
  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:辅仁大学哲学系
  • 出 版 社:台湾:辅仁大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1981
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:510 页

1.Opening Ceremony address&Stanislaus,Lokuang 1

2.Opening Ceremony address&Koninck,Thomas De 3

3.Eastern Religions and German Christianity&Antes,Peter 5

4.Religion and Metaphysics—Christianity Between Worldly Conception and Dehellenization&Bausola,Adriano 17

5.The Origins and Nature of Contemporary Mysticism&Bishop,Donald H. 29

6.The Identity of Man&Bogliolo,Luigi 51

7.Science and Philosophy as Related to God and Creation&Bonansea,Bernardino M. 63

8.Science and Religion Seeking a Common Horizon&Budenholzer,Frank E. 79

9.Wu—the Keynote Idea of Taoism&Chang,Constant C.C 105

10.Features of Chinese Metaphysics and Their Religious Implication&Chen,Shin-Chuan 111

11.Vedantic Philosophy of Religion&Dhavamony,Mariasusai 119

12.Religion as an Object of Philosophy Study&Dougherty,Jude P. 147

13.Can There be Such a Thing Truly Christian Ethics?&Fay,Thomas A. 161

14.A Contextualistic Philosophy of Life&Hahn,Lewis E. 167

15.The Chinese View of Life in Traditional Philosophy&Hang,Thaddeus T'ui-Chieh 183

16.A New World and a New Worldview&Hartshorne,Charles 189

17.Art is Philosophical Knowledge...and Beyond&Hetzler Florence 197

18.The Dignity of Man&Koninck,Thomas De 211

19.For a Philosophy of God&Leahy,Louis 225

20.True and False in Religion&Lewis Hywel D. 233

21.The Task of the Christian Philosopher&Lobato Casado Abelardo 241

22.The Phenomenon of Atheism Today&Martins,P.Jose Saraiva 271

23.The Concept of Guilt and Shame in Chinese Thought&Miyakawa,Hisayuki 279

24.Why Philosophy of Science&Passmore,John 293

25.The Historicist View of philosophy&Quito,Emerita S. 313

26.The Contemporary Challenge and Indian Philosophy&Sharma,L.N. 323

27.The Impact of Rational Thinking on Modern Man&Sprenger,Arnold 335

28.International Congress of Philosophy Summary of Proceeding and Discussion&Sprenger,Arnold 337

29.The International Congress of Philosophy—Closing Address&Bonansea,B.M. 377

30.The International Congress of Philosophy—Closing Address&Lokuang,Stanislaus 381

31.Opening Ceremony Address—Chinese Philosophy and Religion&Lokuang,Stanislaus 383

国际哲学会议开幕词—论中国哲学与宗教&罗光 385

32.Opening Ceremony Address&Shy,Chi-Yang 395

教育部贺词&施启扬 395

33.Modern Chinese Philosophy and Religion&Chao,Albert 397

现代中国的哲学与宗教&赵雅博 399

34.Mankind has the Obligation to Worship a Supreme Being&Chang,Aloysius C.T. 405

人有敬神的义务&张振东 408

35.Problems in Contempory Philosophy and Religion&Chou,Shiao-Hsien 413

当代哲学与宗教问题&周绍贤 415

36.A Study on the Formation and Deveopment of the Philosophy of Vital Force in Korea—From the Viewpoint of Im,Rok-Mun's Theory&Chung,In-Chai 419

韩国气学之形成及其展开——以任鹿门之气学为中心&郑仁在 423

37.The Modern Significance of Sun Yat-Senism&Fung,Hu-Hsing 431

三民主义的优越性&冯沪祥 434

38.The Theory of Moral Cultivation on the philosophy of Chuang Chou&Huang,kung-Wei 445

庄子哲学的修养论&黄公伟 446

39.The Salvitic Value of the Neo-Christian Religion&Lu,Bosco 455

今日天主教对非基督宗教的看法&陆达诚 456

40.Truth Expressed by Art—A Study on Present Day Philosophy&Wan,Shig-Hiu 465

道通乎艺——现在宗教的研究&释晓云 467

41.The Concept of Redemption in Chinese and Western Philosophy&Woo,Peter Kun-Yu 473

「救援」概念在中西哲学中所扮演的角色&邬昆如 474

42.Philosophy through Science to Religion&Wu,Joseph C.T. 487

哲学——穿科学进宗教&武长德 489

43.Abstract of Confucian Spirt,Morality and Religion&Tsai,Jen-Hou 499

儒家精神与道德宗教&蔡仁厚 502

44.The International Congress of Philosophy—Closing Address&Lokuang,Stanislaus 509

国际哲学会议闭幕典礼致词&罗光 509