Table of equivalents 1
Part Ⅰ:Early poetry 3
Homer 3
Hesiod 9
Archilochus 21
Tyrtaeus 23
Solon 25
Theognis 31
Hymn to Hephaestus 35
Simonides 36
Xenophanes 38
Pindar 40
Part Ⅱ:Tragedy 43
Aeschylus 43
Sophocles 50
Euripides 60
Other tragic fragments 73
Part Ⅲ:History and folklore 77
Herodotus 77
Thucydides 86
The Old Oligarch 133
Aesop 145
Part Ⅳ:Philosophy and science 151
Heraclitus 151
Democritus 156
Medical writers from the Hippocratic corpus 164
Antisthenes 167
Part V:Sophists 173
Protagoras 173
Gorgias 190
Prodicus 210
Hippias 215
Antiphon 218
Thrasymachus 254
Evenus 257
Critias 259
Lycophron 275
Alcidamas 276
Anonymus Iamblichi 290
Dissoi Logoi 296
From unknown authors 309
Index 313