中国石油天然气地质特征与含油气前景(1996) 1
我国油气资源和油气发展前景(1996) 18
Characteristics and Oil and Gas Potential of Sedimentary Basins of China(1988) 28
The Eocene Environment of China s Non-Marine Source Rocks(1992) 61
Geology and Petroleum Potential of Northwestern China(1986) 83
Buried-Hill Oil and Gas Pools in the North China Basin(1982) 100
开拓新思路加快西部地区的油气勘探工作(1995) 128
重新认识柴达木盆地力争油气勘探获得新突破(1997) 137
鄂尔多斯地区古生界大气区形成环境的认识(1992) 147
渤海湾盆地油气聚集规律及勘探建议(1972) 157
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