《C++编程思想 英文本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:22 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)Bruce Eckel著
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7111091620
  • 页数:801 页

Preface 1

What s inside… 1

What s new in the second edition 2

What s in Volume 2 of this book 3

How to get Volume 2 3

Prerequisites 3

Learning C++ 4

Goals 5

Chapters 7

Exercise solutions 12

Source code 12

Exercises 12

Language standards 14

Language support 15

The book s CD ROM 15

CD ROMs ,seminars,and consulting 16

Errors 16

About the cover 17

Book design and production 18

Acknowledgements. 19

1:Introduction to Objects 21

The progress of abstraction 22

An object has an interface 25

The hidden implementation 28

Reusing the implementation 29

Inheritance:reusing the interface 31

Is-a vs.is-like-a relationships 35

Interchangeable objects with polymorphism 37

Creating and destroying objects 41

Exception handling:dealing with errors 43

Analysis and design 44

Phase 0:Make a plan 47

Phase 1: What are we making? 48

Phase 2:How will we build it? 52

Phase 3: Build the core 56

Phase 4:Iterate the use cases 57

Phase 5:Evolution 58

Plans pay off 60

Extreme programming 61

Write tests first 61

Pair programming 63

Why C++ succeeds 64

A better C 65

You re already on the learning curve 65

Efficiency 66

Systems are easier to express and understand 66

Maximal leverage with libraries 67

Source-code reuse with templates 67

Error handling 67

Strategies for transition 68

Programming in the large 68

Guidelines 69

Management obstacles 71

Summary 73

2:Making &Using Objects 75

The process of language translation 76

Interpreters 77

Compilers 77

The compilation process 79

Tools for separate compilation 80

Declarations vs.definitions 81

Linking 87

Using libraries 88

Your first C++ program 90

Using the iostreams class 90

Namespaces 91

Fundamentals of program structure 93

Hello,world! 94

Running the compiler 95

More about iostreams 96

Character array concatenation 96

Reading input 97

Calling other programs 98

Introducing strings 98

Reading and writing files 100

Introducing vetor 102

Summary 108

Exercises 109

3:The C in C++ 111

Creating functions 112

Function return values 115

Using the C function library 116

Creating your own libraries with the librarian 117

Controlling execution 117

True and false 117

If-else 118

While 119

Do-while 120

for 121

The break and continue keywords 122

Switch 123

Using and misusing goto 125

Recursion 126

Introduction to operators 127

Precedence 127

Auto increment and decrement 128

Introduction to data types 129

Basic built-in types 129

bool,true,&false 131

Specifiers 132

Introduction to pointers 133

Modifying the outside object 137

Introduction to C++ references 140

Pointers and references as modifiers 141

Scoping 143

Defining variables on the fly 145

Specifying storage allocation 147

Global variables 147

Local variables 149

static 149

extern 151

Constants 153

volatile 155

Mathematical operators 156

Operators and their use 156

Assignment 156

Relational operators 158

Logical operators 158

Bitwise operators 159

Shift operators 160

Unary operators 163

The ternary operator 164

The comma operator 165

Common pitfalls when using operators 166

Casting operators 166

C++ explicit casts 167

sizeof-an operator by itself 172

Explicit operators 173

The asm keyword 173

Composite type creation 174

Aliasing names with typedef 174

Combining variables with struct 175

Clarifying programs with enum 179

Saving memory with union 181

Arrays 182

Debugging hints 193

Debugging flags 194

Turning variables and expressions into strings 196

The C assert() macro 197

Defining a function pointer 198

Function addresses 198

Complicated declarations &definitions 199

Using a function pointer 200

Arrays of pointers to functions 201

Make:managing separate compilation 202

Make activities 204

Makefiles in this book 207

An example makefile 208

Summary 210

Exercises 210

4: Data Abstraction 217

A tiny C-like library 219

Dynamic storage allocation 223

Bad guesses 227

What s wrong? 229

The basic object 230

What s an object? 238

Abstract data typing 239

Object detalls 240

Header file etiquette 241

Importance of header files 242

The muitiple-declaration problem 244

The preprocessor directives #define,#ifdef,and #endif 245

A standard for header files 246

Namespaces in headers 247

Using headers in projects 248

Nested structures 248

Global scope resolution 253

Summary 253

Exercises 254

5:Hiding the Implementation 259

Setting limits 260

C++ access control 261

protected 263

Friends 263

Nested friends 266

Object layout 269

Is it pure? 269

The class 270

Modifying Stash to use access control 273

Modifying Stack to use access control 274

Handle classes 275

Hiding the implementation 276

Reducing recompilation 276

Summary 279

Exarcises 280

6: Initialization&Cleanup 283

Guaranteed initialization with the constructor 285

Guaranteed cleanup with the destructor 287

Elimination of the definition block 289

for loops 291

Storage allocation 292

Stash with constructors and destructors 294

Stack with constructors&destructors 298

Aggregate inltialization 301

Default constructors 304

Summary 305

Exercises 306

7:Function Overloading &Default Arguments 309

More name decoration 311

Overloading on return values 312

Type-safe linkage 313

Overloading example 314

