创世纪 1
1.The Story of Creation 4
万物始创 4
2.The Garden of Eden 5
伊甸园 8
3.The Disobedience of Man 8
违背主命 11
4.Cain and Abel 12
该陷和亚伯 13
5.The Wicdedness of Mandind 14
人类的罪恶 15
6.Noah 15
挪亚造方舟 17
7. The Flood 17
洪水泛滥 19
8.The End of the Flood 20
洪水消落 22
9. The Tower of Babel 23
巴别塔 23
10.God's Call to Abram 24
亚伯兰蒙召 26
11.Abram and Lot Separate 27
亚伯兰与罗得分离 28
12. God's Covenant with Abram 29
上帝与亚伯兰立约 30
13. The Sinfulness of Sodom 31
所多玛的罪恶 33
14.The Destrction of Sodom and Gomorrah 34
毁灭所多玛和蛾摩拉 35
15.The Birth of Isaac 36
撒诞生 37
16. God Commands Abraham to Offer Isaac 38
上旁命亚伯拉罕献子 40
17. The Death and Burial of Abraham 41
亚伯拉罕寿终 41
18. The Birth of Esau and Jacob 42
以扫雅各诞生 42
19. Esau Sells His Rights as the First -born Son 43
以扫出卖长子权 44
20. Isaac Blesses Jaclb 44
以撒祝福雅各 46
21. Esau Begs for Isaac's Blessing 47
以扫痛哭求父赐福 49
22. Isaac Sends Jacob to Laban 49
以撒遣雅各去拉班家 50
23. J acob's Dream at Bethel 50
雅各梦中得指示 52
24. The Children Born to Jacob 52
雅各得子 54
25. Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau 56
雅各准备见以扫 57
26. Jacob Wrestles with Peniel 58
雅各与天使摔跤 59
27. Jacob Meets Esau 60
弟兄相见 61
28. God Blesses Jacob at Bethel 62
上帝为雅各赐福 63
29. Joseph and His Btrothers 63
约瑟和他的兄弟 64
30. Joseph Is Sold by His Brothers 65
约瑟被卖 67
31. Joseph and Potiphar's Wife 68
约瑟和波提王之妻 70
32. Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Bream 71
约瑟为法老解梦 73
33. Joseph Is Made Ruler of Egypt 74
法老派约瑟法理埃及 76
34. Joseph's Brothers Go to Egypt to Buy Corn 77
约瑟的兄弟往埃及购粮 79
35. Joseph's Brothers Retutn to Canaan 80
约瑟的兄弟返回迦南 81
36. Joseph's Brothers Retutn to Egypt with Benjanin 81
约瑟的兄弟带便雅悯去埃及 84
37. The Missing Cup 86
约瑟用计试探兄弟 87
38.Judah Pleads for Benjamin 88
犹大为便雅悯辩护 89
39.J oseph Tells His Brothers Who HeIs 89
约瑟与兄弟相认 91
40.Jacob and His Family Go to Egypt 93
雅各和他的子孙到埃及 93
出埃及记 95
41.The Israelites Are Treated Cruilly in Eytpt 95
埃及人残酷虐待以色列人 97
42.The Birth of Moses 98
摩西诞生 99
43.Moses Escapes to Midian 99
摩西逃往米甸 100
44.God Calls Moses 101
上帝呼唤摩西 102
45.God Gives Moses Miraculous Power 103
上帝赋予摩西神奇的力量 104
46.Moses Returns to Egypt 105
摩西返回埃及 106
47.Moses and Aaron before the King of Egypt 107
摩 西和亚伦面见埃及王 108
48.Moses Complains to the LORD 109
摩西向耶和华诉苦 110
49.Aaron's Stick 110
亚伦的手杖 110
50.Disasters Strike Egypt 111
Blood 111
Death of the First-born 112
Death of the Animals 112
畜疫之灾 114
水变血之灾 114
埃及遭灾 114
头生子之灾 115
51.The Passover 115
逾越节 117
52.The Israelites Leave Egypt 117
以色列人出埃及 118
53.The Pillar of Cloud and the Pillar of Fire 119
云柱和火柱 119
54.Crossing the Red Sea 120
过红海 122
55.The Manna and the Quails 124
