
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:中华人民共和国国家计划生育委员会编绘
  • 出 版 社:北京经济学院人口经济研究所
  • 出版年份:1984
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:103 页

1.样本点分布示意图 1

1.Illustration of Geographic Distribution of Sample Units 1

2.Population Pyramid 4

2.人口金字塔 4

3.全国育龄妇女年龄构成 6

3.Age Compositon of Women in Chid-bearing Age, All China 6

4.育龄妇女年龄构成城乡比较 8

4.Age Composition of women in Child-bearing Age in Cities and Towns as Comparied with Rural Areas 8

5.Women in Child-bearing Age by Nationality Composition 10

5.育龄妇女的民族构成 10

6.育龄妇女工作状况 12

6.Women in Child-bearing Age by Working Status 12

7.Educational Level of Women in Child-bearing Age 14

7.育龄妇女文化程度 14

8.Employed Women in Child-bearing Age by Age Distribution 16

8.育龄妇女在业人口年龄分布 16

9.Marital Status of Women in Child-bearing Age, All China 18

9.育龄妇女婚姻状况(全国) 18

10.Marital Status of Women in Child-bearing Age in Cities and Towns 20

10.育龄妇女婚姻状况(城镇) 20

11.Marital Status of Women in Child-bearing Age in Rural Areas 22

11.育龄妇女婚姻状况(农村) 22

12.Dynamics of Female Mean Age at First Marriage 24

12.女性平均初婚年龄变化动态 24

13.Dynamics of Peak Value of Age for Female at First Marriage 26

13.女性初婚峰值年龄变化动态 26

14.Monthly Distribution of Female First Marriage 28

14.女性初婚月份分布 28

15.年龄别生育率变化动态 30

15.Dynamics of Age-Specific Fertility Rate 30

16.生育峰值年龄变化 32

16.Changes of Peak Value of Fertility Age 32

17.女性平均生育年龄的变化 34

17.Dynamics of Female Mean Age of Child-bearing 34

18.Dynamics of the Age at the Ninety Percentage Point of Total Fertility Rate 36

18.90%生育年龄变化动态 36

19.Changes of the Total Fertility Rate 38

19.总和生育率变化 38

20.Lifetime Fertility of Women by Different Educational Levels 40

20.不同文化程度妇女的终身生育率 40

21.不同工作状况妇女的终身生育率 42

21.Lifetime Fertility of Women by Different Working Status 42

22.标准化一般生育率变化动态 44

22.Dynamics of Standardized General Fertility Rate 44

23.Age-Specific Fertility Rate by Parity Order(in 1981) 46

23.分胎次年龄别生育率(1981年) 46

24.Age-Specific Fertility Rate of Women of Han and Minority Nationalities(in 1980) 48

24.汉族与少数民族妇女年龄别生育率(1980年) 48

25.汉族与少数民族妇女年龄别生育率(1981年) 50

25.Age-Specific Fertility Rate of Women of Han and Minority Nationalities(in 1981) 50

26.全国妇女初婚后生育第一胎的时间 52

26.Interval between Marriage and First Birth for Women, All China 52

27.Interval between Marriage and First Birth for Women, Cities and Towns 54

27.城镇妇女初婚后生育第一胎的时间 54

28.Interval between Marriage and First Birth for Women, Rural Areas 56

28.农村妇女初婚后生育第一胎的时间 56

29.Interval between First and Second Births 58

29.生育一胎后再生二胎间隔时间 58

30.Average Births within Five Years after Marriage 60

30.婚后五年内平均生育子女数 60

31.Percentage Distribute of Birth Order, All China 62

31.全国出生婴儿胎次率 62

32.城镇出生婴儿胎次率 64

32.Percentage Distribute of Birth Order, Cities and Towns 64

33.Percentage Distribute of Birth Order, Rural Areas 66

33.农村出生婴儿胎次率 66

34.1980年出生婴儿胎次分布 68

34.Distribution of Birth Order in 1980 68

35.Distribution of Birth Order in 1981 70

35.1981年出生婴儿胎次分布 70

36.Married Women in Child-bearing Age by Number of Children Now Living 72

36.已婚育龄妇女现存子女构成 72

37.Monthly Distribution of the Newborns 74

37.出生婴儿月份分布 74

38.Rate of Practising Birth Control and Rate of Practising Birth Control with Different Measures, All China, Cities and Towns, Rural Areas 76

38.全国城乡节育率及不同节育措施节育率 76

39.Current Condition of Utilizing Contraceptive Measures 78

39.避孕措施使用状况 78

40.Age Composition of Women Utilizing Contraceptive Measures, All China 80

40.年龄别妇女避孕措施构成(全国) 80

41.Age Composition of Women Utilizing Contraceptive Measures, Cities and Towns 82

41.年龄别妇女避孕措施构成(城镇) 82

42.Age Composition of Women Utilizing Contraceptive Measures, Rural Areas 84

42.年龄别妇女避孕措施构成(农村) 84

43.Status of Various Contraceptive Measures Adopted by Different Ages of Women in Child-bearing Age 86

43.年龄别育龄妇女采用节育措施的状况 86

44.Reasons for Not Adopting Birth Control Measures 88

44.未采取避孕措施的原因 88

45.Pregnancy Reason of Women Doing Introduced Abortion 90

45.做人工流产妇女的妊娠原因 90

46.Rate of One Child Certificates Received by Women in Child-bearing Age with Different Working Status 92

46.不同工作状况育龄妇女的独生子女领证比率 92

47.Rate of One Child Certificates of Women in Child-bearing Age by Educational Level 94

47.不同文化程度育龄妇女的独生子女领证比率 94

48.Sex and Age Composition of Single Child Received the Certificates 96

48.领证独生子女性别年龄构成 96

49.Changes of Age-Specific Sex Ratio 98

49.年龄别性比例的变化 98

50.Infant and Newborn Mortality Rates 100

50.婴儿死亡率和新生儿死亡率 100

51.Status of the Investigators 102

51.调查员情况 102