(1974年11月) 1
目录 1
潮汐分析和预报的准调和分潮方法Ⅰ.准调和分潮 方国洪 1
海洋科学集刊 第9集 1
(November,1974) 14
Quasi-Harmonic Constituent Method for Analysis and Prediction of Tides Ⅰ.Quasi-Harmonic Constituent Fang Guo-hong 14
研制海底浅地层剖面仪的某些声学问题 中国科学院海洋研究所剖面仪研制组 17
Some Accoustic Problems in the Development of the Sub-Bottom Profiling System Profiling System Research Group,Institute of Oceanology,Academia Sinica 25
黄海和东海的浮游桡足类Ⅱ.剑水蚤目和猛水蚤目 陈清潮、章淑珍、朱长寿 27
On Planktonic Copepods of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea Ⅱ.Cyclopoidaand Harpacticoida Chen Qing-chao,Zhang Shu-zhen and Zhu Chang-shou 74
南海的浮游桡足类Ⅰ 陈清潮、章淑珍 101
The Pelagic Copepods of the South China Sea Ⅰ Chen Qing-chao and Zhang Shu zhen 115
南海的浮游桡足类Ⅱ 陈清潮、沈嘉瑞 125
The Pelagic Copepods of the South China Sea Ⅱ Chen Qing-chao and Shen Chia-jui 136
山东半岛南部沿岸蜾赢蜚属(Corophium)的一个新种(甲壳纲、端足目) 张伟权 139
A New Species of the Genus Corophium(Crustacea,Amphipoda,Gammaridea)from the Southern Coast of Shantung Peninsula,North China Zhang Wei-quan 144