《信息时代的新管理典范 中国-加拿大管理教育交流项目第四届中、青年学术会议论文集 武汉》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:林子铭等主编
  • 出 版 社:武汉:华中理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:7560911749
  • 页数:264 页

Business Mangagement 1

1.Research on the Correlations Between the Strategic Factors and the Profitability in China 's Manufacturing Industries by Zhilong Tian, Xixian Can and Myrom J Gordown 1

2.Organization Design and Job Design for CIMS Firms by Yinfeng Ql and Qlng jiun Liu 10

3. Where We are and Where Wc Go: Analysis of the Management Systcm and Managerial Bchaviour of Chinese State-Owed Enterprises by Yoummin Xi 24

4.Horizontal Mergers in an Open Economy by Hongmin Cehn and Anming Zhang 34

5.An Analysis of the Government-Firm Rclationships by Yaohao Wang and Shaochuan Cheng 48

6.Status Quo. Improvement and Productivity of China's State Enterprises by Difang Wan and Yingluo Wang 56

7.Research on Chinese Export Quantity Manageement Mode by Hanzhen Yang 66

8.The Ratios of Marketing Expenses to Sales Revenue and the Pattcrns in China's Manufacturing Industries by Zhilong Tian, Xixian Can MYron J Gordon 75

9.The STudies on Chinese Multinationals Competitive Advantages by Yi Liu 83

10.A Development Strateyg for the Foreign Trade in Hunchun Area by Qing Li Yingluo Wang and Shiheng Ding 95

11.The Present Value of Depreciation Tax Shield under China's New I inancial Stadards by Xinping Xia 104

12. AnAssessment of Beta and Its Stabiblity in Shenzhen Securitics Exchangc by Yifeng Shen and Lang nan Ghen 111

13. Management on China's Stock Market by Renfen LI 117

14. Technical Change, Competition and Stategy by Ming Nie 121

15. The Information Barriers in Trans fer of Technology by Xingming Wang ang Rypi llang 127

16. Technology Transfer Via Foreign Ioves tment by Xingming Wang ang Fudong Zhu 135

17. Selecting the Right Person to Work With in China by Roberl J Oppenhermer, Bo Wang and Zixiu Guo 143

18. The Structure and Characteristics of the Labour Employment and Their Inome in China's Manufacturing Industries by Zhilong Tian, Zixian Cai and Myron J Gordon 155

19. A New Thought of Tourism Management by Hiuping Zou and Ying luo Wand 164

20. Cointegration Analysis and Causal Test Between the Educational Investment and the Economic Growth of China by Linyan Sun 172

Manag cmcnt Science 178

21. Capacity Distribution Oricnted MPS Development ' An Integrated for Job Shop by Shihua Mu . Rongqiu Chenand Xianyun Wang 178

22. An Apphcable Computer Systcm for Improving Aggicgate Efficency in Chinese Manufacturing Industry by Langnan Chen and Dane Tang 190

23.A Study on the Samphng Method for Road Freight Frans port of Non--Transport Systcm in China byLiang wen Huang and Zong hui Lu 196

24. Recent Development in Exper t System Applications in Construction Management by Yuanfang Song Kanliang Wang and David Ardli 203

25. User Intci face design Skills for Management Information System by Yingzi Liu Rongqiu Chen and Chun Zhu 212

26. An Expeiimental Study of the Effects of Napping on Attention by Jiangiao Liao 217

27. The Rescarch of Dccision Support on Regnional R D and Socio--Economic Coordinated Development by Yuanfang Song Wenhua Cao and Xing lle 223

28. A More Generalized Decomposition Method foi Linear Programs byBoxiong Lan and J David Fiiller 230

29. Minimizing the Sum of Squared Deviation of Completion Fimes about SIK Due--Date by Rongqiu Chen Gang zhi Zhon and Rong Zeng 241

30.Minim!zing the Wighted Sum of Absolute Deviation of Completion limes with Earhiess and Lradiness Pcnalties about SLK Duc -- Date Problem byRongqiu Chen ,Gand zhi Zhou and Rong Zeng 247

31. Preemptive Scheduling of Ldentical Mchines to Minimize Mean Flow Time by Rongqiu Chen, Shuguang Liu and Rong Zeng 254

32. Rediscussing MIS Speciality in Engineering Universities by Bing Hou and Jinghua Huang 259