
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:千艺主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7810585959
  • 页数:334 页

1 真理——真理是指路明灯 1

Truth—truth is the beacon light 1

真理是人生的向导与光辉 1

Truth is life s guide and brilliance 1

社会生活在本质上是实践的 3

Social life is,in essence,practice 3

人的天职在勇于探索真理 5

The duty of mankind is to be brave to explore truth 5

真理之所以为真理,只是因为它是和谬误以及虚伪对立的 11

Truth is truth only because it is opposite to falsehood and hypocrisy 11

Let s dedicate our life to the truth 14

为真理不惜生命 14

2 科学——是社会发展的标志 18

Science—the symbol of social development 18

科学是不分国界的,是人类的共同财富 18

Science has no country boundaries,and it is the common wealth ofhuman beings 18

没有大胆的猜测就作不出伟大的发现 21

No brave hypotheses,no great discoveries 21

科学需要付出艰巨的劳动 24

Science needs us to put in arduous efforts 24

科学失去道德标准,科学也就变成伪科学 28

Without the moral criterions,science will become pseudoscience 28

Patriotism is the highest of all 31

爱祖国高于一切 31

Homeland—to stride for the homeland isour holy responsibility 31

3 祖国——为祖国的前途而奋斗,是我们的神圣职责 31

爱国是文明人的首要美德 34

Patriotism is civilized people s first virtue 34

我以我血荐轩辕 36

Shall I not succeed,I will bring an end to my life 36

鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 40

Let s bend our back to the task until our dying day 40

你能为你的祖国做什么 43

What can you do for your country 43

Man should haveideals 47

人,要有理想 47

Ideal—ideal is motivity 47

4 理想——理想就是动力 47

目标越高,志向就愈可贵 50

The higher your goal is,the more valuable your ambition will be 50

有信念的人经得起任何风暴 54

People with faith withstand any storm 54

5 人生——平凡的人生,火热的人生 57

Life—ordinary life,fiery life 57

求得人生之光明 57

Seeking the brightness of life 57

苦难是人生的老师 64

Tribulation is the teacher of life 64

Life is advancement 68

人生就是进击 68

Living—real living is living of soul and mind 75

生活中缺乏明确的世界观,生活就成了一种负担 75

Lacking an obvious worldview,life would become a burden 75

6 生活——真正的生活是思想和心灵的生活 75

奋斗就是生活 77

Life is struggle 77

美是生活 81

Life is beautiful 81

生活就是爱 83

Life is to love 83

Life is a symphony 86

生活是一阙交响乐 86

7 事业——人生在世,事业为重 89

Career—we should put career in the firstplace in life 89

事业无穷年 89

Career has no end 89

伟大的事业要有始终不渝的精神 93

A great career needs unswerving spirit 93

安于其业,专于其业 98

Be content with and specialize in your career 98

凡事欲其成功,必要付出代价——奋斗 103

To be successful,one must pay a price—struggle 103

8 奋斗——只有奋斗才是我们民族的希望和光明所在 103

Struggle—only struggle is the hope for ourpeople 103

世上无难事,只怕有心人 107

Nothing in the world is difficult,if you put your heart into it 107

科学上没有平坦的大道,真理长河中有无数礁石险滩 110

There is no smooth road to science,whereas there are numerousreefs and dangerous shoals in the river of truth 110

9 知识——知识是引导人们到光明和真实境界的灯烛 117

Knowledge—knowledge is the candle thatleads people to the bright and real world 117

知识本身就是财富 117

Knowledge itself is wealth 117

人的知识越多,就越有价值 121

The more knowledge we have,the more valuable we are 121

The best motif life is nothing but learning 124

人生最美好的主旨,无过于学习了 124

无知是罪过 128

Ignorance is asin 128

10 书籍——一本好书,就是一个好社会 132

Books—a good book is a good society 132

书籍——当代真正的大学 132

Books—the real university of the time 132

阅读,是一项高尚的心智锻炼 137

Reading is a gracious exercise of the mind 137

读活书、活读书、读书活 142

Read live books,read books flexibly and live on reading 142

Money is valuable,life is more valuable,and time is the mostvaluable 147

金钱宝贵、生命更宝贵、时间最宝贵 147

Time—time is everything 147

11 时间——时间就是一切 147

时间就是速度 151

Timeis speed 151

只有今天才真正属于你 153

Only today belongs to you really 153

浪费时间叫虚度 155

To waste time is to idle away one s life 155

12 人才——尊重知识、尊重人才 159

Talents—respect knowledge and talents 159

江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年 159

Our country has talents in every generation.and each sains popularityfor centuries 159

