
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:谭佐全编著
  • 出 版 社:广州:广东科技出版社
  • 出版年份:1992
  • ISBN:7535910106
  • 页数:225 页

Body(正文) 1

A1. accident,incident,event 1

A2. across,cross,through,over,above 1

A3. add…to,add up,add up to 2

A4. agree with,agree to,agree on,agree that 3

A5. ago,before,in,after 3

A6. aim,object,purpose,goal,target 4

A7. allow,permit,admit,let 4

A8. almost,nearly 5

A9. alone,lonely 5

A10. also,too,either,as well 6

A11. announce,declare 7

A12. another,other,the other,others,the others 7

A13. answer,reply,respond 8

A14. anxious,eager 9

A15. arms,weapon,force 9

A16. as,like 10

A17. ask,beg,claim,demand,inquire(enquire),require 11

A18. asleep,sleepy,sleep,go to seep,go to bed 12

A19. attend,join,join in,take part in 12

A20. away,off 13

B1. batlle,fight,struggle,war 13

B3. beautiful,pretty,fair,nice,handsome, lovely 14

B2. be afraid of(sth,/doing sth,),be afraid to(do,sth.) 14

B4. becaues,because of,sine,as,for,due to,now that,seeing(that) 15

B5. become,get,turn,grow,change,go,come,run,fall 16

B6. befroe long,long before 17

B7. begin,start,set about,set out 17

B8. believe,believe in,trust,trust in 18

B9. below,beneath,under 18

B10. beside,besides,except,except for,but 19

B11. beside,near,close,nearby,by,on 19

B12. big,great,huge,large,grand,vast,giant 20

B13. a bit,a little,a few 20

B15. build,found,set up,put up 21

B14. broad,wide,board,aboard,abroad 21

A16. by,with,in 22

C1. cabin,cottage,shed 23

C2.can,be able to,becapable of 23

C3.catch,snatch,seize,capture,grasp 24

C4.care,care for,care about,mind,like,show concern for 24

C5.carse,reason 25

C6.certain,sure 25

C7.change,opprtunity 26

C8.check,examine,inspect 26

C9.choose,select,elect,pick(out) 27

C10.clean,clear,tidy,neat,obvious,plain 27

C11.cloth,clothes,clothing,dress,suit,coat,uniform 28

C13.college,univerisity,institute,academy 29

C12.collect,gather,together,altogether all together 29

C14.common,ordinary,usral,general,prbilc,regular 30

C15.competition,match,race,contest 30

C16.complete,finish,end,accomplish 31

C17.composition,article,essay,passage 31

C18.conquer,overcome 32

C19.consist of,contain,hold,include 33

C20.continue,go on 33

C21.continuous,constant,continual 34

C22.country,nation,state 34

C24.cover,wrap,pack 35

C23.couple,pair, 35

C25.crop,harvest,get in 36

C26.cry,shout,call,scream 36

C27.cry,weep,sob 37

C28.cup,glass,mug 37

C29.cure,treat 38

D1.dangerous,in danger 38

D2.dark,dim,blace 39

D3.decide,decide on,determine 39

D4.defeat,beat,win 40

D5.deep,deeply 40

D6.defend,guard,protect 41

D7.die of,die from,die by,die with,die for 41

D9.difficult,hard 42

D8.different,various,aeveral 42

D10.discolee,expose 43

D11.discover,unoover,invent,find,find out,look for 43

D12.do,make 44

D13.draw,drag,pull,attract 44

E1.each,every 45

E2.emotion,feeling,sense 45

E3.example,instance 46

E4.excuse,forgive,pardon 46

E5.expensive,dear 47

E6.experiment,experience,test 47

F2.fairly,rather 48

F4.far,distant 49

F3.famous,well-known 49

F5.farther,further 50

F6.fear,be afraid of,frighten 50

F7.finally,at last,in the end,at the end,by the end 51

F8.final,last 51

F9.fit,proper,suit 52

F10.flee,escape,run away 52

