
  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:聂建中,文伟主编
  • 出 版 社:太原:山西教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7544020819
  • 页数:435 页


目录 1

前言 1

叙事篇 1

导语 1

●传说和历史故事 1

A Narrow Escape 1

Hua Rong Practiced Shooting 2

Meng Jiangnu Wept over the Great Wall 3

Seven Stories about Superstitions 4

Firewalkers 4

Wise Avantis 4

Hanshi Festival 8

April Fools Day 8

Balzac 9

Zero 9

Pandora s Box 10

●个人经历 11

A Mock English Examination 11

Just on Time 11

Jump the Queue 12

Being a Hostess 12

An Expensive Movie 12

Presiding over a Class Meeting 13

A Try 14

●校园记事 14

A Meaningful Vacation 14

A Close Game 15

An English Class 15

Plant Trees 15

My Sporting School Days 16

A Listen and Speak English Activity 16

A Bet 17

Our School s Sports Meet 18

I Became an Announcer 18

●节日记事 19

April Fool s Day 19

The Spring Festival 20

The Tenth Teachers Day 21

A Christmas Holiday 21

Christmas Activities 22

A Happy Picnic 22

An Unforgettable Evening 23

●旅行记事 23

A Dangerous Trip 23

Meeting a Pen-friend in Germany 24

A Visit to the Qinhuang Island 24

SOS 25

My First Day in London 25

A Wet Night 26

My First Day in the United States 26

A Language Mix-up 27

A Sea Trip 28

A Traffic Accident 28

A Not Good Train Travel 28

●难忘的事 29

Perseverance Means Victory 29

An Unforgettable English Lesson 30

Helping a Student 30

Making an Apology 31

Talking with Foreigners 31

The Best Present 32

What Else Is Our Family Short of? 33

A Lesson 33

●童年记事 34

Doing Favors Can Be Dangerous 34

How Foolish I Was! 34

Catching the Thieves 35

My Father s Son 35

Never Be Careless 36

Mother s Advice 36

Catch a Robber by Wit 37

My Child Is Monkey Sun s Master 38

When You Are Mistaken 38

The Wonderful Watch Was Broken 39

●新闻通讯 39

A Lucky Orphan 39

Two Girls Go to School 40

Hong Kong s Yesterday and Tomorrow 40

UFOs and Extraterrestrials 41

Protect Trees 42

Hurricane 43

A Close Game 44

A Flood Disaster 44

●滑稽故事 45

On Our Way Home 45

A Too Fast Revenge 45

How to Live a Long Healthy Life and Get Rich 46

I and the Bullocks 46

A Mugging 47

No Parking! 48

After a Heavy Snowstorm 48

Why Not Stop Her? 48

Wrong Reaction 49

A Small Frying Pan 49

A Good Gift 50

One Thousand Ducks 50

Please!Please! 50

●寓言故事 51

A Loss May Be a Gain 51

Help the Young Shoots to Grow 51

●哲理故事 52

Family Life 52

Appearance Can Be Deceiving 52

How Fast One s Look Can Change! 53

Different Cultures 54

Deep Love of Brothers 55

Sol Is Right or Wrong? 56

●侦探故事 56

The Case of the Stolen Painting 56

A Valuable Parcel of Diamond 57

The Missing Figure 57

●童话故事 59

A Child s Wonder 59

A Caterpillar s Voice 61

The Generation Gap 63

●对话记人 63

记人篇 63

导语 63

A Beautiful Blanket 64

I Met an Anxious Girl 64

Brown s Mission 65

A Lovely French Boy 65

Is the Book Useful? 67

A Phone Call 68

●以景写人 69

An Old Man Playing Hoop 69

●群体描写 70

People on the Move 70

A Young Girl and Her Lover 70

A Supermarket Shopper 71

The Peasants in Goderville 72

●个人传记 73

My Childhood 73

Fascinations 74

