
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王汉明编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7532371298
  • 页数:123 页

前言:西班牙菜的欣赏与品尝 1

西班牙菜的饮食文化和认识 3

源远流长话西班牙菜 3

多姿多彩的地方菜 6

认识西班牙菜 8

菜单 10

点菜技巧 11

进食礼仪 12

材料介绍 14

西班牙美酒 19

西班牙的特色酱汁 22

小食类、开胃菜(Tapas and Entremes)Tapas and Appetizer 30

烧牛柳多士(Solomillo En Tostada)Beef Tenderloin with Pimento on Toast 30

煎沙丁鱼多士(Cebolla Y Sardinas)Sardine&Onion on Toast 32

扒西班牙肠(Chorizo A La Plancha)Grilled Spanish Sausage 34

鲑鱼丸配续随子汁(Albondigas De Salmon)Salmon Balls with Caper Sauce 36

炸鸡茸丸(Croquetas De Polio)Chicken Croquettes 38

酒醋八爪鱼片(Pulpo A La Vinagreta)Octopus Vinaigrette 40

酥香磨菇(Champi?ones Al Horno)Baked Mushrooms 42

无花果生腿卷(Rollitos De Jamón Rellenos De Higos)Grilled Figs Wrapped in Serrano Ham Strips 44

香炸鱿鱼圈(Calamares Fritos)Deep-fried Squid Rings 46

烤野菜沙律(Ensalada De Escalibada)Grilled Assorted Vegetables Salad 48

香辣羊肉丸(Albóndigas De Cordero)Lamb Meatballs 50

汤类(Sopa)Soup 54

蒜香肠肉汤(Sopa De Ajo,Cebolla Y Chorizo)Garlic Soup with Chorizo 54

冻西班牙番茄汤(Gazpacho Andaluz)Andalusian Gazpacho 56

海鲜汤(Sopa De Pescado)Seafood Soup 58

蛋类、饭/粉类(Huevos and Arroz)Egg and Rice 62

土豆洋葱蛋饼(Tortilla Espa?ola)Egg/Potato/Onion Omelette 62

香辣汁焗水云蛋(Huevos A La Flamenca)Andalusian Baked Eggs 64

香草肠肉炒蛋(Huevos Revueltos Con Chorizo)Scrambled Eggs with Chorizo 66

西班牙锅仔饭(Paellas Valenciana)Spain's Classic Saffron Rice Dish with Meat,Poultry and Seafood 68

鱿鱼墨汁饭(Arroz Negro)Rice with Squid and Squid Ink 70

西班牙锅仔粉(FideuáCon Gambas Y Calamares)Fideuáwith Tiger Prawns and Ribbons of Baby Squid 72

海鲜类(Pescado)Seafood 76

白酒煮海鲈配黄绿柠汁(Lubina Hervida Con Limón)Sea Bass with Lemon 76

什锦酿鱿鱼(Calamares Rellenos A La Menorquina)Squid Stuffed with Pine Nuts,Mint and Raisins 78

龙虾海鲜大会(Zarzuela De Mariscos)Seafood Stew in A Spicy and Fragrant Sauce 80

扒香辣大虾(Cigalas A La Plancha)Grilled Prawns 82

香煎鲑鱼配茄茸牛油汁(Salmon En Salsa De Tomate)Salmon Cutlets on Tomato Butter Sauce 84

酒香扒扇贝(Vieiras A La Plancha Con Pimenton Y Jerez)Grilled Scallops with Paprika and Sherry 86

扒酿原条沙丁鱼(Sardinas Rellenas A La Plancha)Grilled Stuffed Sardines 88

白酒辣椒煮石斑(Pescado Al Pil-Pil)Garouper with Garlic and Dried Chillies 90

香煎牛柳配果子淇淋白兰地酒汁(Lomo De Buey A Las Frutas)Beef Tenderloin with Dried Figs,Apricots and Prunes in A Cream-brandy Sauce 94

肉类(Carne)Meat 94

酒香羊排配桃汁(Costillitas De Cordero)Lamb Chops Marinated in Sherry with Peach Sauce 96

红酒烩牛尾(Rabo De Toro)Bullfighter's Ox-tail Stew 98

红甜椒烤鸡(Pollo Asado Con Pimientos Rojos)Roast Chicken with Red Peppers 100

西班牙大锅菜(Cocido)A Simpler Cocido 102

酒香草莓烤鸭(Pato Braseado)Roast Duckling with Berry 104

烧猪柳配山羊干酪汁(Lomito Al Cabrales)Pork Tenderloin with Blue Goat Cheese 106

蒜香猪排(Chuleta De Cerdo Con Ajillo)Pork Chop with Garlic 108

甜品(Postre)Dessert 112

香橙薄饼配朱古力汁(Filloa Al Licor)Fruit-filled Dessert Crepe with Chocolate Sauce 112

焦糖焗饭布丁配鲜草莓(Arroz Con Leche)Rice Pudding with Crackle Glaze and Berries 114

焗苹果配鲜柠汁(Reinetas En Salsa De Limón)Baked Apples with Lemon Sauce 116

酒香蛋白球(Suspiros De Monja)Snow Egg White in White Wine 118

杏仁咖啡饼(Tarta De Santiago)Flourless Almond Cake with Coffee Cream Sauce 120

杏仁酥皮条(Milhojas)Millefeuille with Almond 122