《许国璋主编英语第3册 1979年重印本 练习答案》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:赵厚宪编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学技术文献出版社;重庆分社
  • 出版年份:1981
  • ISBN:17176·270
  • 页数:107 页

Lesson One A Sweet Potato Plot 1

Grammar Exercises 1

Exercises to the text 3

Lesson Two Golden Trumpets 6

Grammar Exercises 6

Exercises to the Text 10

Lesson Three Killers of Bacteria 12

Grammar Exercises 12

Exercises to the Text 14

Lesson Four The Blind Men and the Elephant 17

Grammar Exercises 17

Exercises to the Text 19

Lesson Five Africa--Land and Civilization 21

Grammar Exercises 21

Exercises to the Text 22

Lesson Six The Study of English 27

Grammar Exercises 27

Exercises to the Text 32

Revision Exercises(L L.1--6) 34

Lesson Seven Lenin in London 41

Grammar Exercises 41

Exercises to the Text 44

Lesson Eight Heart Transplants 47

Grammar Exercises 47

Exercises to the Text 48

Lesson Nine A Doctor Sent by Chairman Mao 54

Grammar Exercises 54

Exercises to the Text 56

Lesson Ten Our Earth 59

Grammar Exercises 59

Exercises to the Text 62

Lesson Eleven The Great Hall of the People--A Foreign Visitor’s Impressions of Peking 65

Grammar Exercises 65

Exercises to the Text 67

Lesson Twelve To China at Ninety 70

Grammar Exercises 70

Exercises to the Text 73

Inter-Lesson(Ⅱ)Exercises 76

Lesson Thirteen The Cop and the Anthem 81

Grammar Exercises 81

Exercises to the Text 85

Lesson Fourteen The Financiers 88

Grammar Exercises 88

Exercises to the Text 91

Lesson Fifteen The Financiers 95

Grammar Exercises 95

Exercises to the Text 98

Lesson Sixteen Robinson Crusoe Makes Himself a Boat Grammar Exercises 100

Exercises to the Text 103