1.Registration(挂号) 1
2.Department of Internal Medicne(内科) 7
3.Department of Surgery(外科) 16
4.Department of Dentistry(牙科) 23
5.Department of Obstetrlcs and Gynecology(妇科) 30
6.Department of Ophthamolgy(眼科) 35
7.Tradjtional Chlnese Medjclne(中医) 41
8.Medicine and Hospitalization(用药与住院) 60
9.Introduction(介绍病房) 70
11.ObServation,Treatment and Mediation(观察、治疗与给药) 83
12.BackGROUND infor mation TGathering(搜集患者的背景材料) 95
13.Before and After Surgery(手术前后) 103
14.CrmcalPatlents and Sympathy(病重与慰问) 109
15.Instrction(出院指导) 114