A Charming Girl 74

●名人逸事 76

Marie Curie 76

George Washington 76

Albert Einstein(1) 77

Albert Einstein(2) 78

The First Female Physician 79

Martin Luther King,Jr 79

The Best Bargain in American Diplomatic History 80

Issac Newton(1) 80

Issac Newton(2) 81

Abraham Lincoln 82

Abraham Lincoln s Humor 82

D.H.Lawrence 83

An Anecdote of Bernard Shaw 83

George Bernard Shaw and Clothes 84

Charles Dickens 84

Dr.Sigmund Freud 85

Winston Churchill 86

Pele:The Most Famous Football Player 87

A Brave Woman 88

Helen Keller 89

Mozart 89

Jenner and Smallpox 90

Thomas Edison 91

Robert Owen 92

●性格描述 93

The Man Who Wants to Be a Writer 93

The Single Passenger on a Boat 94

Two Men 94

A Friend of Mine 95

●人物介绍 95

A Strange Polish Girl 95

The Most Fascinating Person I Know 96

My Brother and I 96

A Rich Man 97

The People at Our Table 97

An Elderly Patient 98

A Secretary 99

My Parents 99

Mrs.Shaw and the Men Who Loved Her 100

Sanders:A Life-saver 100

A Strange Man 101

Auntie Pat and Uncle George 102

●人物特写 103

Bob Sanders:A Naughty Student 103

Phil s Embarrassing Experience in the Library 104

A Good Choice 105

An Actor in the Dark 106

An Actor s Trouble 106

To Return Home was a Great Comfort 107

A Street Beggar at Night 108

My Father 108

My Captain 109

The Officer and the Soldier 110

The Boy and the Hoop 112

导语 114

●环境描写 114

In the Field 114

描写篇 114

Field in Winter 115

Before My Eyes 115

Sleeping in the Open 116

Looking Around 116

At the Railway Station 117

Paying Homage to Matsu 117

●场景描写 117

Deep in the Forest 117

At the Street Corner 118

A Surprise to Thumbelina 118

A Ship in the Storm 119

A Chilly Night 119

In a Coach 120

The Girl and Her Brothers 120

The Girl Selling Matches 121

A Lonely Man on His Way Home 122

In the Gale 122

Inside and Outside 123

The Last Farewell 123

A Village Opera 124

In His Mind s Eye 124

●场面描写 124

A Basketball Game 125

On the Moving Day 125

The Flood is Coming 126

A Big Fire 126

The Departure 127

The Fight between Two Little Bears 127

After Our Boat Was Overturned 128

●场所描写 128

The Little River 128

My Home Village 129

The Grand Hotel 129

A Little Inn 130

The House of My Landlord 130

My Room 131

Our Library 131

A Great Marketplace 131

A Comfortable Room 132

●动态描写 132

Cooking 133

Before the Shelves 133

Hesitation 134

The Fox 134

Escaping from the Window 134

Sebastian Going to the Barn 135

The Dog and the Horse 135

On Hearing the Bad News 136

The Meeting of the Dog and Me 136

A New Coat 137

Stung by Mosquitoes 137

The Adventure of the Tin Soldier 138

●动物描写 138

My Dog 138

A Bear Cub 139

A Bulldog 139

A Dead Swallow 139

The Dying Mother-fox 140

A Spider 141

The Hyena 141

A Turtle 142

A Young Eagle 142

An Old Wolf 143

Sea Otters 143

Amoebas 144

Camels 144

The Lijiang River 145

●景点描写 145

The Sun Moon Lake 145

Reed Flute Cave in Guilin 146

The Huangguoshu Cataract 147

Jiuzhaigou 148

The Stone Forest 148

Yansai Lake 149

Cangshan Mountain 149

Butterfly Spring 150

The Yuyuan Garden 150

