
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)黛安娜·M.考夫曼(Diane M. Coffman)编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7301064462
  • 页数:269 页

Part Ⅰ Essential Techniques of Exposition Writing(英文写作的基本技法) 1

1.Recognize the Importance of Style and Word Choice(文体与遣词) 1

Eloquent versus Practical Style 3

Frugal Use of Words 5

2.Remember Rules for Good Sentences and Paragraphs(句段写作) 8

Characteristics of Good Sentences 8

Characteristics of Good Paragraphs 13

3.Use Transition Words and Phrases(转换与连接) 18

To Provide Meaning 18

To Link Information 22

4.Understand the"Building Blocks"Writing Types (写作模式) 25

Definition 26

Description 28

Illustration 30

Narration 32

Persuasion/Argumentation 35

5.Use Critical Thinking in Reading and Writing (批评性思维的运用) 39

Intellectual Standards of Reasoning 40

Develop a System of Inquiry 45

6.Have a Strong Thesis Statement(主题句写作) 49

Steps to Writing a Strong Thesis Statement 50

The Thesis Statement Sets Limits on the Topic 50

The Thesis Statement Indicates the Organization 51

7.Select the Intemal Structure of the Essay (内在结构的选择) 52

Compare and Contrast 53

Cause and Effect 56

Division and Classification 59

Point by Point 62

Subject by Subject 63

8.Follow the Steps of the Writing Process(写作的步骤) 64

Points to Ponder Before Writing 64

Seven-step Process 65

Exposition Writing Format 66

Proofreading 68

Common Writing Errors 68

Critique Your Work 76

9.Follow Rules for Document Structure(规范结构的原则) 80

Notes(第一部分参考书目) 82

Part Ⅱ Essential Components of Exposition Writing(英语文章的基本要素) 84

1.A Meaningful Title(有意义的标题) 84

2.Document Structure(规范的结构) 86

The Three-Paragraph Rule 86

The Five-Paragraph Rule 86

3.A Focused Introduction Section(如何开头) 87

4.A Thorough Development Section(如何展开) 90

5.A Summarizing Conclusion Section(如何结尾) 93

6.A References List(引文格式) 97

Citing References 98

Types of References 100

Notes(第二部分参考书目) 102

Part Ⅲ Writing Examples(写作范例) 103

1.Thoughts on Self(自我篇) 103

2.Thoughts on Life(生活篇) 124

3.Thoughts on College Life(大学篇) 145

4.Thoughts on Love and Relationships(人际关系篇) 163

5.Thoughts on Home and Family(家庭篇) 179

6.Thoughts on China(中国篇) 206

Index by Title,Writing Types and Structures (写作范文索引) 263

References(参考书目) 268