
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李国玉著
  • 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7502128506
  • 页数:216 页

Chapter 1 Basic content of sedimentary basin theory 1

前言 1

1.Perception and reason 1

2.Main content of sedimentary basin theory 1

Preface 1

第一章 沉积盆地论导言 1

第二节 沉积盆地论的主要认识 1

第一节 感性与理性 1

3.Status of sedimentary basin theory in geology 4

第三节 沉积盆地论在地质学中的地位 4

第四节 沉积盆地论与各大地构造学派的关系 6

4.Relations between sedimentary basin theory and various geotectologies 6

第二节 沉积盆地的分布 12

1.Crust evolution and sedimentary basins 12

第二章 世界沉积盆地的分布与规律 12

Chapter 2 Distribution and law of worldwide sedimentary basins 12

2.Distribution of sedimentary basins 17

第一节 地壳演变与沉积盆地 17

第三节 沉积盆地分类 18

3.Classification of sedimentary basins 18

第一节 中国石油地质 22

第三章 中国沉积盆地的分布与分类 22

1.Petroleum geology in China 22

Chapter 3 Distribution and law of sedimentary basins in China 22

2.Major oil and gas basins in China 26

第二节 中国主要含油气盆地 26

3.Classification of oil and gas basins in China 41

第三节 中国含油气盆地分类 41

1.Geological characteristics of China s continental sedimentation 47

第四章 中国陆相沉积油气地质与勘探的基本总结 47

第一节 中国陆相沉积的地质特点 47

Chapter 4 Basic summarization of China s continental sedimentary oil and gas geology and exploration 47

2.Basic summarization of China s continental sedimentary oil and gas exploration 50

第二节 中国陆相沉积油气勘探的基本总结 50

第三节 陆相沉积与海相沉积的异同点 57

3.Comparison of differences between continental sedimentation and marine sedimentation 57

第一节 中国海相沉积 62

第五章 海相沉积是中国廿一世纪油气勘探新的主战场 62

Chapter 5 Marine sedimentation is main area for oil and gas exploration in China in 21st century 62

1.Marine sedimentation in China 62

2.Worldwide Paleozoic and Proterozoic oil and gas areas 69

第二节 世界古生界、元古界油气区 69

3.Prospect for Paleozoic oil and gas in South China 90

第三节 中国南方古生界含油气远景 90

第四节 深层勘探 94

4.Deep exploration 94

Chapter 6 Organic origin of Petroleum, organic and inorganic origins of natural gas 99

第六章 石油有机成因,天然气有机无机双成因 99

1.Traditional theory on organic origin of oil and gas 100

第一节 传统的油气有机成因论 100

2.Arguable focus between organic origin and inorganic origin 104

第二节 有机成因与无机成因的争论焦点 104

3.Organic and inorganic origins of natural gas 105

第三节 天然气的有机和无机双成因 105

Chapter 7 Any rocks with pores regarded as resrvoirs 106

1.Detrital rock reservoir 106

第七章 任何有孔隙的地层均可成为储集层 106

第一节 碎屑岩储集层 106

2.Carbonate rock reservoir 110

第二节 碳酸盐岩储集层 110

3.Metamorphic rock and igneous rock reservoirs 121

第三节 变质岩、火成岩储集层 121

Chapter 8 Any impermeable rocks regarded as cap formations 125

1.Classification of cap formations 125

第一节 盖层分类 125

第八章 任何不渗透的岩层均可成为盖层 125

2.Geological characteristics of cap formations 126

第二节 盖层地质特征 126

Chapter 9 Any closed structural forms regarded as traps 130

第九章 任何封闭的构造形式均可成为圈闭 130

1.Classification of oil and gas fields 130

第一节 油气藏分类 130

2.Mechanism for generation of trap structures 134

第二节 圈闭构造的形成机制 134

3.Distribution of oil and gas fields 137

第三节 油气田分布 137

1.Generation of heavy oil 139

第十章 重油将日益重要 139

第一节 重油的形成 139

Chapter 10 Heavy oil becoming increasingly important 139

第二节 世界稠油与油砂的分布 141

2.Distribution of worldwide heavy oil and oil sand 141

第三节 中国重油展望 147

3.Forecast of heavy oil in China 147

Chapter 11 Great potential for natural gas 151

第二节 世界天然气分布 151

第一节 天然气的成因 151

第十一章 潜力巨大的天然气 151

2.Distribution of worldwide natural gas 151

1.Origin of natural gas 151

第三节 中国天然气的前景 161

3.Porspect for natural gas in China 161

1.Origin of overthrust fault belt 167

第一节 逆掩断层带的成因 167

第十二章 逆掩断层带将为中国增加30~50万km2的沉积岩面积 167

Chapter 12 Overthrust fault belt will add to China an area of 300,000-500,000square kilometers for sedimentary rock 167

2.Distribution of worldwide overthrust fault belts 168

第二节 世界逆掩断层带的分布 168

第三节 两次访问美国落基山大油气区的启发 173

3.Knowledge obtained from two visits to giant oil and gas area of Rocky Mountains overthrust fault belt in the Urited States 173

4.China s multi-stage overthrust fault belts will increase the sedimentay rock area by 300,000-500,000 square kilometers 182

第四节 中国多阶式逆掩断层带将增加30~50万km2的沉积岩面积 182

Chapter 13 Worldwide oil and gas resources much higher than any assessments 192

1.Worldwide oil and gas resources 192

第一节 世界油气资源 192

第十三章 世界油气资源比现在的任何评价都多得多 192

2.Worldwide oil and gas resources much more adequate than any assessments 193

第二节 世界石油资源比任何评价都充裕得多 193

3.Worldwide oil and gas exploration prospering 197

第三节 世界油气勘探方兴未艾 197

Chapter 14 Panorama of potential and exploration of China s oil and gas resources according to sedimentary basin theory 200

1.Why China s oil and gas resources regarded as abundant 200

第一节 为什么说中国油气资源很丰富 200

第十四章 以“沉积盆地论”纵观中国油气资源的潜力与勘探方向 200

2.China s continental sedimentary oil and gas exploration prospering 202

第二节 中国陆相沉积油气勘探方兴未艾 202

3.A large amount of giant Sinian-Cambrian oil and gas fields discovered in East Siberia in Russia, why not in China smarine sedimentation 203

第三节 俄罗斯东西伯利亚发现大批震旦—寒武系大油气田,中国海相沉积为什么不能 203

4.Why a gas field with the reserves reaching one trillion cubic meters not discovered in China 204

第四节 中国为什么不能出现储量上万亿立方米的巨型气田 204

5.Heavy oil resources should be adequate in China because of frequent structural movements in the region 205

第五节 中国构造运动频繁,重油资源应该很多 205

7.Tarim Basin will be undoubtedly China s giant oil and gas area 206

6.China s mountainous overthrust fault belts should be important exploration areas 206

第六节 中国山区的逆掩断层带是重要的勘探领域 206

第七节 多疑的塔里木盆地无疑将是中国的巨大油气区 206

8.What dose it mean that Erdos Basin becomes prosperous in 100 years 207

第八节 百年才兴旺的鄂尔多斯盆地说明了什么 207

9.China should use the Unitcd States as big test field for petroleum geology 209

第九节 中国石油地质应该以美国作为大试验场 209

10.Search of large oil and gas fields set as targets 210

第十节 要以找大油气田为目标 210

References 214

参考文献 214