譬喻师与佛典中譬喻的运用&王邦维 1
When Are Miracles Okay? The Story of Pindola and the Kevaddha Sutta Revisited&John S.Strong 13
Did the Buddhists Believe Their Narratives? Desultory Remarks on the Very Idea of Buddhist Mythology&Peter Skilling 45
New Bodhisattvas and Tathagatas&Charles Willemen 77
《造像功德经》所体现的佛教神话模式&段晴 83
回鹘佛教对印度英雄史诗《罗摩衍那》的借用&杨富学 103
On the Edge of Myth and History: Za hor, its Place in the History of Early Indian Buddhist Tantra, and Dalai Lama V and the Genealogy of its Royal Family&范德康Leonard W.J.van der Kuijp 114
佛陀波利→当巴桑杰←菩提达摩&萨尔吉 165
佛教文学和艺术中的九色鹿传说&刘震 177
义净译经中的印度神名翻译——文化认知与词语选择&陈明 193
汉译佛传经典中的梦兆研究——以入胎梦为例&梁丽玲 216
再论一角仙人与月明和尚&范慕尤 231
创建华严谱系:有关华严经的神奇故事&郝清新( Imre Hamar) 238
Fact and Fiction: The Creation of the “Third Chan Patriarch” and His Legends&Jinhua Chen(陈金华) 249
Composite Compositions: Chinese Buddhist Mythology and its Asian Connections&James Robson 300
玄奘与深沙大神——特别关注其图像中的密教元素&李翎 317
老子传记之佛经故事举隅——以《混元圣纪》为中心&李小荣 327
巡弋失乐园:云南白族的转轮王观音&李玉珍 340
日本僧传中的超自然幻象——《本朝神仙传》研究&王晓平 357