《高原生物学集刊 第8集》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:中国科学院西北高原生物研究所编辑
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:1989
  • ISBN:7030008669
  • 页数:195 页

宁夏枸杞花芽发育的研究 康文隽、韩永忠 1

高原生物学集刊 第8集(1988年) 1

Acta Biologica Plateau Sinica No.8(1988) 4

The floral bud differentiation of Lycium barbarum L kang Wenjun and Han Yongzhong 4

高寒灌丛中赤胸林蚁蚁巢空间格局的初步研究 李连斌、翟志刚 5

The preliminary study on the patterns of distribution of the red-thorax forest ant (Formica sp.)nests in alpine shrubbery Li Lianbin and Zhai Zhigang 13

长江上游鱼类的新属、新种和新亚种 武云飞、吴翠珍 15

Description on a new genus,a species and two subspecies of fishes from the upper reaches of Changjiang River,China Wu Yunfei and Wu Cuizhen 23

宁夏两栖爬行动物的调查及区系研究 黄永昭 25

Studies on the herpetofauna Hui Autonomous Region of NingXia Huang Yongzhao 34

黑颈鹤繁殖技术的研究 廖炎发、年光灿、邱力东 35

A study on breeding technique for blacknecked cranes Liao Yanfa Nian Guangcan and Qiu Lidong 40

中国黑颈鹤越冬种群的研究 李德浩、周志军、吴至康、王友辉、李筑眉 41

Studies on wintering areas and population of blacknecked crane in China Li Dehao,Zhou Zhijun,Wu Zhikang,Wang Youhui and Li Zhumei 49

长嘴百灵繁殖生物学的研究 邓合黎、张晓爱 51

Studies on breeding biology of the Long-billed calandra lark Deng Heli and Zhang Xiaoai 58

高寒草甸5种雀形目留鸟体重的季节变化 张晓爱、邓合黎 59

Seasonal variation in body weight of five species of resident small passerines in alpine meadow Zhang Xiaoai and Deng Heli 65

高寒草甸几种晚成性鸟卵组成成分的比较研究 张晓爱、邓合黎、林鸣 67

A comparative study on compositions of eggs of several altricial passerine birds in alpine meadow Zhang Xiaoai,Deng Heli and Lin Ming 72

红耳鹎的一新亚种——墨脱亚种 李德浩、王祖祥 73

A new subspecies of Red-whiskered bulbul-Pycnonotus jocosus motuoensis Li Dehao and Wang Zuxiang 76

放牧藏系绵羊营养状况的初步研究 王启基、皮南林、赵新全、张堰青 77

The preliminary study on nutrition state for the grazing tibetan sheep Wang Qiji,Pi Nanling,Zhao Xinquan and Zhang Yanqing 87

高寒草甸草场不同放牧强度下藏系绵羊对牧草资源利用的主成分分析 赵新全、王启基、皮南林 89

The principal components analysis of herbage resources utilized by tibetan sheep under different stocking rate on alpine meadow Zhao Xinquan,Wang Qiji and Pi Nanlin 95

卵叶扁蕾的化学成分 张晓峰、丁经业 97

Isolation and identification of the compounds from Gentianopsis paludosa ovato-deltoidea Zhang Xiaofeng and Ding Jinye 100

沙棘属植物的化学研究 Ⅰ.青海省的沙棘类型及其果实中的抗坏血酸 杨海荣、王生新、苏锡晓 101

Chemical studies on plants of Hippophae L.Ⅰ. The main types of Hippophae rhamnoides growing in Qinghai provivce and the contribution of ascorbic acid in their fruits Yang Hairong,Wang Shengxin and Su Xixiao 108

沙棘属植物的化学研究 Ⅱ.青海沙棘果实中抗坏血酸的动态分布研究 杨海荣、王生新、苏锡晓 109

Chemical studies on plants of Hippophae L.Ⅱ.The regularity of dynamic contribution of ascorbic acid in sea-buckthorn fruits Yang Hairong,Wang Shengxin and Su Xixiao 113

青海高原几种野禽的血清蛋白和血红蛋白的电泳分析 张才骏、方之励 115

Electrophoretic analysis of serum protein and haemoglobin of several wild birds on the Qinghai plateau Zhang Caijun and Fang Zhili 121

青藏高原青海地区牛和牦牛血红蛋白的多态性研究 张才骏 123

Studies on the haemoglobin polymorphism of cattle and yak in Qinghai region on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau Zhang Caijun 132

矮嵩草草甸植物净光合速率变化的研究 张树源 133

Diurnal variation of net photosynthetic rate in individuals of Saussurea superba and populations in a Kobresia humilis meadow Zhang Shuyuan 139

三十烷醇对燕麦种子萌发和根系生长发育的作用 白雪芳、张树源 141

The effect of n-triacontanol solution on germination and root growth of oats seeds Bai Xuefang and Zhang Shuyuan 145

白桦天然次生林生产力的研究 萧瑜 147

Studies on productivity of natural secondary Betula platyphylla forest Xiao Yu 157

一个高寒牧区经济生态系统中人口结构分析 蒋志刚、皮南林 159

Demographic analysis of an alpine economic ecological system Jiang Zhigang and Pi Nanling 165

一个高寒牧区经济生态系统未来人口发展过程的动态模拟 蒋志刚、皮南林、崔远萍 167

Dynamical simulation of the human population in an alpine economic eco-logical system Jiang Zhigang,Pi Nanling and Cui Yuanping 179

能流的投入产出模型——一个高原经济生态系统的实例 蒋志刚、皮南林、王占元、崔远萍 181

Input-output model for energy flow with special reference to a plateau economic ecological system Jiang Zhigang,Pi Nanling,Wang Zhanyuan and Cui Yuanping 194

A new record of the snakes of Shanxi,China-Elaphe carinata(Guenther) Huang Yongzhao 195

山西蛇类一新纪录——王锦蛇 黄永昭 195