Cherish talents,Talents are invaluable 161

珍视人才,人才难得啊 161

天才就是勤奋 164

Genius is diligence 164

13 美德——社会的进步就是人类对美的追求的结晶 168

Virtue—social progress is the outcome ofpeople s pursuit of beauty 168

美德是世间最美好、最有价值的财富 168

Virtue is the best and most valuable treasure in the world 168

对于一个美好的世界来说,公民道德和个人道德同样重要 175

Public morality and personal morality are both important to abeautiful world 175

培养美德就意味着抛弃罪恶 180

Breeding virtue means deserting evil 180

Virtue makes progress in hardships 184

美德在千辛万苦中前进 184

德行的实现是由行为,不是由文字 188

The realization of virtue is by actions not by words 188

14 处世——人类在相互的交往中寻求安慰、价值和保护 193

Social living—human beings seek for comfort,value and protection in association 193

交际是人生的幸福 193

Association is the happiness of life 193

彬彬有礼是对别人情感表示关心的一种方式 195

Being polite is one way to show corcern to others feelings 195

人如能容忍,这世界也许更适合于生活 197

If people can tolerate,the world will be more suitable to live in 197

Be careful to praise,and be more careful to criticize 200

赞扬他人要谨慎,批评他人要更谨慎 200

人与人之间的最大信任是精诚相见 204

The biggest trust between people is to face each other sincerelyand honestly 204

15 友谊——友谊就是人生最大的快乐 208

Friendship—friendship is the greatestpleasure in life 208

人类的最正当最伟大最普通的关系是朋友关系 208

The most reasonable,most common and greatest relationship forhuman beings is friendship 208

人生得一知己足矣 210

It is enough to have ote intimate friend in one s life 210

友谊是心上绽开的花朵 214

Friendship is a flower that blooms in the hean 214

It is easy to make friends when you are rich,but a friend in needis a friend indeed 218

富贵交友易,患难显真情 218

Cautions should be paid in making friends 221

择友要慎重 221

坦白、直爽最能得人心 224

Frankness and straightforwardness gains popularity quickly 224

16 青春——青年者,人生之王、人生之春、人生之华也 230

Youth—youth is the king of life,the springof life and the essence in life 230

青春是生命之花 230

Youth is the flower of life 230

青春似生命的春天 232

Youth is the spring of life 232

Youth is the golden time of life 234

青春,人生最宝贵之时期也 234

青年是我们的未来,是我们的希望 238

The youth are our future and our hope 238

17 爱情——爱情,崇高的情感 242

Love——love,a lofty emotion 242

爱情是一本永恒的书 242

Love is an eternal book 242

爱情是人类高尚气度之美的花朵 246

Love is the flower of people s noble beatings 246

生命诚可贵,爱情价更高 249

Life is valuable certainly,but love values more 249

Pursuing beauty without blaspheming it is reasonable love 253

追求美而不亵渎美,这种爱是正当的 253

18 幸福——卓尔不群、洁身自好、知足常乐,这三者意味着真正的幸福 257

Happiness—standing out among ordinary people,preserving one s purity and berg content in lifeare the three factors to the real happiness 257

幸福是一颗歌唱的心的和声 257

Happiness is the harmony of a singing heart 257

幸福就是人格高尚 259

Happiness is the noble personality 259

人生的幸福,是人生自身出力造成的 264

Happiness of life is created through personal efforts 264

幸福即是灵魂合于德性的现实活动 269

Happiness is the practice of combining the sole with morality 269

Satisfaction is happiness;content is happiness 270

如愿便是幸福,满足便是幸福 270

19 健康——健康本身是欢乐和满足的源泉 273

Health—health itself is the source ofhappiness and content 273

身体健康应看作是社会的宝贵财富 273

Health should be regarded as the treasure of society 273

健康就是金子一样的东西 275

Health is something like gold 275

生命在于运动 279

Sport is the key of life 279

生活有规律,精神要愉快 283

Life should be regular and the heart shall be happy 283

20 人名录Name List 288