吗哪些鹌鹑 127
56.The Israelites at Mount Sinai 128
以色列人在西奈山 130
57.The Ten Commandments 131
十诫 133
约书亚记 135
58.God Commands Joshua to Comquer Canaan 135
上帝命约书亚改克迦南 136
59.Joshua Gives Orders to the People 137
60.Joshua Sends Spies into Jericho 138
约书亚首次下令 138
向耶利哥城派遣侦探 140
61.The People of Israel Cross the Jordan 142
以色列人过约旦河 143
62. The Fall of Jericho 143
耶利哥城的覆没 146
63.The Capture and Destruction of Ai 147
取艾城而焚之 150
64.The Amorites Are Defeated 151
击败严摩利人 153
65.Joshua Gaptures the Feve Amorite Kings 154
五王被擒 155
士师记 156
66.The Birthe Of Samson 156
参孙诞生 159
67.Samson and the Girl from Timnah 160
参孙娶妻 163
68.Samson Defeats the Philistines 164
参孙击败非利士人 165
69.Samxon and Deliah 166
参孙和大利拉 168
70.The Death of Samson 169
参孙卒 170
RUTH 172
路得记 172
71.Elimelech and His Fanily Move to Moab 172
以利米勒携家人移居摩押 173
72.Naomi and Ruth Retutn to Bethiehem 173
拿俄米与路得回伯利恒 175
73.Ruth Works in the Field of Boaz 176
路得在波阿斯田拾穗 178
74.Ruth Finds a Husband 179
路得觅得丈夫 181
75.Boaz Marries Ruth 182
波阿斯娶路得为妻 183
76.Boaz and His Decendants 184
波阿斯的后代 184
SAMUEL(1) 186
撒母耳记上 186
77. Samuel's Birth and Dedication 186
撒母耳诞生并被献于耶和华 189
78.The LORD Appears to Samuel 190
撒母耳初得启示 192
79. The People Ask for a King 193
百姓要求立王 194
80.Saul Meets Samuel 195
扫罗遇撒母耳 197
亚哈做以色列王 198
81. Samuel Anoints Saul as Ruler 198
撒母耳膏扫罗 199
82.Ssul Is Acclaimed as King 199
扫罗被选为王 200
83. Saul Defeats the Ammonites 200
扫罗击败亚扪人 202
84.Saul's Reign 203
扫罗的战线 203
85.War against the Amalekites 203
对亚玛力人之战 204
86.Saul Is Rejected as King 208
大卫受膏为王 209
88.David in Saul's Court 210
大卫被召入营 211
89.Goliath Challenges the Israelites 211
歌利亚向以色列人挑战 212
90.David in Saul's Camp 213
大卫来到营内 215
91.David Defeats Goliath 216
大卫击败歌利亚 217
92.Saul Becomes Jealous of David 218
93.Daved Is Persecuted by Saul 219
扫罗妒忌大卫 219
扫罗迫害大卫 221
94.David Flees from Saul 222
大卫逃离扫罗 223
95.David in the Hill-Country 223
大卫避居西弗旷野 223
96. David Spares Saul's Life 224
大卫放扫罗 226
扫罗及其三子阵亡 227
97. The Death of Saul and His Sons 227
撒母耳记下 229
98.David Learns of Saul's Death 229
SAMUEL(2) 229
大卫闻扫罗之噩耗 230
99.David Is Made King of Judah 231
大卫做犹大王 232
100.Ish bosheth Is Made King of Israel 232
伊施波设做以色列王 232
101. War bet ween Israel and Judah 233
以色列人与犹大人的冲突 233
102. David Becomes King of Iserael and Judah 234
大卫做犹大及以色列王 235
103.The Covenant Box Is Brought to Jerusalem 235
104. David's Military Victories 237
约柜运往耶路撒冷 237
大卫的战线 239
105.David and Bathsheba 240
大卫与拔示巴 242
106.Nathan's Message and David's Repen tance 243
拿 单传话令大卫悔语 244
107.David's Son Dies 245
大卫子卒 246
108. Solomon IsBorn 247
所罗门诞生 247
109.Amnon and Tarnar 247
