清音园--1993年斯图加特国际园林博览会“中国园”的设计 11
园林理论 Theory of Garden 13
乾隆盛世园林美学思想初探 13
计成与影园兴造(Ji Cheng and the Construction of Ying Garden) 45
江南古典园林山水理法 60
中国庭院中瀑布与泉流艺术 86
园林艺术 Garden Art 86
瘦西湖的历史与艺术(The History and Art of the Narrow West Lake) 100
扬州个园四季假山艺术初探 111
园林营造 Garden Construcaion 120
石涛的“人间孤本”--片石山房研究与修复设计 120
诗为意境,书为藍本(A Garden Built with Poens and Paintings as the Artistic Conception and Original Version) 131
“卷石洞天”风韵 135
扬州剪纸艺术馆妙在“因借”(The Wonder of Yangzhou Paper-Cut Gallery is the“Ingenuity of Adaptation and Borrowing”) 141
二十四桥明月夜,玉人何处教吹萧……二十四桥景区兴造旨意(Concept of the Construction of the Scens of“The Twenty-Fout Bridges”) 144
浑樸自然的浮庄东园(The Simple and Natural East Garden of Fuzhuang) 153
莲花桥维修综述(A Survey of the Repair of the Lotus Bridge) 156
延山引泉点园林(Extending Mountaion and Channelling Spring Wa-ter for the Embellishment of the Garden) 160
Qingyin Garden--The Proposed Chinese Garden for 1993 International EXposi-tion of Gardenx in Stuttgart 174
Der Chinesische Garten--Qing Yin Yuan(Freundschftsgarten)Ein Bertrag fur die IGA 1993 Stuttgart 178
Preliminary Approach to the Garden Aesthetic Thinkings of the Flourshing Age of Emperor Qianlong 182
The Landscape Art of Classical Gardens in the Region South of the Yangtse River 204
The Art of Waterfalls and Springs in Chinese Gardens 236
Preliminary Approach to the Art of the Rockeries of Four Seasons in Ge Garden 244
Shitao s “The Only Model on Earth”--A Study and Renovation Design of Pianshi Mountain House 253
Rock-rolled-up Grotto with Unique Beauty 261