《中国赤潮研究 SCOR-IOC赤潮工作组中国委员会第二次会议论文选》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:朱明远等主编
  • 出 版 社:青岛:青岛出版社
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:7543615096
  • 页数:121 页

赤潮研究中的生态学问题 朱明远 李瑞香 1

The Ecological Studies in Red Tide Research Zhu Mingyuan Li Ruixiang 5

中国东南沿海赤潮的生理生态学研究 齐雨藻 钱锋 郑磊 6

Physiol-ecological Research on Harmful Algal Blooms along the Coasts of South-east China Seas Qi Yuzao Qian Feng Zheng Lei 15

Problems and Opportunities in Coastal Ocean Research Wiliam Y.B Chang 16

Problems and Opportunities in Coastal Ocean Research William Y.B Chang 16

大鹏湾的赤潮生物Ⅰ 周近明 林永生 邱德全 21

Study on the Red Tide Organisms in Dapeng Bay Ⅰ Zhou Jinming Lin Yongshui Qiu Dequan 28

来历山大藻(Alex and rium)分类研究进展 林元烧 31

On the Progress in the Taxonmic Studies for Alexandrium Lin Yuanshao 35

胶州湾的有毒甲藻——塔马亚历山大藻和链状亚历山大藻 李瑞香 夏滨 36

Two Toxic Dinoflagellates in Jiaozhou Bay——Alexandrium tamarense and Alexandrium catenella Li Ruixiang Xia Bin 41

胶州湾赤潮生物——红色中缢虫的初步调查 李崇德 李钦亮 42

Preliminary Investigation on Red Tide Organism——Mesodinium rubrumin Jiaozhou Bay Li Chongde Li Qinliang 47

小等刺硅鞭藻赤潮的成因 林永水 邱德全 周近明 48

The Effect Factors to the Red Tide of Dictyocha fibula Lin Yongshui Qiu Dequan Zhou Jingming 53

青岛近海夜光虫自然生态的初步研究 刘光兴 钱树本 陈国蔚等 54

Preliminary Study on Ecology of Noctiluca scintillans in Coastal waters of Qingdao Liu Guangxing Qian Shuben Chen Guowei et al. 59

虾池水环境及赤潮监测 朱明远 李瑞香 60

The Monitoring of Water Environment and Red Tide in Prawn Ponds Zhu Mingyuan Li Ruixing 68

东小磨虾池及其沿岸浮游植物群落研究 矫晓阳 69

Study of Phytoplankton Communities in the Prawn Ponds and Coastal Waters of Dongxiaomo,Liaoning Province Jiao Xiaoyang 77

南麂列岛附近海域浮游植物与赤潮生物的初步研究 陆斗定 张志道 78

Studies on Phytoplankton and Red Tide Organisms in Nanji Archipalego Water,East China Sea Lu Douding Zhang Zhidao 83

氮营养盐田养殖水域春季浮游植物增殖速率的影响 邱德全 林永水 周近明等 84

The Effects of Nitrogen On Phytoplankton Reproduction Rates in Spring in the Aquacuture Waters of Yantian, Guangdong Qiu Dequan Lin Yongshui Zhou Jinming et al. 89

盐田水域赤潮的理化环境和浮游植物生态变化特征 黄西能 90

The Change of Ecological Characteristics of Phytoplankton and Physical and Chemical Environment Before and During Red Tide in Coastal Water Near Yantian Huang Xineng 98

马銮湾养殖海域富营养化与赤潮关系研究 暨卫东 99

Study on the Relationship Between Eutrophication and Red Tide in Maluan Bay, and Aquaculture Sea Area Ji Weidong 107

养殖污水对厦门西港富营养化/赤潮诱发效应Ⅱ.生命要素内循环动力学过程研究 陈慈美 张彩云 吴瑜端 108

Induced Effect of Aquatic Culture Sewage Water on the Eutrophication/Red Tide in Xiamen Harbour Ⅱ. Research of Dynamic Process on the Internal Cycling of Biogenic Elements Chen Cimen Zhang Caiyun Wu Yuduan 115

气象因子对赤潮生消的作用 徐家声 白瑜生 张士魁等 116

Fuction of Meteorological Factors on Occurrence and Disappearnce of the Red Tide Xu Jiasheng Bei Yusheng Zhang Shikui et al. 121