《东亚工业化浪潮中的产业结构研究 兼论中国参与东南亚国际分工和产业结构调整》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:汪斌著
  • 出 版 社:杭州:杭州大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7810359665
  • 页数:469 页

0.1 问题的提出 1

0.1 Issues 1

0 Introduction 1

0 导言 1

0.2 东亚经济发展的若干假说与“东亚发展模式”的论争 3

0.2 Some hypotheses about East Asian economic development and disputes about “East Asian Development Model ” 3

0.3 Theme,methods and structure of the book 21

0.3 本书研究的主题、方法和体系结构 21

1 Locus of Japanese Economic Development and Evolution of Industrial Structure During Postwar Period 41

1.1 Economic development and industrial adjustment 41

Part1 A Historical Perspective to the Evolution of Industrial Structure in East Asian Countries and Regions 41

第1篇 东亚各国(地区)产业结构演化的历史透视 41

1 战后日本的经济发展与产业结构演化的轨迹 41

1.1 经济发展与产业结构调整 41

1.2 Evolution of industrial structure and its characteristics 52

1.2 产业结构的演变过程及其特点 52

2.1 Industrialization and evolution of industrial structure in South Korea 75

2 Locus of Economic Development and Evolution of Industrial Structure in Asian NIES 75

2 亚洲“四小龙”(亚洲NIES)的经济发展与产业结构演化的轨迹 75

2.1 韩国的工业化和产业结构的变化 75

2.2 Economic development and change of industrial structure in Taiwan 94

2.2 台湾的经济发展和产业结构的演变 94

2.3 香港的工业化和产业结构的演进 120

2.3 Industrialization and evolution of industrial structure in Hongkong 120

2.4 Economic development and change of industrial structure in Singapore 139

2.4 新加坡的经济发展和产业结构的演化 139

3 东盟四国(ASEAN4)的工业化和产业结构演进的轨迹 161

3 Industrialization of ASEAN4 and Locus of Evolution of Industrial Structure 161

3.1 泰国的工业化和产业结构的演进 162

3.1 Industrialization and evolution of industrial structure in Thailand 162

3.2 马来西亚的工业化和产业结构的变化 182

3.2 Industrialization and evolution of industrial structure in Malaysia 182

3.3 印度尼西亚的工业化和产业结构的变动特点 202

3.3 Industrialization and evolution of industrial structure in Indonesia 202

3.4 Industrialization and evolution of industrial structure in Philippines 226

3.4 菲律宾的工业化和产业结构的演化 226

Part 2 Evolution Model of East Asian Industrial Structure and Mechanism of its Formation 251

4 General Characteristics of Evolution Model of East Asian Industrial Structure 251

4.1 Theoretical structure 251

4.1 理论框架 251

4 东亚产业结构演化模式的整体特征 251

第2篇 东亚产业结构的演化模式及其形成机制 251

4.2 Basic characteristics of evolution model of East Asian industrial structure 一 static analysis 254

4.2 东亚产业结构演化模式的基本特征——静态时点分析 254

4.3 Summary of static analysis and preliminary conclusion 276

4.3 静态时点分析小结和初步结论 276

4.4 Basic characteristics of evolution model of East Asian industrial structure 一dynamic analysis 279

4.4 东亚产业结构演化模式的基本特征——动态分析 279

4.5 Summary of dynamic analysis and comprehensive conclusion 302

4.5 动态分析小结和综合结论 302

5 东亚产业结构演化模式的形成机制 304

5 Formation Mechanism of East Asian Industrial Evolution Model 304

5.1 Postwar change of international environment and industrial development strategies in East Asian countries 305

5.1 战后以来国际经济环境的变化和东亚各国(地区)的工业化发展战略 305

5.2 Postwar international industrial adjustment,transitional trend and East Asian industrial transmission and reorganization 312

5.2 战后国际性的产业结构调整、转移浪潮和东亚地区的产业传递与重组 312

5.3 Interaction between East Asian direct investment and trade一 formation of regional self -discipline and recycling mechanism 322

5.3 东亚地区的直接投资与贸易互动——地区内部自律发展循环机制的形成 322

5.4 结构演化模式形成机制小结 348

5.4 Summary of structural evolution formation mechanism 348

6.1 东亚区域国际产业分工体系的形成 353

第3篇 东亚国际产业分工的发展和中国产业结构的调整——东亚产业结构演化趋势展望 353

6 东亚国际产业分工的发展和多边、互补、新型国际分工网络体系的形成 353

6.1 The formation of East Asian international industrial division system 353

6 The Development of East Asian International Division of Labour and the Formation of Multi-bilateral New Network of international division of labour 353

Part3 The Development of East Asian International Division of Labour and Industrial Adjustment in China——An outlook on the trend of industrial ad justment in East Asia 353

6.2 The development of East Asian international industrial division system 355

6.2 东亚区域国际产业分工体系的发展 355

6.3 The characteristics of East Asian international industrial division system 368

6.3 东亚区域国际产业分工体系的特点 368

7 China s Participation in East Asian International Industrial Division and Industrial Adjustment 371

7 中国参与东亚国际产业分工和产业结构调整 371

7.1 The growth of China s economy and industrial adjustment since the 1980s 372

7.1 80年代以来中国经济的增长和产业结构的变动 372

7.2 The analysis of co-existence and comparative advantage between China and East Asia 386

7.2 中国与东亚的相互依存结构和中国产业发展在东亚地区所处的位置 386

7.3 China s strategic choice in industrial adjustment in East Asian international division of labor 410

7.3 中国在参与东亚国际产业分工中调整产业结构的战略选择 410

8 An Outlook on the Trend of East Asian Industrial Adjustment 425

8.1 General trend of industrial evolution in East Asian countries and regions 425

8.1 东亚各国和地区产业结构演化的一般趋势 425

8 东亚产业结构演化趋势的展望 425

8.2 An outlook on East Asian industrial evolution model ——Transition from “Wild Goose Model ”to“Double Pyramids Model ” 441

8.2 跨世纪的东亚产业结构演化模式展望——从“雁行模式”向“双金字塔模式”转换 441

Bibliography 454

主要参考文献 454

Postscript 467

后记 467