《历史 环境 生机 古村落的世界》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:朱晓明编著;冯宝国摄影
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国建材工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7801592638
  • 页数:163 页

一、初涉古村one.New acquaintance with vernacular Village 1

生命的家园Homeland of life 2

共同的履迹Common footsteps 3

视点Viewpoint 9

徘徊Pace up and down 10

二、草创年代two.Initial stage 13

我从哪里来Where do I come 14

夹缝中生存Live in a narrow space 17

三、星罗棋布three.Spread all over the place 23

与商品经济振兴的市镇并存Exist together with towns whose commodity economy develops vigorously 24

古代经济交通相对发达,但近现代经济交通又曾一度衰退的地区Transport and economy developed in early times,but decline in modern history 25

分布在环境优美、便于防守的地区Spread in the district where the environment is beauty and it is easy to defense 27

名臣、硕儒、巨贾后裔聚居地Inhabited by famous officials, learned men and rich traers 29

地形封闭、地势险要处Located in a close place where is quite difficult to access 32

同古遗迹并存Lay together with ancient traces 33

各少数民族聚居区Minority nationality 34

四、含英嚼华four.Close to nature 37

建村Found village 38

重在生活Pay close attention to life 41

便于防御Convenient to defense 42

强化发展Emphasize on development 43

享受自然Enjoy nature 44

保育自然Care nature 47

热爱自然Love nature 49

五、在制度间游走five.Move among systems 51

政治制度Political system 52

绅士制度Local gentLeman system 55

教育制度Education system 55

经济制度Economy system 57

宗教制度Religion system 59

匠作制度Artisan system 61

六、阴霾显现six.Haze appears 63

事事沧桑Experience many vicissitudes of life 64

同自然说再见Say goodbye to nature 65

古道绝唱Post roads vanish 68

制度的更迭Systems change 69

摇曳的价值观Forms of value sway 71

统筹Plan as a whole 73

七、重整家园seven.Rally homeland 75

土地整理Lands sort out 76

我们在路上We are on the road 80

制度的衔接Making systems dovetail 83

整体完善Whole is improved 85

八、实践者eight.Put into effect 87

确立监管协调体制Authority to supervise 88

普通公众的参与Public participation 92

建筑师的指导Guided by architect 96

九、古村落的价值评判nine.Value judgement of vemacular village 99

评估所涉及的内容Judgement contents 100

个案研究Case study 103

确立整体的评估目标Establish judgement goals as a whole 108

十、纸上阅读ten.Reading 111

博物馆式保存Conservation as a museu 112

复制Duplication 116

研究所式抢救Save in institute 117

数字化保存Digital conservation 118

人间国宝Craft man and artisan as nationality treasures 119

十一、生活与体验eleven.Life and experience 121

更新保存Renewal conservation 122

自建的乐趣Doing it yourself is interesting 123

空间的变化Different in space 130

十二、古村有约twelve.Making a date with vernacular villages 133

生活环境的改善Life environment improves 134

产业建设Industrial reconstructs 138

十三、从国家遗产到人类共同的财富thirteen.From nationality legacy to common treasure of human being 145

建立国家历史文化名村保护制度Set up conservation sys tem of nationality historic village 146

申报世界文化遗产Apply for world cultural legacy 153

尾声End 157

参考文献Preference 159

致谢Thanks 162