
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:苏雅敏著
  • 出 版 社:广州:广东海燕电子音像出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7885106047
  • 页数:160 页

1 No kidding!你不是在开玩笑吧! 1

2 I was only kidding.我只是在开玩笑。 5

3 Quit pulling my leg.别骗我了。 10

4 I m sorry to hear that.听到这件事,我很难过。 14

5 Excuse me.对不起。 19

6 I beg your pardon.请原谅。 25

7 Run that by me again.再说一遍。 29

8 I m a very light sleeper.我睡觉很容易醒。 33

9 I can sleep in this morning.今早我可以睡晚一点。 37

10 Did I awaken you?我把你吵醒了吗? 42

11 The traffic seems very light today.交通看起来不拥挤。 47

12 I want a second helping.我还要再来一份。 53

13 I m full.我饱了。 59

14 I get it.我听懂了。 64

15 Do you follow?你听得懂吗? 65

16 Do you get the message?你知道人家在暗示什么吗? 69

17 You know what?你知道吗? 74

18 Could you excuse us,please?我可以先告退吗? 79

19 Could I get you something to drink?你要喝什么饮料吗? 82

20 Could I have the check?买单。 87

21 Can I speak to Mary?请玛丽听电话。 90

22 Could I call you later?我稍后再打给你,好吗? 95

23 Would you please.那就麻烦你了。 100

24 What are your hours?你们从几点到几点? 103

25 When do you close?你们几点关门? 109

26 I ll trade you.我跟你换。 113

27 My treat.我请客。 117

28 Now you re talking!你这么说才像话。 124

29 Look who s here!看,是谁来了! 128

30 I ll go look.我去看看。 131

31 I ll see what I can do.我尽量试试看。 134

32 How s it going?你好吗? 138

33 I ve been there.我也曾经历过。 144

34 That depends.那要看是什么情况了。 147

35 Has Mary phoned yet?玛丽有没有打电话来。 151

36 The phone is ringing.电话铃响了。 157