Preface 1
一 贝德士其人其事 1
Ⅰ.About M.Searle Bates and His Life 1
缘起(代序) 1
二 贝德士文献简介 10
Ⅱ.Brief Introduction to Bates Papers 10
三 “南京安全区国际委员会”与“南京国际救济委员会” 17
Ⅲ.Nanjing International Safty Zone Committee and Nanjing International Relief Committee 17
四 南京大屠杀的实录 68
Ⅳ.Records of the Nanjing Massacre 68
五 毒品、慰安妇及其他 118
Ⅴ.Drug,Comfort Women and Others 118
六 战争损失调查 170
Ⅵ.Investigations of the War Losses 170
七 东京审判与贝德士证词 188
Ⅶ.The Tokyo Trial and Bates Testimonies 188
Ⅷ.A Conclusion That Is to Be Concluded 250
八 未能结束的结束语 250
Appendix 267
(Ⅰ)Correspondence and Documents of the International Committee 267
(一)国际委员会之书函文件 267
附录 267
(Ⅱ)The Japanese Troops That Conquered the Cities 301
(二)攻占各城市之日军部队 301
(Ⅲ)Murder Competition in Nanjin 303
(三)南京的“杀人竞赛” 303
(Ⅳ)Reports from Japan 304
(四)请看日方之报道 304
(Ⅴ)Confidential Letters of Bates Reporting the Nanjing Massacre 307
(五)贝德士报道南京大屠杀的密信 307
Bibliography 315
参考文献 315