.R.)II syndrome 599

Hunt s syndrome 600

Hunter-Russell syndrome 600

Huntington s syndrome 601

Huriez s syndrome 601

Hurler s syndrome 602

Hurler-Scheie syndrome 602

Hutchinson s(J.)II syndrome 603

Hutchinson s.(J.)I syndrome 603

Hutchinson s(J.)III syndrome 603

Hyaline Membrane syndrome 604

Hutchinson s(R.)syndrome 604

Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome 604

Hydatidiform Mole syndrome 605

Hyde s syndrome 605

Hydroa Vacciniforme syndrome 606

Hydrometrocolpos syndrome 606

Hyperammonemia syndrome 607

Hypercalcemia syndrome 607

Hypereosinophilic syndrome 608

Hypercmesis Gravidarum syndrome 608

Hypergammaglobulinemia-Recurrent Infections syndrome 609

Hyperglycinuria-Hyperglycinemia syndrome 609

Hyperhidrosis syndromes 610

Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome 611

Hyperkalemic syndrome 612

Hyperimmunoglobulin M syndrome 612

Hyperlipemic Retinitis syndrome 613

Hyperkinetic Heart syndrome 613

Hyperlipoprotienemia Type Ⅴsyndrome 614

Hyperlipoprotienemia Type III syndrome 614

Hypermobile Cecum syndrome 615

Hypermagnesemia syndrome 615

Hypernatremia syndrome 616

Hyperornithinemia syndrome 616

Hypermotility syndrome 616

Hyperaparathyroidism syndromes 617

Hyperosmolality syndrome 617

Hyperparatbyroidism Myopathy syndrome 618

Hyperphenylalanienmia syndrome 619

Hyperpathia syndrome 619

Hyperprolinemia Type II syndrome 620

Hyperphosphatasia-Osteoectasia syndrome 620

Hyperplastic Epidermolysis Bullosa syndrome 620

Hypersomnia syndrome 621

Hypersplenism syndrome 621

Hypertriglyceridemia syndrome 622

Hypertensive Encephalopathy syndrome 622

Hyperventilation syndrome 623

Hypervalinemia syndrome 623

Hypoaldosteronism syndrome 624

Hypoglycemia syndrome 625

Hypocalcemia syndrome 625

Hypokalemia syndrome 626

Hyponatremia syndrome 627

Hypomagnesemia syndrome 627

Hypoplastic Left Heart syndrome 628

Hypoparathyroidism syndrome 628

Hypothalamic syndrome 629

Hypoplastic Right Heart syndrome 629

Hypothalamic Carrefour syndrome 630

Ichthyosis Nigricans syndrome 631

Ichthyosis Hystrix syndrome 631

Ichthyosis Simplex syndrome 631

Idiopathic Hyperaldosteronism syndrome 632

Idiopathic Mediastinal Fibrosis syndrome 632

Idiopathic Pulmonary Trunk Dilation syndrome 633

Idiopathic Megacolon syndrome 633

Imerslund-Graesbeck syndrome 634

Idiopathic Ulcerative Colitis syndrome 634

Immersion Foot syndrome 635

Immunodeficiency syndrome 636

Immunodeficieny with Ataxia-Telangiectasia syndrome 637

Immunodeficiency with Short-Limbed Dwarfism syndrome 638

Immunoglobulin Deficiency-Addison-Biermer syndrome 639

Immunodysplasia syndrome 639

Immunologic Amnesia syndrome 640

Immunologic Attrition syndrome 641

Imperforate Anus syndrome 642

Impotent Neutrophil syndrome 642

Inborn Errors in Folate Metabolism syndrome 643

Incipient Prechiasmal Optic Nerve Compression syndrome 643

Infantile Addison-Biermer syndrome 644

Infantile Choriocarcinoma syndrome 644

Infantile Hemiplegia syndrome 644

Infantile Hypercalcemia syndrome 645

Infervor Vena Caval Obstruction syndrome 645

Inoculation Reaction syndrome 646

Inspissated Bile syndrome 646

Inspissated Stool syndrome 647

Institutionalism syndrome 647

Insuline Autoimmune syndrome 647

Intermetamorphogic Illusion syndrome 648

Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysm syndrome 648

Intensive Care syndrome 648

Interstitial Chronic Pneumonia syndromes 649

Internal Derangment Knee Joint syndrome 649

Intestinal Carbohydrate Dyspepsia syndrome 650

Intestinal Sterilization syndrome 651

