《英语小品文选读 3》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张爱学主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7119030264
  • 页数:290 页

1 March 15 in the US(Ⅰ)3.15在美国(上) 1

2 March 15 in the US(Ⅱ)3.15在美国(下) 9

3 Can you really feel at home in Europe again after years in China?在中国住久了还看得惯欧洲吗? 17

4 Young foreigners and the Chinese dream老外的中国梦 25

5 The American love of basketball美国人的篮球梦 33

6 Do you want to be a “bean-counter”?你想当数豆子的人吗? 41

7 Could Colin Powell have been Secretary of State 50 years ago?退回五十年,鲍威尔能当国务卿吗? 49

8 Not an easy question to answer(1)一个难于回答的问题(上) 59

9 Not an easy question to answer(2)一个难于回答的问题(下) 67

10 Six plaintiffs can become 700,000 6个原告会不会变成70万原告 75

11 From One Flew over the Cuckoo s Nest to Zhang Yimou从《飞跃疯人院》说到张艺谋 85

12 German universities are free of charge德国大学不交学费 93

13 Providing information for shrewd German consumers德国人的消费指导 101

14 A German husband and his Chinese wife德国丈夫 中国妻 109

15 The real London告诉你一个真伦敦 117

16 Let s say “I love you”more often!更多地说“我爱你”吧! 125

17 Mothers of China,you shouldn t stand while your kids sit!孩子妈妈您不该站着 133

18 A lecture hall that stretches across the pacific横跨大洋的课堂 141

19 Anglo-American tort law井盖敞开官司飞来 149

20 Should we respect scientists or keep a watchful eye on them?科学家——该尊崇还是该怀疑? 157

21 An American community college comes to Beijing美国社区大学要进北京 165

22 A chance encounter with illegal immigrants偶遇偷渡客 173

23 Plagiarism will get you into big trouble in the US剽窃在美国会怎样? 181

24 Don t be afraid to ask African-Americans about their lives!请多了解美国非裔! 189

25 My dumbbell story请帮我解其中奥妙 197

26 The restoration of the Rhine死而复生的莱茵河 205

27 Being a good father(Ⅰ)为父之道(上) 213

28 Being a good father(Ⅱ)为父之道(下) 221

29 Ambulance chasers追赶救护车的人 229

30 My Chinese husband and I我和我的中国丈夫 237

31 A turning point in my life我命运的转折点 245

32 Homeschooling my daughter我让女儿在家上学 253

33 My two adopted sisters我有两个领养妹妹 261

34 Doctors without borders无国界医生组织与“扶老携幼”项目 269

35 Is homeschooling a good idea or not?在家上学行吗? 275

36 A couple:two circles intersecting 夫妻是相交的两个圆 283