The Slimmer West Lake 150

Zhangjiajie 151

Shaolin Temple 152

Bird Island 152

The Mogao Grottoes 153

Tidal Waves of the Zhejiang River 154

Flowery Path in Mt.Lushan 154

The Five-Old-Men Peak 154

Saint Peter s Church 155

●景物描写 155

On the Seashore 155

Sunset 156

The Sea 156

The Everchanging Sea 157

A Great Palaee 157

In the Country 158

The Still Valley 158

A Sunny Day 159

The Date Trees 159

Minute Pink Flowers 160

A Cinder-path 160

The Well 161

The Great Oak Tree 161

A Little Daisy 162

The Metal Pig 162

The Statues 163

The Stream 164

After a Fire 164

In the Marshy Grasslands 165

A Dark Night 165

Moonlight 166

The Three Gorges 166

The Small Tarn 167

Pines on Mount Tai 167

Mount Tai in Winter 168

The Pastureland on the Tianshan 168

The White Snow Lilies on the Tianshan 168

Kaifeng 169

Valleys in the Tianshan 169

●名城描写 169

Luoyang 170

Xi an 171

Suzhou 172

Lhasa 172

Rome 173

Florence 173

Naples 174

●名山描写 175

Huangshan Mountain 175

Venice 175

Mt.Taishan 176

Mt.Lushan 177

Putuo Mountain 178

Mt.Jiuhua 178

Nanyue Mountain 179

Mt.Songshan 179

Wutai Mountain 180

Mount Vesuvius 180

●社会环境描写 180

Before the Founding of the Ming Dynasty 180

Winter(1) 181

●时令描写 181

How the Post Office Came into Being 181

Winter(2) 182

Spring(1) 182

Spring(2) 183

Summer(1) 183

Summer(2) 183

Autumn(1) 184

Autumn(2) 184

●天象描写 184

A Storm in the Desert 184

A Volcano Eruption 185

A Wind 185

抒情篇 187

导语 187

●悲痛之情 187

Tragedy 187

Journey through Aids with My Daughter 189

The Diamond Lens 190

●憧憬之情 191

My Dream 191

The Butterfly 192

●崇敬之情 193

Blessing for My Teacher 193

The Ceremony of Raising the National Flag 194

The Trackers 195

●奋发之情 195

My Teacher s Words 196

A Weak Bird 197

●歉疚之情 197

BB Gun 197

My Mother s Loneliness(1) 200

My Mother s Loneliness(2) 201

Returning Home after the Final Examination 201

I m Sorry,Janet 202

A Special Christmas Gift 203

Dad and the Biscuits 205

●感激之情 205

A Love Brand Recorder 206

May You Live a Long Life 206

A White Lie 207

●怀念之情 208

The Ritual 208

A Remembrance of Letter Writing 210

My Forever Valentine 211

Autumn in the Country 213

Autumn in the City 214

On the Beach 215

Dance Like No One s Watching 216

Happiness 216

●豁达之情 216

●绝望之情 218

A Stranger in the Big City 218

Hungry for Your Love 218

●宽容之情 219

A Story of Two Neighbors 219

●亲人之情 220

Yingying s Story 220

You Don t Love Me! 223

The Most Precious Gift of All 223

A Dream 224

●惋惜之情 224

She Left Me Forever 226

Love Our Life 227

●惜别之情 228

The Mother I Had Always Known 228

●喜爱之情 231

Purple Lilac 231

Moments of Quietness 231

Six Little Ducks 232

●喜悦之情 233

My First Day in New School 233

Early Spring in My Hometown 234

The First Snow 235

●忧伤之情 236

Lake of Autumn 236

●友爱之情 236

About a Friend 236

A Bad Temper and a Nail 238

Friends 239

●赞美之情 240

A Lonely Dancer 240

A Shell 242

Let s Do the Work of Leaves 243

A Kind Man 243

说明篇 245

导语 245

●程序说明 245

The Process of Making Bread 245

How to Make Hot Candied Potato 246