Intestinal Idiopathic Pseudoobstruction syndrome 651

Intestinal Knot syndrome 651

Intramural Coronary Artery Aneurysm syndrome 652

Iodide-induced Goiter-Myxedema syndrome 652

Iridocorneal Endothelial syndrome 653

Iris Dysplasia-Hypertelorism-Psychomotor Retardation syndrome 653

Irradiation Cystitis syndrome 654

Irritable Colon syndrome 654

Irritable Hip syndrome 655

Irvine s syndrome 655

Isolated ACTH Deficiency syndrome 656

Isaacs syndrome 656

Isovaleric Acidemia syndrome 657

Isolated GH Deficiency syndrome 657

Itching Purpura syndrome 658

Israel s syndrome 658

Ito s syndrome 658

Ivemark s syndrome 659

Jackson s II syndrome 660

Jackson s I syndrome 660

Jaccoud s syndrome 660

Patent Ductus Arteriosus syndrome 661

Jacobs (J.C.)syndrome 661

Jacobs (P.A.)syndrome 661

Jacobs (E.C.)syndrome 662

Jacobsen s syndrome 662

Jacobsen-Brodwall syndrome 662

Jacod s syndrome 663

Jacquet s syndrome 663

Jadassohn-Lewandowsky syndrome 664

Jadassohn-Pellizzari syndrome 664

Jaffe-Gottfried-Bradley syndrome 665

Jaffe-Lichtenstein syndrome 665

Jaffe-Lichtenstein-Sutro syndrome 665

Jaksch Wartenhost s syndrome 666

Jaksch s syndrome 666

Janbon s syndrome 667

Jarcho s syndrome 668

Janz s syndrome 668

Jansen s syndrome 668

Jensen s syndrome 669

Jayle-Ourgaud syndrome 669

Jejunum syndrome 669

Jervell-Lange-Nielson syndrome 670

Jervis syndrome 670

Jeune s syndrome 671

Jessenr-Kanof syndrome 671

Johanson-Blizzard syndrome 672

Job s syndrome 672

Jolliffe s syndrome 673

Johnson s syndrome 673

Jones syndrome 673

Joubert s syndrome 674

Joseph s syndrome 674

Juberg-Holt syndrome 675

Juberg-Hayward syndrome 675

Joussef s syndrome 675

Junius-Kuhnt syndrome 676

Jumper s Knee syndrome 676

Juhlin-Mich?lsson syndrome 676

Juvenile Myxedema syndrome 677

Juvenile Pemphigoid syndrome 678

Kabler-Bozzolo syndrome 679

Kahlbaum s syndrome 679

Kandinskii-Clérambault syndrome 680

Kallmann s syndrome 680

Kanner s syndrome 681

Kandori s syndrome 681

Kaposi s II syndrome 682

Kaposi s Ⅰsyndrome 682

Kaposi s III syndrome 683

Kaposi-Irgang syndrome 683

Kartagener s syndrome 684

Kasabach-Merritt syndrome 684

Kashin-Beck syndrome 685

Katayama syndrome 686

Kaufman s syndrome 686

Kawakita s syndrome 687

Kawasaki s syndrome 687

Kearns-Sayre syndrome 688

Kaipert s syndrome 688

Kellgren-Moore syndrome 689

Kenny-Linarelli-Caffey syndrome 689

Kemp-Elliot-Gorlin syndrome 689

Kernicterus syndrome 690

Kerat tis Fugax Hereditaria syndrome 690

Kersting-Hellwig syndrome 691

Kershner-Adams syndrome 691

Kernohan s Motih syndrome 691

Kienb?ck s syndrome 692

Kidney Arteriovenous Fistula syndrome 692

Kesaree-Wooley syndrome 692

Kienb?ck s Syringomyelia syndrome 693

Kilog-Nevin I syndrome 693

Koloh-Nevin II syndrome 693

Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome 694

Kinsbourine s syndrome 694

Kirk s syndrome 694

Kleine-Levin syndrome 695

Kitamura s syndrome 695

Kirner s syndrome 695

Klinefelter s syndrome 696

Kleinst s syndrome 696

Kleinschmidt s syndrome 696

Klippel-Feil syndrome 697

Klippel s syndrome 697

Klippel-Trenaunay-Weher syndrome 698

Klopefer s syndrome 698

Klippel-Feldstein syndrome 698

Klüver-Bucy syndrome 699

Kniest s syndrome 699

Kooker-Debré-Sémélaigne syndrome 700

Koby s syndrome 700

Knuckie Pad syndrome 700

Koenig s II syndrome 701

Koenig s I syndrome 701

Koffoeath s syndrome 702

Koeroer-Salus-Elshnig syndrome 702

K?hler s I syndrome 703

K?hler s Ⅱsyndrome 703

K?hlmeier-Degos syndrome 703

K?hn-Romano syndrome 704

Kohlschnetter s syndrome 704

Korean Hemorrhagic Fever syndrome 705

