1 Eager beaver 拼命三郎 1
2 Fishy 可疑的 3
3 Night owl 夜猫子 5
4 To have goosebumps 鸡皮疙瘩、兴奋 7
5 Bookworm 书虫 9
6 Crocodile tears 猫哭耗子假慈悲 11
7 A bird s eye view 鸟瞰 13
8 To be a snake 阴险狡猾 15
9 Straight from the horse s mouth 亲耳听到 17
10 A dog-eat-dog world 人吃人的世界、弱肉强食的世界 20
11 A fish out of water 格格不入 23
12 Busy bee 劳碌命的人 26
13 To make a beeline for something 28
迫不及待,走捷径,抄近路 28
14 A fox,foxy 狐狸精;狐媚的 31
15 To duck 闪避 34
16 To be a chicken 懦夫 37
17 To chicken out 退缩 39
18 A spring chicken 青春洋溢、老当益壮的人 41
19 A hen-pecked husband 家有母老虎 43
20 Adoe-eyed young woman 电眼美女 45
21 A stud 钻石王老五 48
22 A cash cow 摇钱树 50
23 To cow someone into submission 下马威 53
24 Pecking order 先来后到 55
25 To mouse around 混水摸鱼 57
26 A Mickey Mouse job(or class) 闲差事 59
27 A Charlie horse in my leg 脚抽筋 61
28 To pigeon-hole someone 先入为主 63
29 To parrot someone 模仿、有样学样 65
30 The black sheep of the family 害群之马、与众不同者 67
31 Ants in someone s pants 热锅上的蚂蚁 69
32 To outfox someone 以智取胜 71
33 To dog someone 尾随、追踪 73
34 A leopard never changes its spots. 江山易改,本性难移 75
35 To be lionized 被力捧、被奉承 77
36 To be a parasite 寄生虫 79
37 To be a dinosaur 老古董 81
38 Goose-stepping soldiers 踏正步的军人 83
39 Your goose is cooked. 事情闹大了 86
40 To saddle up 准备就绪 88
41 To move at a snail s pace 老牛拉车 90
42 A dove 和平使者、主和派、鸽派 92
43 A hawk 主战派、鹰派 94
44 A shrimp 矮冬瓜 96
45 To be bullish about something 看好 98
46 To pig out 大快朵颐、大吃一顿 101
47 A piggy bank 储蓄罐 104
48 To play a game of cat and mouse 玩猫抓老鼠的游戏 106
49 The lion s share of something 占去大部分 108
50 To be a tiger 苦干蛮干、像只蛮牛 110
51 To fish for a compliment 讨赞美 112
52 A clothes horse 衣服收藏家 115
53 Eagle-eyed 目光锐利的;好眼力的 117
54 Don t let the cat out of the bag. 别说溜嘴、别走漏风声、别泄漏秘密 119
55 To crow about something 夸耀、夸口 121
56 A cat nap 打盹 123
57 To rat on someone 告密、告状、打小报告 125
58 To paw someone 吃豆腐 127
59 To claw one s way to the top 踩着别人头顶往上爬 129
60 To wing it 天马行空 131
61 A teacher s pet 老师的宠儿,得意门生 133
62 A white elephant sale 珍品廉价拍卖 135
63 A little bird 包打听 137
64 A scapegoat 代罪羔羊 139
65 Hold your horses! 稍安勿躁!不要仓促行事! 141
66 He s a real vulture. 他真是个剥削者 143
67 To act like a sheep 表现像个懦夫 145
68 To be as slow as a turtle 像乌龟一样慢 147
69 That s a whale of a tale. 长篇大论 149
70 He wormed his way into the club. 他钻进俱乐部里 151
71 You re a bird-brain! 你这个猪头! 153
72 Monkey see,monkey do. 有样学样 155
73 Kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟 157
74 You re a monkey s uncle! 你麻烦大了! 159