《中国文化之迷 第1辑》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:施宣圆,林耀琛,许立言主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:学林出版社
  • 出版年份:1985
  • ISBN:7259·018
  • 页数:300 页


What about the whereabouts of the fossils of the Chinese Ape-man? 1

Preface Wang Yuanhua 1

序 王元化 1

中国猿人化石下落如何? 1

Are there in China ruins of the Middle Stone Age ? 3

我国有没有“中石器时代”遗址? 3

新石器时代陶器几何纹的含义是什么? 6

What do the geometric lines on the pottery of the New Stone Age signify? 6

When was the Nan Jing (Solutions to Difficult Questions in Medical Science) completed? Who was its writer? 8

《难经》成书于何时?作者为何人? 9

《易经》究竟是一部怎样的书? 12

What kind of book is the Y? Jing (Book of Changes)? 13

What did the Eight Diagrams symbolize? 16

八卦象征什么? 16

When did the Chinese sericulture begin? 19

我国养蚕起源于何时? 19

中国什么时候开始有文字? 22

When did the written language first appear in China? 23

Will the Jiu Ding (Nine Tripods) be rediscovered? 26

九鼎能否重见天日? 26

悬棺葬是怎么一回事? 29

What about the Suspension Coffin Burial? 29

Who wrote the Zhou Li (Book of Zhou Rites)? 31

《周礼》是何人的著作? 31

长沙楚墓帛画中的妇人形象是谁? 34

Who was the woman in the silk-painting found in Chu Grave,Chang sha? 34

勾股定理是谁发明的? 37

Who invented the Pythagorean theorem? 37

Where was the capital of the State of Yan? 40

燕国的京都在哪里? 40

老子是怎样一个人?《老子》是怎样一部书? 43

What kind of man is Lao Zi? What kind of book is Lao Zi? 43

《左传》是左丘明写的吗? 47

Was the Zuo Zhuan (Zuo s Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annal) written by Zuo Qiu-ming? 47

杨朱与庄周是同一个人吗? 50

Were Yang Zhu and Zhuang Zhou the same man? 50

《孙子兵法》的作者是不是孙武? 53

Was Sun Wu the author of the book Art of War by Sun Zi? 53

When did newspaper first appear in China? 56

我国何时有报纸? 56

Which period did the Xia Xiao Zheng (Natural Phenomena for the Months of Xia Calendar) belong to? 60

《夏小正》是什么时代的文献? 60

Which year did Sima Qian write his Historical Records up to? 63

《史记》一书讫于何年? 63

When did Sima Qian write his Bao Ren An Shu (A Reply to A Letter from Ren An)? 66

《报任安书》是司马迁什么时候的作品 66

司马迁卒年及其死因真相如何? 70

When did Sima Qian die? What was the cause of his death? 70

Where is situated now the ancient city of Lou Lan? 73

楼兰古城今何在? 73

Where can we locate the ancient city of Ao Yie? 77

沃野古城何处寻? 77

古籍中的昆仑山究竟在何地? 79

Where was Kunlun Mountain located as mentioned in ancient books? 79

《山海经》是怎样一部书? 82

What kind of book is the Shan Hai Jing (Book of Mountains and Seas)? 82

中国古代有没有出现过飞碟? 84

Did UFO ever appear in ancient China? 84

中国棉花何时有? 88

When did the Chinese begin to grow cotton? 88

指南针的“始祖”是什么?最初样式如何? 90

What was the ancestor of compass? What about its original style? 90

What was the first wood block printing in the world? 93

何为世上最早的雕版印刷品? 93

When did paper-making begin in China? 97

我国造纸始于何时? 97

When was Buddhism introduced into China 99

佛教何时传入中国? 99

When did Taoism come into being? 102

道教究竟始于何时? 102

关于铜奔马的种种解释 105

Explantions about the bronze running horse 105

貂蝉到底是怎样一个人? 107

What kind of person was the beautiful woman Diao Chan? 107

蔡文姬是《胡笳十八拍》的作者吗? 110

Was Cai Wenji the author of Hu Jia Shi Ba Pai (Eighteen Stanzas Sung to the Accompaniment of A Tartar Reed Pipe)? 110

蔡文姬是不是蔡邕的女儿? 116

Was Cai Wenji daughter of Cai Yong? 116

Did the famous physician Hua Tu originate the Caesarean operation? 118

华佗首创开腹手术吗? 118

Where was Cao Cao s tomb? 122

曹操陵墓在何方? 122

Where was Xiao Qiao s real tomb? 125

小乔真墓在哪里? 125

What was the Wooden Ox and Running Horse about? 127

“木牛流马”究竟为何物? 127

Was the holograph Preface to the Poems Composed at the Lan Ting Banquet written by Wang Xizi? 130

《兰亭序》出自王羲之之手吗? 130

王羲之为什么喜爱鹅? 132

Why did Wang Xizi go in for geese? 133

“大字之祖”《瘗鹤铭》是谁的杰作? 136

Which period did Yi He Ming (Inscription on Burying a Crane),“forefather of large character calligraphy,”belong to? 136