Kojewnikoff s syndrome 705

Koro syndrome 706

Korsakoff s syndrome 706

Kostmann s syndrome 707

Kozlowski s syndrome 707

Krabbe s I syndrome 708

Kozlowski-Zychowicz Syndrome 708

Kramer s syndrome 709

Kraemer s syndrome 709

Krabbe s Ⅱsyndrome 709

Kramer-Pollnow syndrome 710

Kreibig s syndrome 710

Krause s syndrome 710

Kretschmer s syndrome 711

Krishaber s syndrome 711

Kufs syndrome 712

Kuess syndrome 712

Krukenberg s syndrome 712

Kugeberg-Welander syndrome 713

Kugel-Stoloff syndrome 713

Kümmell s syndrome 714

Kurtz-Sprague-Wbite syndrome 714

Kulenkampff-Tornow syndrome 714

Kurz s syndrome 715

Kuru syndrome 715

Kussmaul-Maier syndrome 716

Kuskokwim syndrome 716

Kwashiorkor syndrome 717

Kyrle s syndrome 718

Labbe s syndrome 719

Laband s syndrome 719

Lacunar syndrome 719

Ladd s syndrome 720

Ladd-Gross syndrome 720

Laennec s syndrome 721

La?densuu s syndrome 722

Lager syndrome 722

Lafora s Bodies syndrome 722

Lambert s syndrome 723

Laigel-Lavastine-Viard syndrome 723

Lahey s II syndrome 723

Lahey s syndrome 723

Landouzy-Déjérine syndrome 724

Landouzy s I syndrome 724

Lamy-Bienenfeld syndrome 724

Lambling s syndrome 724

Lange-Akeroyd syndrome 725

Lane s (W.A.) syndrome 725

Lane s (J.E.) syndrome 725

Lange-Shade s syndrome 726

Langer-Petersen Spranger syndrome 727

Langer-Giedion syndrome 727

Langer s syndrome 727

Lanzieri s syndrome 728

Lanzkowsky s syndrome 728

Larsen s syndrome 728

Larsen-Johansson syndrome 729

Larva Visceral Migrans syndrome 729

Laségue s Ⅱ syndrome 730

Laségue s I syndrome 730

Laségue-Falret syndrome 731

Lassen s I syndrome 731

Late Dumping syndrome 732

Lassueur-Graham-Little syndrome 732

Latah syndrome 732

Lateral Sinus Thrombosis syndrome 733

Lathyrism syndrome 733

Latissimus Dorsi syndrome 734

Lauber s syndrome 734

Laubry-Pezzi syndrome 734

Launois syndrome 735

Launois-Bensaude syndrome 735

Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome 736

Lawrence-Seip syndrome 737

Lazy Leukocyte syndrome 737

Leaking Duodenal Stump syndrome 738

Leber s I syndrome 738

Ledderhose s syndrome 739

Leber s Ⅱ syndrome 739

Ledig s Cell Only syndrome 740

Left Coronary Artery Arising from Pulmonary Artery syndrome 740

Left Side syndrome 741

Legal s syndrome 741

Legg-Calvé-Perthes syndrome 741

Leigh s syndrome 742

Leiner s syndrome 742

Leitner s syndrome 743

Lejeune s syndrome 743

Leiri s syndrome 743

Lele s syndrome 744

Lenegre s syndrome 745

Lemmel s syndrome 745

Leopard syndrome 746

Lenoble-Aubineau syndrome 746

Lennox-Gastaut s syndrome 746

Lepoutre s syndrome 747

Leptomeningeal Adhesive Thickening syndrome 748

Lereboullet-Pluvinage syndrome 748

Leri s syndrome 748

Leri-Joanny syndrome Leri-Wcill syndrome 749

Leriche s syndrome 749

Lermoyez s syndrome 750

Leroy s I-cell syndrome 751

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 751

Lethal Midline Granuloma syndrome 752

Letterer-Siwe syndrome 752

Lev s syndrome 753

Lever s syndrome 753

Lewandowsky-Lutz syndrome 754

Lewandowsky s syndrome 754

Levi s syndrome 754

Lewis-Besant syndrome 755

Lewis (.F) syndrome 755

Lewis syndrome 755

Lhermitte-Cornil Quesnel syndrome 756

Leyden s Ⅱ syndrome 756

Leyden-M?bius syndrome 756

Lhermitte-Levy syndrome 757

Lian-Siguier-Welti syndrome 757

Libman-Sacks syndrome 757

Lichenstern s syndrome 758

Lichtenstein-Jaffe syndrome 758

Lichenoid Amyloidosissyndrome 758

Lichtheim s Ⅱ syndrome 759

Lichtheim s I syndrome 759

Liddle s sydnrome 759

Liepmann s syndrome 760

Liebow-Carrington syndrome 760

Lignac-Fanconi-Debré syndrome 761