unions 318

Default arguments 321

Placeholder arguments 323

Choosing overloading vs.default arguments 324

Summary 329

Exercises 330

8:Constants 333

Value substitution. 334

Const in header files 335

Satety consts 336

Aggregates 337

Differences with C 338

Pointer to const 340

Pointers 340

const pointer 341

Assignment and type checking 343

Function arguments &return values 344

Passing by const value 344

Returning by const value 345

Passing and returning addresses 349

Classes 352

const in classes 353

Compile-time constants in classes 356

const objects&member functions 359

volatile 365

Exercises 367

Summary 367

9:Inline Functions 371

Preprocessor pitfalls 372

Macros and access 376

Inline functions 377

Inlines inside classes 378

Access functions 379

Stash &Stack with inlines 385

Inlines&the compiler 390

Limitations 390

Forward references 391

Hidden activities in constructors&destructors 392

Reducing clutter 393

More preprocessor features 395

Token pasting 396

Improved error checking 396

Summary 400

Exercises 400

10:Name Control 405

Static elements from C 406

static variables inside functions 406

Controlling linkage 412

Other storage class specifiers 414

Namespaces 414

Creating a namespace 415

Using a namespace 417

The use of namespaces 422

Static members in C++ 423

Defining storage for static data members 424

Nested and local classes 428

static member functions 429

Static initialization dependency 432

What to do 434

Alternate linkage specifications 442

Summary 443

Exercises 443

11:References &the Copy-Constructor 449

Pointers in C++ 450

References in C++ 451

References in functions 452

Argument-passing guidelines 455

The Copy-constructor 455

Passing &returning by value 455

Copy-construction 462

Default copy-constructor 468

Alternatives to copy-construction 471

Pointers to members 473

Functions 475

Summary 478

Exercises 479

12:Operator Overloading 485

Warning&reassurance 486

Syntax 487

Overloadable operators 488

Unary operators 489

Binary operators 493

Arguments&return values 505

Unusual operators 508

Operators you can t overload 517

Non-member operators 518

Basic guidelines 520

Overloading assignment 521

Behavior of operator= 522

Automatic type conversion 533

Constructor conversion 534

Operator conversion 535

Type conversion example 538

Pitfalls in automatic type conversion 539

Summary 542

Exercises 542

13:Dynamic Object Creation 547

Object creation 549

C s approach to the heap 550

Operator new 552

Operator delete 553

A simple example 553

Memory manager overhead 554

Early examples redesigned 555

delete void*is probably a bug 555

Cleanup responsibility with pointers 557

Stash for pointers 558

new&delete for arrays 563

Making a pointer more like an array 564

Running out of storage 565

Overloading new &delete 566

Overloading global new &delete 568

Overloading new &delete for a class 570

Overloading new &delete for arrays 573

Constructor calls 576

placement new &delete 577

Summary 580

Exercises 580

14:Inheritance &Composition 583

Composition syntax 584

Inheritance syntax 586

The constructor initializer list 588

Member object initialization 589

Built-in types in the initializer list 589

Combining composition &inheritance 591

Order of constructor &destructor calls 592

Name hiding 595

Functions that don t automatically inherit 600

Inheritance and static member functions 604

Choosing composition vs.inheritance 604

Subtyping 606

private inheritance 609

protected 610

protected inheritance 611

Operator overloading &inheritance 612

Multiple inheritance 613

Incremental development 614

Upcasting 615

Why“upcasting?” 617

Upcasting and the copy-constructor 617

Composition vs.inheritance(revisited) 620

Pointer&reference upcasting 622

A crisis 622

Summary 623

Exercises 623

15:Polymorphism&Virtual Functions 627

Evolution of C++ programmers 628

Upcasting 629

The problem 631

Function call binding 631

Virtual functions 632

Extensibillity 633

How C++ implernents late binding 636

Storing type information 637

Picturing virtual functions 639

Under the hood 642

Installing the vpointer 643

Objects are different 644

Why virtual functions? 645

Abstract base classes and pure virtual functions 646

Pure virtual definitions 651

Inheritance and the VTABLE 652

Object slicing 655

Overloading &overriding 658

Variant return type 660

virtual functions&constructors 662

Order of constructor calls 663

Behavior of virtual functions inside constructors 664

Destructors and virtual destructors. 665

Pure virtual destructors 668

Virtuals in destructors 670

Creating an object-based hierarchy 671

Operator overloading 675

Downcasting 678

Summary 681

Exercises 682

16:Introduction to Templates 689

Containers 690

The need for containers 692

Overview of templates 693

The template solution 696

Template syntax 697

Non-inline function definitions 699

IntStack as a template 701

Constants in templates 703

Stack and Stash as templates 705

Templatized pointer Stash 707

Turning ownership on and off 713

Holding objects by value 716

Introducing iterators 719

Stack with iterators 728

PStash with iterators 732

Why iterators? 738

Function templates 742

Summary 743

Exercises 744

A:Coding Style 747

B: Programming Guidelines 759

C:Recommended Reading 775

C 776

General C++ 776

My own list of books 777

Depth &dark corners 778

Analysis &design 779

Index 783