暗嫩与他玛 249
110.Absalom's Revenge 250
押沙龙复仇 252
112.Absalon Plans Rebellion 254
113.David Flees from Jerusalem 255
押沙龙谋反 255
大卫逃离耶路撒冷 257
114.Absalom in Jerusalem 257
押沙龙在耶路撒冷 258
115. Hushai Misleads Absalom 259
户筛破计 260
116. Daved Is Warned and Escapes 261
大卫得信渡河逃走 262
117.A bsalom Is Defeated and Killed 262
押沙龙兵败惨死 264
118.David I Told of Absalom's Death 265
大卫闻信恸哭 266
列王记上 268
119.King David in His Old Age 268
DINGS (1) 268
大卫年迈 269
120. Adonijah Claims the Throne 269
亚多尼雅谋窃王位 270
121.Solomon Is Made king 270
立所罗门为王 273
122.David's Last Instions to Solomon 275
大卫的遗嘱 276
123.The Death of David 276
大卫寿终 277
124.The Death of Adonijah 277
亚多尼雅被杀 278
125. Abiathar's Banishment and Joab's Death 279
亚比亚他遭流放与约押被杀 280
126.The Death of Shimei 280
示每被杀 281
127. Sollmon Prays for Wisdom 282
128.Solomon Judges a Difficult Case 284
所罗门断案如神 285
129.Solomon's Prosperous Reign 286
130. Solomon Builds The Temple 287
所罗门之富强 287
建造圣殿 289
131. The Visit of the Queen of Sheba 289
示巴女王来访 290
132.Solomon Turns Away from God 291
所罗门敬拜别神 292
133.Solomon's Enemies 293
所罗门的敌人 293
135.T he Northern Tribes Revolt 294
134.The Death of Solomon 294
所罗门卒 294
北方各支派反叛 296
136. King Ahab of Israel 297
137.Eiljah and the Drought 298
以利亚预言旱荒 299
138.Elijah and thd Widow Jin Zarephath 299
以利亚与撒勒法的寡妇 300
139.Naboth's Vineyard 301
拿伯的葡萄园 303
DINGS (2) 306
列王记下 306
140. Elijah IsTaken Up to Heaven 306
以处亚升天 308
141.Miracles of Elisha 309
以利沙行奇事 310
142.Elisha and the Rich Woman from Shunem 310
以利沙与书念的富家女子 313
143. Two More Miracles 314
144.Jehu Is Anointed King of Israel 315
两件奇事 315
膏耶户为以色列王 316
145.King Joram of Israel Is Killed 317
射杀以色列王约兰 318
146. King Ahaziah of Judah Is Killed 319
击杀犹大王业哈谢 319
147.Queen Jezebel Is Killed 320
掷杀王后耶洗别 320
149. Joash Comes to the Throne 321
亚他利雅垂帘听政 321
148. Queen Athaliah of Judah 321
约阿施登基 323
150.Jehoiadda's Reforms 323
耶何耶在推行改革 324
151.King Hoshea of Irael 324
何细亚做以色列王 325
153.King Josiah of Judah 327
约西亚做犹大王 327
154.The Bood of the Law IsDiscovered 327
复得律书 328
宣约书于民 329
115.The Covenant Is Read to the People 329
156.The Fall of Jerusalem 330
耶路撒冷失陷 330
157. The Destruction of the Temple 331
圣殿被掠 332
158.The People of Judah Are Taken to Babylonia 332
犹大人被掳往巴比伦 333
159.Gedaliah, Governor of Judah 333
立基大利做省长 334
160. Jehoiachin Is Released from Prison 334
约雅斤蒙厚待 334
161. Satan Tests Job 336
JOB 336
约伯记 336
撒旦试探约伯 338
162.Job's Children and Wealth Are Destroyed 338
约伯痛失财富和儿女 339
163.Satan Tests Job Again 340
撒旦再次试探约伯 341
164. Job's Friends Come 342
三友前来慰问 342
165.The LORD Answers Job 343
耶和华的回答 344