花木兰其人其事如何? 140

Hua Mulan-her life and heroic deeds? 140

Where was Fu Sang country located? 143

“扶桑国”究竟在哪里? 143

Was paper folding-fan invented by the Chinese or foreigners? 145

纸折扇究竟是“舶来品”还是国货? 145

When was the imperial examination system founded? 148

科举制度创立于何时? 148

What about the whereabouts of Luo Binwang? 151

骆宾王的下落如何? 151

Why did Chen Zi ang die a violent death? 156

陈子昂因何死于非命? 156

Who were Li Bai s ancestors? 159

李白的祖先是谁? 159

Where was Li Bai born? 162

李白出生在哪里? 162

What was the cause of Li Bai s death? 165

李白是怎么死的? 165

Why did Li Bai write his long poem Shu Dao Nan (How Difficult Are the Roads in Szechuan)? 168

李白为何要写《蜀道难》? 168

谁开百代词曲之疆? 170

Who opened up realms of ci and qu (two new types of poetry) for later generations? 170

“大历十才子”是指哪十人? 173

Who were the ten gifted scholars during the reign of Emperor Da Li in Ming dynasty? 173

《长恨歌》是一首什么样的歌? 175

What kind of song is The Song of Eternal Regret? 175

女诗人薛涛生卒究系何年? 178

What was the date of poetess Xue Tao s birth? What was the date of her death? 178

杜牧诗中的杏花村在何处? 181

Where was the Apricot Blossom Village in Du Mu s poetry? 181

Where can we locate the twenty-four bridges? 183

二十四桥何处寻? 183

薛居正《旧五代史》今何在? 186

Where is now the Old History of Five Dynasties by Xue Juzhen? 186

词到底起源于什么时候? 189

When did ci (a type of poetry) originate? 189

What kind of paper money was the bank-note-plate in Northern Song Dynasty? 191

北宋钞版是何种纸币? 191

苏老泉是苏轼还是其父苏洵? 194

Was Su Laoquan an alias of Su Shi or that of his father Su Xun? 194

Why was Shi Zong Shan (Stone Bell Mountain) named on account of bells? 197

石钟山何以因“钟”得名? 197

Do you know the funeral custom of Khitan? 200

契丹人的葬俗究竟是怎么一回事? 200

Was the patriotic melody Man Jiang Hong written by Yue Fei? 203

《满江红》是岳飞写的吗? 203

Where was the Chuan Shi Ge Kiln located? 206

传世哥窑窑址在何处? 206

Who knows the autbenticity of the picture Living as a recluse among the mountains along Fuchun River ? 209

谁识《富春山居图》真迹? 209

Did Marco Polo come to China? 211

马可·波罗来过中国没有? 211

《几何原本》何时传入中国? 214

When was Euclid s Elements of Geometry introduced into China? 214

关汉卿的生卒年月如何? 216

When was the dramatist Guan Hanqiu born? When did he die? 216

《西厢记》杂剧的作者是谁? 219

Who was the author of the drama Xi Xiang Ji(The Western Chanber)? 219

《琵琶记》的作者是否高则诚? 221

Was Gao Zecheng the author of the drama Pi Pa Ji (Legend of Cai Bojie and His Wife Zhao Wuniang)? 221

《西游记》的作者是吴承恩吗? 225

Was Wu Cheng eng the author of the adventurous novel A Pilgrimage to the West? 225

What was the prototype of Sun Wukong? 228

孙悟空的“模特儿”是什么? 228

孙悟空生在哪里? 230

Where was Sun Wukong born? 230

Who was the author of the obsceno novel Jin Ping Mei? 233

《金瓶梅》的作者究竟是谁? 233

Where did the Legend of White Snake take its source? 237

“白蛇”传说从何而来? 237

Who was the author of this famous antithetical couplet? 240

谁是这一副名联的作者? 240

When were the melodies for Kunqu opera originated? 243

昆腔创始于什么年代? 243

说书家柳敬亭怎样说书? 247

How did story-telling expert Liu Jingting tell stories? 247

What about the whereabouts of the well-known prostitute Dong Xiaowan? 250

名妓董小宛的下落如何? 250

《康熙字典》所收字数有多少? 253

How many words are included in Kang Xi Dictionary? 253

清代女词人贺双卿是何许人? 256

What kind of person was He Shuangqing,a woman ci-writer in Qing dynasty? 256

《廿二史札记》的作者是赵翼吗? 258

Was Zhao Yi the author of Reading Notes On Twenty-two Histories? 258

林琴南何时翻译《茶花女》? 261

When did Lin Qinnan translato La Dame aux Camelias? 261

一九○六年留日学生人数知多少? 263

How many Chinese students were studying in Japan in 1906? 263

Do you know Xiao Fengxian s life experiences and her final settling place? 266

小凤仙的身世和归宿如何? 266

Why did Wang Guowei drown himself in Kunming Lake? 268

王国维何故自沉昆明湖? 268

封建士大夫为什么爱竹? 271

Why did the feudal literati and officialdom go in for bamboo? 271

观世音是男性还是女性? 274

Was Aralokitesvara Bodhisattva (Guan Yin) male or female? 274

“幽闭”一刑到底是怎么一回事? 277

What about the punishment called you bi (sterilization of a woman)? 277

灶神究竟是谁? 280

Who was the Kitchen God? 280

妻父为何称“泰山”? 282

Why was father-in-law called Taishan Mountain ? 282

Why do foreigners call China Zhi Na ? 284

外国人为什么称中国“支那”? 284

中华民族为什么特别崇尚黄色? 288

Why do Chinese people especially uphold the yellow colour? 288

我们的祖国为什么又称“华夏”? 291

Why is our motherland also called Hua Xia ? 291

Where did the two characters Li Ming (common people) come from? 294

“黎民”二字从何而来? 294

Postscript 298

后记 298