
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李华田,于弋,马文丽编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:测绘出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7503011475
  • 页数:225 页

第一章 理论篇 1

一、大纲要求 1

二、六级写作出题规律与预测 2

三、六级写作评分原则及标准 4

四、六级写作应试技巧 12

1.如何遣词、造句、组段、谋篇? 12

1)遣词 12

2)造句——句子的种类与分析及如何避免句子结构错误 14

3)组段——段落的发展方法 20

4)谋篇 30

2.如何进行写作准备 30

1)审题 30

2)写提纲 31

3)写主题段 33

4)写正文 33

5)写结尾 34

1)记叙文 36

3.如何写四种常用文体的作文 36

2)描写文 40

3)说明文 42

4)议论文 43

4.如何应对八种常考题型的作文 46

1)段首句作文 46

2)提纲作文 48

3)关键词作文 50

4)情景作文 53

5)命题作文 54

6)看图作文 56

7)缩写和摘要写作 59

8)应用文 60

5.写作文的三大原则 62

1)思想的统一性 63

2)内容的连贯性 63

3)结构的完整性 63

Unit 1 Dictionary 65

一、段首句作文 65

第二章 实践篇 65

Unit 2 Books and Teenagers 66

Unit 3 Movies 67

Unit 4 Hobbies 69

Unit 5 The Advantages of Travelling by Bicycle 70

Unit 6 The Pleasure of Shopping 71

Unit 7 The Value of Time 72

Unit 8 On Idleness 74

Unit 9 Beauty 75

Unit 10 Honesty 76

Unit 11 Dormitory Life 78

Unit 12 Studying Abroad 79

Unit 13 Young People Should Have Ideals 81

Unit 14 Realistic Life or Romantic Life 82

Unit 15 Why People Work 83

Unit 16 Retirement 85

Unit 17 Old Men s Problem 86

Unit 18 Friendship 88

二、提纲式作文 88

Unit 19 Knowledge 89

Unit 20 Challenges 91

Unit 21 Aims in Life 92

Unit 22 Successful Language Learners 93

Unit 23 English Corners 95

Unit 24 Make the Most of Our School Days 96

Unit 25 How to Study in University 98

Unit 26 Relationship between Teacher and Students 99

Unit 27 Importance of Self-confidence for Young Scientists 100

Unit 28 Campus Romance 102

Unit 29 Modern Transportation 103

Unit 30 Modern Industry 105

Unit 31 The Importance of Agriculture 106

Unit 32 The Pollution Problem in the City 108

Unit 33 Keeping the City Clean 109

Unit 34 Fight against Crimes 110

Unit 35 Fight against Drugs 111

Unit 36 Fight against Privacy 113

Unit 37 “Little Emperor”in China 114

Unit 38 The Heavy Bags of School Children 116

Unit 39 Go on a Diet 117

Unit 40 Is Diploma Everything? 118

Unit 41 Should We Clone Human? 120

Unit 42 Euthanasia 121

Unit 43 Shopping on the Net 122

Unit 44 E-mail 124

Unit 45 Health 125

三、关键词作文 125

Unit 46 Thrift 126

Unit 47 Money 128

Unit 48 The Profits of Keeping a Diary in English 129

Unit 49 Computer Games and Teenagers 131

Unit 50 Make Our Cities Greener 132

Unit 51 Save Wild Animals 133

Unit 52 Live to Work or Work to Live 135

Unit 53 Different Social Customs between Americans and Chinese 137

四、情景作文 138

Unit 54 Should the Old Live with the Young? 138

Unit 55 Decoration at Home 140

Unit 56 Urbanization in China 141

Unit 57 Why I Chose to Attend College? 142

Unit 58 Generation Gap 144

Unit 59 Laid-off Workers Have to Face Reality 145

Unit 60 The Prospect of the 21st Century 146

Unit 61 How to Plug the Brain Drain 148

Unit 62 Noise Today,Music Tomorrow 149

Unit 63 The Depletion of Ozone Layer 151

Unit 64 Wishing Sunshine Spread over the Whole World 152

五、命题作文 154

Unit 65 My Niece 154

Unit 66 The Happiness of Reading Books 155

Unit 67 On Etiquette 156

Unit 68 Eating for a Healthy Life 157

Unit 69 What Is Health? 158

Unit 70 Careful and Careless 159

Unit 71 Wit and Humor 161

Unit 72 We Need Chinese Instructions for Our Products 162

六、看图作文 164

Unit 73 A Black Eye or Two 164

Unit 74 Persons in the Labor Force 165

Unit 75 Family Spending in Sancha Town 167

Unit 76 PC Market in 1997 168

Unit 77 Oil Production and Consumption in Various Regions of the World 170

Unit 78 The Total Amount of China s Import and Export 172

Unit 79 Water Shortage 173

Unit 80 Air Pollution and Cancer 175

七、应用文 176

Unit 81 A Letter of Applying for a Sales Position 176

Unit 82 A Letter of Applying for M.A.Degree 178

Unit 83 A Letter of Invitation 180

Unit 84 A Letter of Recommendation 182

Unit 85 A Letter of Reference 184

Unit 86 A Letter of Resignation 186

Unit 87 A Statement of Purpose 187

八、缩写与摘要 191

Unit 88 How New York Became America s Largest City 191

Unit 89 The“Generation Gap” 193

Unit 90 A Third Kind of Thinking 196

第三章 经典篇 198

Unit 1 My View on Fake Commodities(1998年1月试题) 198

Unit 2 Do“Lucky Numbers”Really Bring Good Luck?(1998年6月试题) 199

Unit 3 Don t Hesitate to Say“No”(1999年1月试题) 200

Unit 4 Reading Selectively or Extensively?(1999年6月试题) 202

Unit 5 How I Finance my College Education(2000年1月试题) 203

Unit 6 Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?(2000年6月试题) 204

Unit 7 How to Succeed in a Job Interview?(2001年1月试题) 206

Unit 8 A Letter to a Schoolmate(2001年6月试题) 207

Unit 9 A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus(2002年1月试题) 209

Unit 10 Student Use of Computers(2002年6月试题) 210

附录1 大学英语写作常用词汇词组 213

附录2 大学英语写作常用句型 216