Lightwood-Albright syndrome 761

Light Eruption Polymorphous syndrome 761

Lilliputian syndrome 762

Lijo Pavia-Lis syndrome 762

Linear sebaceous Nevus Convuisions-Mental Retardation syndrome 763

Lindberg s syndrome 763

Limb Reduction-Ichthyosis syndrome 763

Lissauer s syndrome 764

List s syndrome 764

Little s (W.J.) syndrome 765

Little s (E.M.) syndrome 765

Liver peliosis syndrome 766

Lloyd s syndrome 766

Localized Myositis syndrome 767

Lobar Emphysema syndrome 767

Locked Lung syndrome 768

Locked-in syndrome 768

Loeffler s syndrome 769

Locked Knee syndrome 769

Loehr-Kindberg syndrome 770

Loewenthal s syndrome 770

L?fgren s syndrome 771

L?hlein s syndrome 771

Longer Leg syndrome 772

Loin Pain—Hematuria syndrome 772

Lorain-Levi syndrome 772

Lortat-Jacob-Degos syndrome 773

Louis-Bar s syndrome 773

Low Fever syndrome 774

Low Output syndrome 774

Low Salt syndrome 774

Low Triiodothyronine syndrome 775

Lowe s syndrome 776

Lowenberg-Hill syndrome 776

Lower Nephron Nephrosis syndrome 777

Lower Leg Stasis syndrome 777

Lubarsch-Pick syndrome 777

Lucey-Driscoll syndrome 778

Luder-Sheldon syndrome 778

Lubs s syndrome 778

Ludwig s syndrome 779

Luetscher s I syndrome 779

Lukianowicz s syndrome 780

Luhby s syndrome 780

Lutz-Miescher syndrome 781

Lutz-Jeanselme syndrome 781

Lutembacher s syndrome 781

Lyell s syndrome 782

Lycanthropy syndrome 782

Lyme syndrome 783

Lymphoid Interstitial Preumonia syndrome 784

Mach s syndrome 785

MacLennan s syndrome 785

Madelung s I syndrome 786

Macroamylasemia-Malabsorption syndrome 786

Macromandibular Dysalasis syndrome 786

Mad Hatter syndrome 787

Madida syndrome 787

Maffucci s syndrome 788

Magnus syndrome 788

Majocchi s syndrome 789

Malabsorption syndrome 789

Male Climacteric syndrome 790

Malberbe s syndrome 791

Male Pseudohermaphroditism,Incomplete Hereditary(typel) syndrome 791

Malignant Hyperpyrexia syndrome 792

Malignant Acanthosis Nigricans syndrome 792

Manson s Schistosomiasis Pulmonary Artery Obstruction syndrome 793

Mallory-Weiss syndrome 793

Marable s syndrome 794

Manubriosternal syndrome 794

Maraà?on s I syndrome 795

Marateaux-Spranger-Widemann syndrome 795

Mara?on s Ⅱsyndrome 795

Mara?on s Ⅳsyndrome 795

Mara?on s Ⅲ syndrome 795

Marchand s (E.J.) syndrome 796

Marchand s syndrome 796

Marchiafava-Bignami syndrome 797

Marchiafava-Micheli syndrome 797

Marcus Gunn s syndrome 798

Marden-Walker syndrome 798

Marfan s I syndrome 799

Marie s Ⅱsyndrome 800

Marfan-Like Hypermobility syndrome 800

Marfan s Like syndrome 800

Marie-Bamberg syndrome 801

Marie-Foix-Alajouanine syndrome 802

Marie-Sainton syndrome 802

Marie-Léri syndrome 802

Marie-See syndrome 803

Marin Amat s syndrome 803

Marion s syndrome 804

Marinesco-Sj?gren syndrome 804

Maroteaux-Lamy I syndrome 805

Maroteaux s syndrome 805

Markovits syndrome 805

Marjolin s syndrome 805

Maroyeaux-Lamy Ⅱ syndrome 806

Maroteaux s MEDT syndrome 806

Marshall s (J.) syndrome 807

Marshall s (R.E.) syndrome 807

Marshall s (D.) syndrome 807

Martin s syndrome 808

Marshall-White syndrome 808

Marshall-Smith syndrome 808

Martin du Pan-Rutishauser syndrome 809

Martin-Albright syndrome 809

Masshoff s syndrome 810

Masseteric Hypertrophy syndrome 810

Martorell s I syndrome 810

Massive Aspiration syndrome 811

Maternal-Fetal Transfusion syndrome 811

Mathes syndrome 812

Maternal Obesity syndrome 812

Matsoukas syndrome 812

Matzenauer-Polland syndrome 813

Maugeri s syndrome 813

Maumenee s syndrome 814

Mauriac s (C.) syndrome 814

Mauriac s (P.) syndrome 814

May-Hegglin syndrome 815
