《中国人的智慧 我的心事 寓言五十篇之现代解读 英汉对照》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:马德五编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海世界图书出版公司
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7506258889
  • 页数:188 页

猴子与大象The Monkey and the Elephant 1

树叶后面的陷阱Traps behind the Leaves 2

鹬与蚌The Snipe and the Clam 3

老虎与猫The Tiger and the Cat 4

鹰与驴The Eagle and the Donkey 5

驴与虎The Donkey and the Tiger 6

过分自信的螳螂The Overconfident Mantis 7

农夫与牛The Farmer and the Ox 8

狮子与松鼠The Lion and the Squirrel 9

放风筝Kite Flying37 10

鳄鱼与猴子The Crocodile and the Monkey 11

狐假虎威A Fox Assuming Tiger s Power 12

和尚与狼The Monk and the Wolf 13

猫与老鼠The Cat and the Mouse 14

马与鹿The House and the Deer 15

猪的故事The Story of Pigs 16

兔与狗The Rabbit and Dogs 17

一只老虎和他的故事A Tiger and His Story 18

一只邪恶的豹A Wicked Leopard74 19

又一次龟兔赛跑Another Race Between Tortoise and Hare 20

两只鸟Two Birds 21

老鼠选女婿A Mouse Chooses Son-in-law 22

三条鱼Three Fishes 23

愚公移山MrFool Wants to Move the Mountain 24

穷鬼The Ghost of Poverty 25

如何消除愤恨How to Counteract Resentment 26

不要等待兔子Don t Wait for the Rabbit 27

自信与谦卑Self-confidence and Humility 29

实践诺言Keeping a Promise 30

领袖必须有开放 LeadersMust Be Open 31

的胸襟 32

孪生女神Twin Goddesses 32

一个成功的秘诀A Secret of Success 33

你是将军还是士兵?Are You a General or a Soldier? 34

蛇无足A Snake Has No Feet 35

勿忘你是谁Don t Forget Who You Are 36

一个中国小孩计A Chinese Boy Figured out 37

算出大象的重量an Elephant s weight 38

无价之宝Priceless Treasure 38

老虎颈上的铃 The Bell on the Tiger s Neck 39

猴子与橡实Monkeys and Acorns 40

一个中国男子有A Chinese Man Had Two wives 41

两个妻子 42

另一个伊索寓言故事Another Aesop s Fable 42

良驹The Finest Steed 43

信心Confidence 44

如何保持你的吃How to Keep Your 45

鱼嗜好Appetite for Fish 46

播种Growing the Seeds 46

良机不再Opportunity May Not Come Back Again 47

有时我们还得出钱We Sometimes Cross solid Lines 48

长寿的原因Causes of Longevity 49

一条狗名叫“时间” A Dog Named“Time” 50