How to Make Jiaozi 247

●地方介绍 248

An English Town 248

A Look at London 248

The Mediterranean 249

Not Built in One Day 250

washington D.C 251

Paris 252

Venice 252

Hong Kong 253

●对比说明 254

Meeting People 254

A Selfish Foreigner? 254

Questions 255

Common Manners 255

Praise and Criticism 256

How Do Americans Dress Differently from Chinese 256

Family Values 257

Relationship 258

●方法介绍 258

How to Become an Efficient Reader 258

A Coin,a Handkerchief and a Friend 259

A Box of Matches 259

What Materials Are Good in the Cold Places? 259

Use of Horns 260

Parking Lots 260

Addressing Mail 261

Registered Mail 262

Money Order 262

Different Restaurants 263

●分类说明 263

Police Systems in Different Countries 264

Families 265

●事物说明 265

Rain 265

Water 266

Desert 266

Air 267

Noise 267

Natural Resources 268

Books 268

Newspapers 269

Dictionaries 269

The News Media 270

Advertisements 270

Bicycles 271

Computers 271

Sleep 272

Valentine s Day 272

April Fools Day 273

Easter Sunday 273

Mother s Day 273

Father s Day 273

●事由说明 274

The History of Newspapers 274

Labor Day 274

Blowing into the Cow Hide 275

The Origin of April Fools Day 275

A-Ok 275

How Do People Count Things 276

The History of Bridges 277

●知识介绍 277

Police 277

Colors and Meanings 278

Motels 278

How Fast Do They Speak? 280

Computer Virus 280

The Sun 281

Lawyers 281

Banking Today 282

Tea 283

Sign Language 283

Voice Analysis 284

●动物介绍 285

The Kangaroo 285

Animal s Language 286

The Ant 286

The Biggest and Gentlest Animal 287

The Earthworm 287

The Cat 287

Use of Animal s Skin Colors 288

The Camel 289

The Hippopotamus 289

The Bear 290

The Dog 291

Man and Animals 291

●景物介绍 292

The Statue of Liberty 292

The Yellowstone National Park 292

Hollywood 293

The Central Park 293

The Pentagon 294

The World s Largest Library 295

National Parks in South Africa 295

The State Forest Park at Zhangjiajie in Wulingyuan 296

The Great Wall 297

The Palace Museum 298

The White House 299

The Capitol 300

The Ancient Pingyao City 300

Noise Pollution 302

●抱怨 302

议论篇 302

导语 302

Does Failure Breed Success? 303

The Best Traffic System 303

●比喻说理 305

Teachers and Actors 305

Five Balls in the Air 306

●辩论式杂感 307

Fast Economic Growth—Gains or Losses? 307

●驳斥观点 308

The Best Age to Be 308

China Shouldn t Encourage Personal Automobiles 309

Should We Do Hand Work? 309

Computer and Man 310

The Desire for Power 311

Success Is Measured in Terms of Money? 312

Skill and Practice 313

Talent and Wealth 314

Why Are There So Many Hawkers 315

Waste 316

●读后感 317

Baboons 317

●对比分析 318

Hope and Disappointment 318

Which Weighs More—School Brand or Major? 319

Working at Home 320

Novel Reading 321

Life in the City and in the Country 322

●归纳推理 323

Nation Shows Decision for Fair Play 323

●话题评论 324

Hobbies 324

Progress 324

Wishes 325

The Way to Success 326

Women and Fashion 327

My Views on Competition 327

●劝告与建议 328

A Different Kind of Guy 328

Cry for Help 330

Support a Friend 331

Talk with Him 333

热点评论 334

