Part I Connectives and their functions(联结词及其功能) 3
1 Presenting points(报告要点) 3
A.Starting the presentation(开始陈述) 4
B.Listing Points in sequence(顺序列点) 7
C.Emphasizing messages(强调信息) 9
D.Inserting apoint(加插要点) 14
E.Ending the presentation(结束陈述) 18
2 Giving real or imaginative examples(提供真实或虚构的例子) 21
3 Indicating the subject matter(指出主题事项) 31
4 Indicating the source of data(显示资料来源) 39
5 Showing the sequence of events(显示事件的先后次序) 49
A.Start telling(开始讲述) 50
B.Beginning(事件的开始) 53
C.Order of events(事件的先后) 56
D.Happening together(同时发生) 64
E.Ending(事件的结束) 67
6 Indicating a purpose(说明目的) 71
7 Introducing a reason(提出理由) 81
8 Introducing a result(道出结果) 95
9 Showing a similarity(显示相似之处) 107
10 Showing a difference(显示相异之处) 115
11 Stating an opinion(发表意见) 125
12 Emphasizing an idea(重述意念) 133
13 Stating the perspective(说明观点) 139
14 Moving on to another point(改变话题) 147
15 Making a conclusion(作出结论) 153
Part II Using connectives in writing(于写作中运用联结词) 163
16 Presenting project findings(报告研究结果) 163
17 Convincing others(说服他人) 167
18 Describing events(叙述事件) 171
19 Explaining actions(解释行动) 175
20 Comparing things(比较事物) 179
21 Showing opinions(表达意见) 183
Answer Key to“Test Your Understanding”and“Revision Corner”Sections 187