《美国社会面面观 英文阅读·翻译·写作指南》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:何兆枢,战守义等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:海洋出版社
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:7502739025
  • 页数:373 页

Texts and Exercises 1

1 Universities-Americans'Pride(美国人引以为豪的大学) 1

2 Supermarkets Satisfy Consurners(宾至如归的超级市场 4

3 INstant Foods-American's Favorite(美国人喜欢方便食品) 8

4 Premature Preschool Education(过早的学龄前教育) 12

5 Advertising Gimmick Shown on TV(在电视上做广告的诀窍) 16

6 Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.(在美国过感恩节) 21

7 The Church and the Disciple(教堂和信徒) 26

8 Americans'Hobbies(美国人的业余爱好) 31

9 American Movies on the Decline(衰落的美国电影业) 36

10 The Number One Entertainment-Television(头号娱乐就是看电视) 42

11 Highway and Violent Death(高速公路上冤魂多) 48

12 Residential Houses in the U.S.(美国的民宅) 52

13 Food Processors and Utensils in American Kitchens(美国厨房中的食品加工机和用具) 56

14 American Foods(美国食品) 61

15 American Agriculture and Farmers(美国的农业与农民) 67

16 Banks and Banking Services(银行与银行服务) 72

17 A Computer-Dominant Society(计算机统治着美国社会) 77

18 American Medication(美国的医药) 83

19 Lost Superiority in Auto Industry(失去优势的汽车制造业) 88

20 Advancing American Transportation(前进中的美国交通运输业) 94

21 Glittering Diamonds on the Crown-American Cities(美国城市——冠上闪烁的宝石) 101

22 A Glimpse at the Project Apollo(阿波罗工程一瞥) 108

23 Education&Employment in the United States(美国的教育与就业) 116

24 Americans'Stigma-Nationwide Llliteracy(文盲充斥乃国耻也) 122

25 After-School Activities Incubating Talent Teenagers(造就人才的校外活动) 128

26 A National Undertaking-Sports(体育运动是全民的事业) 133

27 A Specter with Magic-like Power-Pop Music(使年轻人着魔的流行音乐) 140

28 Outstanding Watchdogs-American Newspapers(具有“火眼金睛”的新闻业) 148

29 Beauty Contests to Satisfy the Quest for Beauty(大饱眼福的选美竞赛) 154

30 Modern Superstition in DIsguise(伪装科学的现代迷信) 159

31 Americans and Their Dogs(美国人和他们的狗) 164

32 The UNending Anti-Poverty War(挖不完的穷根) 169

33 A Society to Be Buried in Garbage(即将被垃圾埋葬的文明社会 176

34 Pollution and Environment Conservation(污染与环境保护) 182

35 Latent Corruption and Bribery in the U.S.(隐而不见的贪污与受贿) 190

36 A Vulnerable Nation Facing Drug Traffickers(毒品泛滥,咎由自取) 198

37 The Debate on Gun Control(关于枪支控制的争论) 205

38 Unemployment Plaguing Americans(失业难熬) 213

39 Crime Rampant in the American Society(犯罪猖獗) 218

40 The Inveterate Racial Discrimination in Mind(根深蒂固的种族歧视观念) 223

41 AK. K. K. Assembly Shielded by the Police(在警察庇护下的三K党徒的集会) 229

42 Survivors from Brutal Intruders(幸免于种族灭绝的印地安人) 234

43 The American Woman Today(今日美国妇女) 240

44 A Glimpse at the American Economy(美国经济一瞥) 245

45 Travelling through New York State(在纽约州旅行) 251

46 A Dreamlike Paradise——The Disney Land(梦境般的天堂——迪斯尼乐园) 256

47 The Vicissitude of Boston(波士顿的变迁) 261

48 NASA Plans to Revisit the Moon and Explore the Mars(NASA计划重访月球并探索火星) 266

49 Telephones in the U.S. Today(美国今日的电话) 276

50 High-tech Products in American Homes(美国家庭中的高科技产品) 281

Key to the Exercises 291

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