
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(英)艾奇逊(Airchison J.)著;陈国华导读
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社;剑桥大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:7560085296
  • 页数:291 页

Part 1 Puzzles 3

1 A natural curiosity:How did language begin? 3

2 A peculiar habit: What is language for? 16

3 The bother at Babel: Why do languages differ so much? 26

4 Distinct duties:Is language an independent skill? 38

Part 2 Origin 49

5 The family tree:The evolutionary background 49

6 A devious mind: The basic requirements 65

7 Broken air: Inherited ingredients 77

8 Small beginnings: First steps 93

Part 3 Evolution 107

9 The second word: The emergence of rules 107

10 The tower of speech: Expansion 123

11 Time travelling: Extra attachments 135

12 Rebuilding on the high seas: Keeping going 148

Part 4 Diffusion 161

13 The widening circle:Moving outwards 161

14 The hidden core:The hunt for universals 175

15 The real magician:Ruling the rules 187

16 Unweaving the rainbow: Separating the strands 201

17 The endless stair: Past and future 212

Symbols used in the text 222

Notes and suggestions for further reading 223

References 245

Index 269

文库索引 283