目录 1
序 1
Heat Transfer to Air Flowing through Packed Tubes(1951) 1
the Present Status of Energy Use in China and Its Development Perspectives(1981) 17
Invesitgation on Supercritical Gas Extraction of Chinese Coal and Oil Shale(1982) 25
煤及油页岩利用的新技术在我国发展的前景(1982) 34
中国能源形势评估(1985) 48
积极发展新能源(1989) 56
以电力为中心论我国的能源发展战略(1990) 60
The Prospective Future of Renewable Energy in China(1993) 67
Simultaneous Production of Hydrogen and Oxidation of Pyrite Slurries(1992) 77
油页岩颗粒燃烧释放二氧化硫的非催化气-固反应通用模型(1995) 84
我国新形势下的能源问题——现状分析与对策建议(1986) 94
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