《掌握美国常用习语 2版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)E.埃琳·埃尔玛基斯(Esther Ellin Elmakiss)著;董启明译注
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7506241420
  • 页数:253 页

Lesson 1 Moving Ahead 向前进发 1

Lesson 2 Let's GiveIt All We've Got! 咱俩全力以赴! 13

Lesson 3 You'veGot What It Tades! 像好样的! 27

Lesson 4 Giving It Your Best Shot 你要尽最大努力! 41

Lesson 5 Behind the Wheel 开车 55

Review of Lessons1-5 1-5课复习 69

Lesson 6 AsHungry as a Hours 饿极了 75

Lesson 7 On Its Last Legs 奄奄一息 89

Lesson 8 A Good Buy 便宜货 103

Lesson 9 Putting Our Heads Together 集想广益 117

Lesson 10 Running Out of Just About Everything 所剩无几 131

Review of Lessons6-10 6-10课复习 145

Lesson 11 Catching the Flu 得了流感 151

Lesson 12 Heading up to the Mountains 上山去 165

Lesson 13 Keeping in Touch 保持联系 179

Lesson 14 Mapping out a Vacation 安排度假 193

Lesson 15 Settling Down 安家落户 207

Review of Lessons11-15 11-15课复习 221

Appendix of Separable Idioms 可分开习语表 227

Answer Key 练习答案 229

Index to Idioms 习语索引 251