Separatist Exposed 334

US-Cuban Relations Should Continue 335

Study Abroad 336

事例论证 337

My Ambition to Become a Teacher Someday 337

Patriotism 338

The Wind of Love 340

书评 341

Christmas Tail 341

Crazy Horse s Vision 341

Dream-bird 343

Grimm s.Fairy.Tales 343

Medieval Tales That Kids Can Read and Tell 343

More Ready to Tell Tales from around the World 344

Night Golf 344

Stranger in a Strange Land 345

随笔 346

Knowledge 346

Electronics 347

Competition 348

The Need for Environmental Protection 348

Give on Trust 349

问题与对策 350

Automobiles 350

Students Get Sex Education from VCD Porn 351

How to Plug the Brain Drain? 352

Reuse—An Effective Way to Conserve Resources 353

●演绎推理 354

Money Talks in Football World 354

More Haste,Less Speed 355

A Fall into the Pit,A Gain in Your Wit 356

●因果论证 357

Exams Allow No Cheating 357

Learning from Failure 358

People Change Their Attitudes towards Ads 359

Tour Fever Should Be Cooled Down 360

Why a Sense of Humor Is Important 361

●影评 362

A Stern Problem 362

After Watching Graduate 363

A Film 363

A Knife Struck in My Heart 365

●杂感 365

Curiosity 366

Imagination 366

Inventions 367

●正反分析 368

Machines in the Home 368

If There Were No TV 368

The Future 369

Old Habits Die Hard 370

Part-time Jobs 371

Sports and Life 372

A Letter to Mum 373

●私人书信 373

导语 373

应用篇 373

A Letter to One s Parents 374

A Letter to One s Son 375

A Letter to a Relative 375

A Letter to an Australian Teacher 376

A Letter to a Professor from Taiwan 377

●感谢信 378

谢款待 378

谢推荐 378

谢探望 378

谢送行 379

谢馈赠 379

谢资助 380

谢关怀 381

●祝贺信 381

恭贺升职 381

恭贺喜结良缘(1) 381

恭贺喜结良缘(2) 382

恭贺喜得贵子 382

恭贺生日快乐(1) 383

恭贺生日快乐(2) 383

恭贺乔迁之喜 383

恭贺退休 384

恭贺金榜题名(1) 384

恭贺金榜题名(2) 384

恭贺毕业 385

恭贺荣获学位 385

● 致歉信 386

致歉迟延还书 386

致歉迟复信函 386

致歉失约 387

致歉服务不周 387

●介绍信/推荐信 387

介绍友人前往某处 387

推荐学生深造 388

业务介绍信 388

推荐工作人选 389

● 申请信/求职信 390

求职打字员 390

毕业求职 390

求职汉语教师 391

申请读大学本科 392

申请攻读硕士学位 392

申请攻读博士学位 393

申请就读语言学院 394

申请就读名牌大学 394

求职会计 395

求职记者 396

求职经理助理 396

申请奖学金 397

申请签证 397

●慰问信/吊唁信 398

吊唁信 398

慰吊回函 399

慰问病人 399

●简历 400

简历 400

慰问遭灾朋友 400

●邀请信/请柬 401

邀请出国访问 401

邀请做客 402

婚礼邀请 403

邀请赴宴 403

接受邀请 404

谢绝邀请 404

邀请作专题报告 405

邀请来访 405

邀请演讲 406

答应演讲 406

谢绝演讲 407

邀请共进晚餐 408

接受共进晚餐邀请 408

谢绝共进晚餐邀请 408

婚礼请柬 409

邀请参加活动 409

邀请出席招待会 410

邀请出席校庆 410

邀请出席毕业典礼 411

邀请出席鸡尾酒会 411

出席者正式回函 412

邀请出席开幕仪式 413

谢绝邀请 413

缺席者正式回函 413

邀请出席校友日 414

邀请参加结婚周年纪念 414

招待会请柬 415

闭幕式请柬 415

●启事和告示 416




支票遗失启事 416

公司合并启事 417

公司更名启事 417

酒店营业启事 417

公司迁址启事 418

公司授权启事 418

人事变动声明 418

征稿启事 419

征求读者意见启事 420

●通知 420

出游通知 420

开会通知 421

报告会通知 421

篮球赛海报 421

电影海报 421

校长办公室通知 422

防火通知 422

舞会 422

英语晚会 423

讲座 423

变更时间通知 423

公共事务通知 424

英语系通知 424

●投诉信/抱怨信 424

投诉质量问题 424

抱怨货物受损 425

抱怨货物迟发 425

抱怨广告太多 426

抱怨广告愚弄人 426

●便条 426

便条(1) 426

便条(2) 427

便条(3) 427

便条(4) 428

●请求信 428

请求朋友寄东西 428

请求寄成绩单 428

请求提供就学指导 429

请求指点栽花 429

请求签署健康证明 430

请求加薪 430

请求介绍女佣 431

请求建议 431

请求延长借书时间 432

请求得到出版物 432

请求借住 432

请求答复 433

请求帮忙 433

寻求合作 434

请求订房间 434

确认回复 435