F11.free,set free,liberate,release 53

F12.foolish,stupid,silly 53

F13.force,oblige 54

G1.get,gain,obtain,acquire 54

G2.gift,present 55

G3.give off,give out,send cut 55

G5.grasp,master 56

G4.go on,go on with sth,go on doing(sth),go on to do (sth.) 56

G6.grass,weed,meadow,herb 57

H1.happen,take,place 57

H2.happy,glad,merry,gay,cheerful 58

H3.have,hold,possess,own 58

H4.healthy,well 59

H5.hear,hear of,hear,about,listen,hear from 59

H6.heavy,weighty 60

H7.high,tall,highly 60

H9.hope,wish,want,expect 61

H8.hold back,hold up,prevent(from)protect 61

H10.hot,warm,heat,fever 62

H11.house,home,family 62

H12.human being,human race,man creature,mankind 63

I1.in time,on time,in time of 63

I2.insist on,stice to,persist in 64

I3.instead,instead of,in place of 65

J1.join,combine,unite,connect,link 65

K1.key,answer 66

K2.kind,sort,type 67

L1.land,earth,guound,aoil 67

L2.lead,guide,eirect,conduct 68

L4.lift,raise,rise 69

L3.learn,study 69

L5.like,enjoy,love,think of 70

L6.load,burden 71

L7.look(at),see,watch,view 71

L8.look for,find,find out,search,search for 72

L9.lose,miss,losing,missing 72

L10.loud,aloud,loudly 73

M1.matter,thing,businsee,material,substance,stuff 73

M2.mercy,pity,sympathy 74

M3.miserable,sad,wretched 75

M4.mistake,mistaken,wrong,fault 76

M5.many,much,a lot of(lots of),plenty of,many a 76

N1.no longer,on more 77

M6.means,way,method 77

N2.nobody,on one,none 78

O1.officer,official 78

O2.older,elder 79

O3.once,ever,even 79

O4.one(ones),that(those),it,so 80

O5.order,command 81

O6.on,about 81

P1.pain,ache 82

P2.please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 82

P3.power,force,strength,energy 83

P5.prepare,prepare for 84

P7.probable,possible,likly,probably,poesibly 84

P4.practice,exercise,drill,practise 84

P6.price,cost,value,worth,worthy 85

P8.prodrce,product,production 87

P9.put,place,lay,set 87

Q1.quick,fast,rapid,swift 88

Q2.quiet,still,calm,silent,quite 89

R1.rare,scarce 89

R2.receive,accept 90

R3.remain,stay 91

R4.repair,mend,patch,fix 91

R5.result,effect 92

R6.right,correct,accurate,exact 92

R7.river,wtream,brook 93

S1.scene,sight,view 94

S2.separate,divide 94

S3.shop,store 95

S4.sick,ill 95

S5.small,little,tiny 96

S6.smile,laugh,sneer 96

S7.some,time,wometime,sometimes 97

S8.sound,voice,noise 97

S9.speak,say,tell,talk 98

S10.specirl,especial,particular 99

S11.speech,address,lecture,talk 100

S12.oport,game,play 100

S14.street,road,way,path 101

S13.spread,stretch,extend 101

S15.strike,hit,heat 102

S16.suggest,propose 102

S17.suggestion,proposal,advice,opinion,view 103

S18.wurprised,astonished,shocked 103

T1.take,bring,carry,fetch 104

T2.take one s place,take the place of take place 104

T3.test,examinatio,quiz 105

T4.that,what 106

T5.too much,much too,too many 106

T6.topic,title 107

T7.travel,trip,tour,journey,voyage 107

T8.tremble,shake 108

T10.try,attempt 109

T9.true,real 109

T11.til,until 110

U1.use,used to, be used(to) 110

V1.victory,triumph 111

V2.visit,call,call at,call for,call on,drop in 111

W1.wet,damp 112

W3.when,while,as 114

W4.work,job,labour,task 114

W5.whole,all 115

W6.worm,pest,insect,bug 116

W7.wound,injure,hurt,damage,harm 116

Index(索引) 199

Reference Books(参考书目) 224